Source code for prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.calculations

import functools
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from powersimdata.utility.distance import ll2uv
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from tqdm import tqdm

from prereise.gather.winddata import const
from prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.helpers import formatted_filename
from prereise.gather.winddata.impute import linear
from prereise.gather.winddata.power_curves import (

U_COMPONENT_SELECTOR = "U component of wind"
V_COMPONENT_SELECTOR = "V component of wind"

[docs]def get_wind_data_lat_long(dt, directory): """Returns the latitude and longitudes of the various wind grid sectors. Function assumes that there's data for the dt provided and the data lives in the directory. :param datetime.datetime dt: date and time of the grib data :param str directory: directory where the data is located :return: (*tuple*) -- A tuple of 2 same lengthed numpy arrays, first one being latitude and second one being longitude. """ try: import pygrib except ImportError: print("pygrib is missing but required for this function") raise gribs =, formatted_filename(dt))) grib = next(gribs) return grib.latlons()
[docs]def find_closest_wind_grids(wind_farms, wind_data_lat_long): """Uses provided wind farm data and wind grid data to calculate the closest wind grid to each wind farm. :param pandas.DataFrame wind_farms: plant data frame. :param tuple wind_data_lat_long: A tuple of 2 same lengthed numpy arrays, first one being latitude and second one being longitude. :return: (*numpy.array*) -- a numpy array that holds in each index i the index of the closest wind grid in wind_data_lat_long for wind_farms i """ grid_lats, grid_lons = ( wind_data_lat_long[0].flatten(), wind_data_lat_long[1].flatten(), ) assert len(grid_lats) == len(grid_lons) grid_lat_lon_unit_vectors = [ll2uv(i, j) for i, j in zip(grid_lons, grid_lats)] tree = KDTree(grid_lat_lon_unit_vectors) wind_farm_lats = wind_farm_lons = wind_farms.lon.values wind_farm_unit_vectors = [ ll2uv(i, j) for i, j in zip(wind_farm_lons, wind_farm_lats) ] _, indices = tree.query(wind_farm_unit_vectors) return indices
[docs]def extract_wind_speed(wind_farms, start_dt, end_dt, directory): """Read wind speed from previously-downloaded files, and interpolate any gaps. :param pandas.DataFrame wind_farms: plant data frame. :param str start_dt: start date. :param str end_dt: end date (inclusive). :param str directory: directory where hrrr data is contained. :return: (*pandas.Dataframe*) -- data frame containing wind speed per wind farm on a per hourly basis between ``start_dt`` and ``end_dt`` inclusive. """ try: import pygrib except ImportError: print("pygrib is missing but required for this function") raise wind_data_lat_long = get_wind_data_lat_long(start_dt, directory) wind_farm_to_closest_wind_grid_indices = find_closest_wind_grids( wind_farms, wind_data_lat_long ) dts = pd.date_range(start=start_dt, end=end_dt, freq="H").to_pydatetime() # Fetch wind speed data for each wind farm (or store NaN as applicable) wind_speed_data = pd.DataFrame(index=dts, columns=wind_farms.index, dtype=float) for dt in tqdm(dts): gribs =, formatted_filename(dt))) try: u_component =[0].values.flatten() v_component =[0].values.flatten() wind_farm_specific_u_component = u_component[ wind_farm_to_closest_wind_grid_indices ] wind_farm_specific_v_component = v_component[ wind_farm_to_closest_wind_grid_indices ] wind_speed_data.loc[dt] = np.sqrt( pow(wind_farm_specific_u_component, 2) + pow(wind_farm_specific_v_component, 2) ) except ValueError: # If the GRIB file is empty, no wind speed values can be selected wind_speed_data.loc[dt] = np.nan # For each column, linearly interpolate any NaN values linear(wind_speed_data) return wind_speed_data
