
REISE.jl can be used within the Julia interpreter or through the Python scripts.


After the installation, the REISE package is registered and can be imported using import REISE to call REISE.run_scenario() or using REISE to call run_scenario().

Running a scenario requires the following inputs:

  • interval: the length of each simulation interval (hours).

  • n_interval: the number of simulation intervals.

  • start_index: the hour to start the simulation, representing the row of the time- series profiles in demand.csv, hydro.csv, solar.csv, and wind.csv. Note that unlike some other programming languages, Julia is 1-indexed, so the first index is 1.

  • inputfolder: the directory from which to load input files.

  • optimizer_factory: an argument that can be passed to JuMP.Model to create a new model instance with an attached solver. Be sure to pass the factory itself (e.g. GLPK.Optimizer) rather than an instance (e.g. GLPK.Optimizer()). See the JuMP.Model documentation for more information.

To illustrate, to run a scenario that starts at the 1st hour of the year, runs in 3 intervals of 24 hours each, using input data located in working directory (pwd()) and using the GLPK solver, call:

 import REISE
 import GLPK

  interval=24, n_interval=3, start_index=1, inputfolder=pwd(),

Optional arguments include:

  • outputfolder: a directory in which to store results files. The default is a subdirectory “output” within the input directory (created if it does not already exist).

  • threads: the number of threads to be used by the solver. The default is to let the solver decide.

  • solver_kwargs: a dictionary of String => value pairs to be passed to the solver.

Default settings for running using Gurobi can be accessed if Gurobi.jl has already been imported using the REISE.run_scenario_gurobi function:

 using REISE
 using Gurobi

  interval=24, n_interval=3, start_index=1, inputfolder=pwd(),

Optional arguments for REISE.run_scenario can still be passed as desired.


There are two main Python scripts included in pyreisejl:

  • pyreisejl/utility/

  • pyreisejl/utility/

The first of these scripts transforms more descriptive input parameters into the ones necessary for the Julia engine while also performing some additional input validation. The latter, which can be set to automatically occur after the simulation has completed, extracts key metrics from the resulting .mat files to .pkl files.

Running a simulation

A simulation can be run as follows:

pyreisejl/utility/ -s '2016-01-01' -e '2016-01-07' -int 24 -i '/PATH/TO/INPUT/DATA'

It will solve the DCOPF problem in our grid model by interval of 24h using hourly data located in /PATH/TO/INPUT/DATA from January 1st to January 7th 2016. Note that the start and end dates need to match dates contained in the input profiles (demand, hydro, solar, wind). By default Gurobi will be used as the solver and the output data (.mat files) will be saved in an output folder created in the given input directory.

The full list of arguments can be accessed via pyreisejl/utility/ --help:

usage: [-h] [-s START_DATE] [-e END_DATE] [-int INTERVAL] [-i INPUT_DIR] [-t THREADS] [-d] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-k]
               [--solver SOLVER] [-j JULIA_ENV]

Run REISE.jl simulation.

positional arguments:
  scenario_id           Scenario ID only if using PowerSimData.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s START_DATE, --start-date START_DATE
                        The start date for the simulation in format 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH',
                        'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM', or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.
  -e END_DATE, --end-date END_DATE
                        The end date for the simulation in format 'YYYY-MM-DD',
                        'YYYY-MM-DD HH', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM', or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.
                        If only the date is specified (without any hours), the entire
                        end-date will be included in the simulation.
  -int INTERVAL, --interval INTERVAL
                        The length of each interval in hours.
  -i INPUT_DIR, --input-dir INPUT_DIR
                        The directory containing the input data files. Required files
                        are 'grid.pkl', 'demand.csv', 'hydro.csv', 'solar.csv', and
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        The number of threads to run the simulation with. This is
                        optional and defaults to Auto.
  -d, --extract-data    If this flag is used, the data generated by the simulation
                        after the engine has finished running will be automatically
                        extracted into .pkl files, and the result.mat files will be
                        deleted. The extraction process can be memory intensive. This
                        is optional and defaults to False if the flag is omitted.
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory to store the extracted data. This is optional
                        and defaults to a folder in the input directory. This flag is
                        only used if the extract-data flag is set.
  -k, --keep-matlab     The result.mat files found in the execute directory will be
                        kept instead of deleted after extraction. This flag is only
                        used if the extract-data flag is set.
  --solver SOLVER       Specify the solver to run the optimization. Will default to
                        gurobi. Current solvers available are clp,glpk,gurobi.
  -j JULIA_ENV, --julia-env JULIA_ENV
                        The path to the julia environment within which to run
                        REISE.jl. This is optional and defaults to the default julia

