Source code for prereise.gather.winddata.rap.tests.test_noaa_api

import datetime

import pytest

from prereise.gather.winddata.rap.noaa_api import NoaaApi

[docs]@pytest.fixture def noaa(): box = {"north": 49.8203, "south": 25.3307, "west": -122.855, "east": -96.2967} return NoaaApi(box)
start_date = "2018-03-05" end_date = "2018-03-06" start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start_date, "%Y-%m-%d") end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
[docs]def test_get_url_list(noaa): urls = noaa.get_path_list(start, end) first = "201803/20180305/rap_130_20180305_0000_000.grb2" last = "201803/20180306/rap_130_20180306_2300_000.grb2" assert first == urls[0] assert last == urls[-1]
[docs]def test_box_query_set(noaa): keys = [k[0] for k in noaa.params] for a in ["north", "south", "east", "west"]: assert a in keys
[docs]def test_url_fallback_default(noaa): url = noaa.build_url("month/day/filename") fallback = noaa.build_url("month/day/filename", fallback=True) assert "old" not in url assert "old" in fallback
[docs]def test_box_validation(): for a in (None, [], "box", ("north", 4)): with pytest.raises(TypeError): NoaaApi(a) wrong = {"foo": 5, "west": "whatever"} missing = {"north": 49.8203, "west": -122.855, "east": -96.2967} for a in (wrong, missing): with pytest.raises(ValueError): NoaaApi(a)