[docs]def calculate_pout_blended(wind_farms, start_dt, end_dt, directory): """Calculate power output for wind farms based on hrrr data. Each wind farm's power curve is based on the average power curve for that state, based on EIA data on the state's turbines. Function assumes that user has already called :meth:`prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.hrrr.retrieve_data` with the same ``start_dt``, ``end_dt``, and ``directory``. :param pandas.DataFrame wind_farms: plant data frame, plus 'state_abv' column. :param str start_dt: start date. :param str end_dt: end date (inclusive). :param str directory: directory where hrrr data is contained. :return: (*pandas.Dataframe*) -- data frame containing power out per wind farm on a per hourly basis between ``start_dt`` and ``end_dt`` inclusive. :raises ValueError: if ``wind_farms`` is missing the 'state_abv' column. """ if "state_abv" not in wind_farms.columns: raise ValueError("The wind_farms data frame must have a 'state_abv' column") turbine_types = wind_farms.apply( lambda x: "Offshore" if x["type"] == "wind_offshore" else x["state_abv"], axis=1 ) turbine_power_curves = get_turbine_power_curves() state_power_curves = get_state_power_curves() # Read wind speed from previously-downloaded files, and interpolate wind_speed_data = extract_wind_speed(wind_farms, start_dt, end_dt, directory) dts = wind_speed_data.index # Then calculate wind power based on wind speed wind_power_data = [ [ get_power( turbine_power_curves, state_power_curves, wind_speed_data.loc[dt, w], turbine_types.loc[w], ) for w in wind_farms.index ] for dt in tqdm(dts) ] df = pd.DataFrame(data=wind_power_data, index=dts, columns=wind_farms.index) return df
[docs]def calculate_pout_individual(wind_farms, start_dt, end_dt, directory): """Calculate power output for wind farms based on hrrr data. Each wind farm's power curve is based on farm-specific attributes. Function assumes that user has already called :meth:`prereise.gather.winddata.hrrr.hrrr.retrieve_data` with the same ``start_dt``, ``end_dt``, and ``directory``. :param pandas.DataFrame wind_farms: plant data frame, plus additional columns: 'Predominant Turbine Manufacturer', 'Predominant Turbine Model Number', and 'Turbine Hub Height (Feet)'. :param str start_dt: start date. :param str end_dt: end date (inclusive). :param str directory: directory where hrrr data is contained. :return: (*pandas.Dataframe*) -- data frame containing power out per wind farm on a per hourly basis between start_dt and end_dt inclusive. :raises ValueError: if ``wind_farms`` is missing the 'state_abv' column. """ def get_starting_curve_name(series, valid_names): """Given a wind farm series, build a single string used to look up a wind farm power curve. If the specific make and model aren't found, return a default. :param pandas.Series series: single row of wind farm table. :param iterable valid_names: set of valid names. :return: (*str*) -- valid lookup name. """ full_name = " ".join([series[const.mfg_col], series[const.model_col]]) return full_name if full_name in valid_names else "IEC class 2" def get_shifted_curve(lookup_name, hub_height, reference_curves): """Get the power curve for the given turbine type, shifted to hub height. :param str lookup_name: make and model of turbine (or IEC class). :param int/float hub_height: turbine hub height. :param dict/pandas.DataFrame reference_curves: turbine power curves. :return: (*pandas.Series*) -- index is wind speed at 80m, values are normalized power output. """ return shift_turbine_curve( reference_curves[lookup_name], hub_height, const.max_wind_speed, const.new_curve_res, ) def interpolate(wspd, curve): return np.interp(wspd, curve.index.values, curve.values, left=0, right=0) req_cols = {const.mfg_col, const.model_col, const.hub_height_col} if not req_cols <= set(wind_farms.columns): raise ValueError(f"wind_farms requires columns: {req_cols}") # Create cached, curried function for use with apply turbine_power_curves = get_turbine_power_curves() cached_func = functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None)( functools.partial(get_shifted_curve, reference_curves=turbine_power_curves) ) # Create dataframe of lookup values lookup_names = wind_farms.apply( lambda x: get_starting_curve_name(x, turbine_power_curves.columns), axis=1 ) lookup_values = pd.concat([lookup_names, wind_farms[const.hub_height_col]], axis=1) # Use lookup values with cached, curried function shifted_power_curves = lookup_values.apply(lambda x: cached_func(*x), axis=1) # Read wind speed from previously-downloaded files, and impute as necessary wind_speed_data = extract_wind_speed(wind_farms, start_dt, end_dt, directory) dts = wind_speed_data.index wind_power_data = [ [ interpolate(wind_speed_data.loc[dt, w], shifted_power_curves.loc[w]) for w in wind_farms.index ] for dt in tqdm(dts) ] df = pd.DataFrame(data=wind_power_data, index=dts, columns=wind_farms.index) return df