Different solvers can be used (--solver).

There is another optional flag that specifies the number of threads to use for the simulation run in Gurobi (--threads). If the number of threads specified is higher than the number of logical processor count available, a warning will be generated but the simulation will still run.

Finally, you can use --extract-data to automatically extract the data after a simulation run without having to manually initiate it. Note that the extraction process can be memory intensive

Extracting Simulation Results

After the simulation has completed and if the --extract-data is set in the script, the extraction can be run using the same start and end dates as were used to run the simulation:

pyreisejl/utility/ -s '2016-01-01' -e '2016-01-07' -i '/PATH/TO/INPUT/DATA'

The full list of arguments can be accessed via pyreisejl/utility/ --help:

usage: [-h] [-s START_DATE] [-e END_DATE] [-i INPUT_DIR] [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-f FREQUENCY] [-k] scenario_id

Extract data from the results of the REISE.jl simulation.

positional arguments:
  scenario_id           Scenario ID only if using PowerSimData.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s START_DATE, --start-date START_DATE
                        The start date as provided to run the simulation. Supported
                        formats are 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM',
                        or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.
  -e END_DATE, --end-date END_DATE
                        The end date as provided to run the simulation. Supported
                        formats are 'YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM',
                        or 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'.
  -i INPUT_DIR, --input-dir INPUT_DIR
                        The directory containing the input data files. Required files
                        are 'grid.pkl', 'demand.csv', 'hydro.csv', 'solar.csv', and
  -o OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory to store the results. This is optional and
                        defaults to a folder in the input directory.
  -f FREQUENCY, --frequency FREQUENCY
                        The frequency of data points in the original profile csvs as a
                        Pandas frequency string. This is optional and defaults to an
  -k, --keep-matlab     If this flag is used, the result.mat files found in the execute
                        directory will be kept instead of deleted.

When manually running the extract_data process, the script assumes the frequency of the input profiles are hourly and will construct the timestamps for the resulting data accordingly. If a different frequency was used for the input data, it must be specified via --frequency. Also, other parameters can be invoked to handle output data.

When the script has finished running, the following .pkl files will be available:

  • PF.pkl (power flow)

  • PG.pkl (power generated)

  • LMP.pkl (locational marginal price)

  • CONGU.pkl (congestion, upper flow limit)

  • CONGL.pkl (congestion, lower flow limit)

  • AVERAGED_CONG.pkl (time averaged congestion)

If the grid used in the simulation contains DC lines, energy storage devices, or flexible demand resources, the following files will also be extracted as necessary:

  • PF_DCLINE.pkl (power flow on DC lines)

  • STORAGE_PG.pkl (power generated by storage units)

  • STORAGE_E.pkl (energy state of charge)

  • LOAD_SHIFT_DN.pkl (demand that is curtailed)

  • LOAD_SHIFT_UP.pkl (demand that is added)

If one or more intervals of the simulation were found to be infeasible without shedding load, the following file will also be extracted:

  • LOAD_SHED.pkl (load shed profile for each load bus)

Compatibility with our Software Ecosystem

Both pyreisejl/utility/ and pyreisejl/utility/ can be called using a positional argument that corresponds to a scenario id as generated by PowerSimData. Using this invocation assumes you have installed our software ecosystem. See Installation Guide ) if you are interested.