Source code for prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.grib

from dataclasses import dataclass

[docs]@dataclass class GribRecordInfo: """Class to hold metadata on a GRIB record. GRIB (General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary) is a concise data format commonly used in meteorology to store historical and forecast weather data. GRIB files can have corresponding index files that holds metadata about the data inside GRIB files. More info on index files can be found at `this link <>`_ :param str message_number: message number of the GRIB record :param str beginning_byte: byte that the GRIB record starts at :param str ending_byte: byte that the GRIB record ends at. If None then ending_byte is the end of file :param str initialization_date: date and hour that the data is for :param str variable: string designating what kind of data :param str level: additional string that designates more information about type of data :param str forecast: designates how many hours into the future this data is forecasted for """ message_number: str beginning_byte: str ending_byte: str initialization_date: str variable: str level: str forecast: str
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, raw_string, next_raw_string=None): """Creates a GribRecordInfo object from a specific string. Information on the string format can be found at `this link <>`_ :param str raw_string: a record line following the format MESSAGE_NUMBER:BEGINNING_BYTE:INITIALIZATION_DATE:VARIABLE:LEVEL:FORECAST :param str next_raw_string: the following record line. This is needed to know when the next record starts, so we know where the current record ends. :return: (*GribRecordInfo*) """ details = raw_string.split(":") assert len(details) >= 6 ending_byte = None if next_raw_string: ending_byte = str(int(next_raw_string.split(":")[1]) - 1) return cls( message_number=details[0], beginning_byte=details[1], ending_byte=ending_byte, initialization_date=details[2], variable=details[3], level=details[4], forecast=details[5], )
[docs] @classmethod def generate_grib_record_information_list( cls, raw_record_information_list, index_list ): """Creates a list of GribRecordInfo objects from a list of raw strings and a list of integers that designate which raw strings to use to create GribRecordInfo objects. :param list raw_record_information_list: a list of record lines that follow the format: MESSAGE_NUMBER:BEGINNING_BYTE:INITIALIZATION_DATE:VARIABLE:LEVEL:FORECAST :param list index_list: a list of integers representing indices to index into raw_record_information_list to create GribRecordInfo objects out of :return: (*list*) -- a list of GribRecordInfo objects """ duplicate_list = raw_record_information_list[:] duplicate_list.append(None) return [ cls.from_string(duplicate_list[ind], duplicate_list[ind + 1]) for ind in index_list ]
[docs] def byte_range_header_string(self): """Returns a string providing the range of the byte that the record starts at to the byte that the record ends at. :return: (*str*) """ return ( f"{self.beginning_byte}-{self.ending_byte}" if self.ending_byte else f"{self.beginning_byte}-" )
[docs] @classmethod def full_file(cls): """Creates a GribRecordInfo that represents a whole file :return: (*GribRecordInfo*) -- a GribRecordInfo representing a whole file """ return cls(0, 0, None, None, None, None, None)