Source code for prereise.gather.solardata.nsrdb.sam

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import PySAM.Pvwattsv7 as PVWatts
import PySAM.PySSC as pssc  # noqa: N813
from tqdm import tqdm

from prereise.gather.solardata.helpers import get_plant_id_unique_location
from prereise.gather.solardata.nsrdb.nrel_api import NrelApi
from prereise.gather.solardata.pv_tracking import (

default_pv_parameters = {
    "adjust:constant": 0,
    "azimuth": 180,
    "gcr": 0.4,
    "inv_eff": 94,
    "losses": 14,
    "tilt": 30,

[docs]def generate_timestamps_without_leap_day(year): """For a given year, return timestamps for each non-leap-day hour, and the timestamp of the beginning of the leap day (if there is one). :param int/str year: year to generate timestamps for. :return: (*tuple*) -- pandas.DatetimeIndex: for each non-leap-day-hour of the given year. pandas.Timestamp/None: timestamp for the first hour of the leap day (if any). """ # SAM only takes 365 days, so for a leap year: leave out the leap day. try: leap_day = (pd.Timestamp(f"{year}-02-29-00").dayofyear - 1) * 24 sam_dates = pd.date_range(start=f"{year}-01-01-00", freq="H", periods=365 * 24) sam_dates = t: t.replace(year=int(year))) except ValueError: leap_day = None sam_dates = pd.date_range(start=f"{year}-01-01-00", freq="H", periods=365 * 24) return sam_dates, leap_day
[docs]def calculate_power(solar_data, pv_dict): """Use PVWatts to translate weather data into power. :param dict solar_data: weather data as returned by :meth:`Psm3Data.to_dict`. :param dict pv_dict: solar plant attributes. :return: (*numpy.array*) hourly power output. """ pv_dat = pssc.dict_to_ssc_table(pv_dict, "pvwattsv7") pv = PVWatts.wrap(pv_dat) pv.SolarResource.assign({"solar_resource_data": solar_data}) pv.execute() return np.array(pv.Outputs.gen)
[docs]def retrieve_data_blended( email, api_key, grid=None, solar_plant=None, interconnect_to_state_abvs=None, year="2016", rate_limit=0.5, cache_dir=None, ): """Retrieves irradiance data from NSRDB and calculate the power output using the System Adviser Model (SAM). Either a Grid object needs to be passed to ``grid``, or (a data frame needs to be passed to ``solar_plant`` and a dictionary needs to be passed to ``interconnect_to_state_abvs``). :param str email: email used to`sign up <>`_. :param str api_key: API key. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid: grid instance. :param pandas.DataFrame solar_plant: plant data frame. :param dict/pandas.Series interconnect_to_state_abvs: mapping of interconnection name to state abbreviations, used to look up average parameters by interconnect when average parameters by state are not available. :param int/str year: year. :param int/float rate_limit: minimum seconds to wait between requests to NREL :param str cache_dir: directory to cache downloaded data. If None, don't cache. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with *'Pout'*, *'plant_id'*, *'ts'* and *'ts_id'* as columns. Values are power output for a 1MW generator. """ xor_err_msg = ( "Either grid xor (solar_plant and interconnect_to_state_abvs) must be defined" ) if grid is None: if solar_plant is None or interconnect_to_state_abvs is None: raise TypeError(xor_err_msg) if not {"state_abv", "interconnect"} <= set(solar_plant.columns): raise ValueError("solar_plant needs 'state_abv' and 'interconnect' columns") # Create mappings from other inputs zone_id_to_state_abv = { i: group["state_abv"].unique()[0] for i, group in solar_plant.groupby("zone_id") } zone_id_to_interconnect = { i: group["interconnect"].unique()[0] for i, group in solar_plant.groupby("zone_id") } else: if solar_plant is not None or interconnect_to_state_abvs