Docstring GuideΒΆ

We recommend reading the Sphinx tutorial. It is very short and it lists all the scenario you are likely to encounter when writing code.

That said, we do format the docstring in a slightly more compact way than what is presented in the tutorial. The type of the parameters and returned variable is encapsulated in the description as follows:

:param [ParamType] [ParamName]: [ParamDescription], defaults to [DefaultParamVal]
:return: (*[ReturnType]*) -- [ReturnDescription]

When functions or methods are mentioned in the docstring, those should be referenced. For example, the description of the uv1 parameter in the angular_distance function located in the powersimdata.utility.distance module refers to the ll2uv function defined in the same module.

def angular_distance(uv1, uv2):
    """Calculate the angular distance between two vectors.

    :param list uv1: 3-components vector as returned by :func:`ll2uv`.
    :param list uv2: 3-components vector as returned by :func:`ll2uv`.
    :return: (*float*) -- angle (in degrees).

If you refer to a function (or a class using :py:class:) that is defined in a different module, you will need to use the absolute path as shown below:

def gaussian(data, wind_farm, inplace=True, curve="state"):
    """Impute missing data using gaussian distributions of U & V. For each
    missing entry, sample U & V based on mean and covariance of non-missing
    entries that have the same location, same month, and same hour.

    :param pandas.DataFrame data: data frame as returned by
    :param pandas.DataFrame wind_farm: data frame of wind farms.
    :param bool inplace: should the imputation be done in place.
    :param str curve: 'state' to use the state average, otherwise named curve.
    :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with missing entries imputed.

The function gaussian is defined in the prereise.gather.winddata.rap.impute module and refers to the retrieve_data function in a different module.

Finally, you can use an external link in your docstring. It will be active in the generated documentation if formatted as follows

class EIAgov:
  """Copied from `this link <>`_.

  :param str token: EIA token.
  :param list series: id code(s) of the series to be downloaded.

In other words, it will be shown as this link.