Source code for prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.helpers

from prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.constants import (

[docs]def formatted_filename( dt, product=DEFAULT_PRODUCT, hours_forecasted=DEFAULT_HOURS_FORECASTED ): """Deterministically returns a grib filename :param datetime.datetime dt: datetime associated with the data being stored :param string product: product associated with the data being stored :param string hours_forecasted: how many hours into the future the data is forecasted :return: (*str*) -- a filename """ return f"{dt.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%Hhr')}_{product}_{hours_forecasted}.grib2"
[docs]def get_indices_that_contain_selector(input_list, selectors): """Generates list of indices of strings in input_list that contain a string inside of selectors :param list input_list: list of strings :param list selectors: list of strings :return: (*list*) -- list of indices of strings in input_list that contain a string inside of selectors """ return [ i for i, item in enumerate(input_list) if any([selector in item for selector in selectors]) ]