is not None: raise TypeError(xor_err_msg) solar_plant = grid.plant.query("type == 'solar'").copy() # Use existing mappings found in the Grid object interconnect_to_state_abvs = grid.model_immutables.zones["interconnect2abv"] zone_id_to_state_abv = grid.model_immutables.zones["id2abv"] zone_id_to_interconnect = { z: grid.model_immutables.zones["abv2interconnect"][zone_id_to_state_abv[z]] for z in solar_plant["zone_id"].unique() } real_dates = pd.date_range( start=f"{year}-01-01-00", end=f"{year}-12-31-23", freq="H" ) sam_dates, leap_day = generate_timestamps_without_leap_day(year) # PV tracking ratios # By state and by interconnect when EIA data do not have any solar PV in the state pv_info = get_pv_tracking_data() zone_id = solar_plant.zone_id.unique() frac = {} for zone in zone_id: state = zone_id_to_state_abv[zone] frac[zone] = get_pv_tracking_ratio_state(pv_info, [state]) if frac[zone] is None: interconnect = zone_id_to_interconnect[zone] states_in_interconnect = list(interconnect_to_state_abvs[interconnect]) frac[zone] = get_pv_tracking_ratio_state(pv_info, states_in_interconnect) # Inverter Loading Ratio ilr = 1.25 api = NrelApi(email, api_key, rate_limit) # Identify unique location coord = get_plant_id_unique_location(solar_plant) data = {} for key, plants in tqdm(coord.items(), total=len(coord)): lat, lon = key[1], key[0] solar_data = api.get_psm3_at( lat, lon, attributes="dhi,dni,wind_speed,air_temperature", year=year, leap_day=False, dates=sam_dates, cache_dir=cache_dir, ).to_dict() for i, plant_id in enumerate(plants): if i == 0: # Calculate power for the first plant at each location first_plant_id = plant_id tracking_ratios = frac[solar_plant.loc[plant_id].zone_id] power = 0 for j, axis in enumerate([0, 2, 4]): plant_pv_dict = { "system_capacity": ilr, "dc_ac_ratio": ilr, "array_type": axis, } pv_dict = {**default_pv_parameters, **plant_pv_dict} power += tracking_ratios[j] * calculate_power(solar_data, pv_dict) if leap_day is not None: power = np.insert(power, leap_day, power[leap_day - 24 : leap_day]) else: # For every other plant, look up power from first plant at the location power = data[first_plant_id] data[plant_id] = power return pd.DataFrame(data, index=real_dates).sort_index(axis="columns")
[docs]def retrieve_data_individual( email, api_key, solar_plant, year="2016", rate_limit=0.5, cache_dir=None ): """Retrieves irradiance data from NSRDB and calculate the power output using the System Adviser Model (SAM). Either a Grid object needs to be passed to ``grid``, or (a data frame needs to be passed to ``solar_plant`` and a string needs to be passed to ``grid_model``. :param str email: email used to`sign up <>`_. :param str api_key: API key. :param pandas.DataFrame solar_plant: plant data frame, plus additional boolean columns 'Single-Axis Tracking?', 'Dual-Axis Tracking?', 'Fixed Tilt?', and float columns 'Tilt Angle', 'Nameplate Capacity (MW)', and 'DC Net Capacity (MW)'. :param int/str year: year. :param int/float rate_limit: minimum seconds to wait between requests to NREL :param str cache_dir: directory to cache downloaded data. If None, don't cache. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with *'Pout'*, *'plant_id'*, *'ts'* and *'ts_id'* as columns. Values are power output for a 1MW generator. """ # Verify that each solar plant has exactly one tracking type equal to True array_type_mapping = { "Fixed Tilt?": 0, "Single-Axis Tracking?": 2, "Dual-Axis Tracking?": 4, } if not all(solar_plant[array_type_mapping.keys()].sum(axis=1) == 1): raise ValueError("Indeterminate tracking information for one or more plants") # Select the appropriate 'array type' to pass to SAM plant_array_types = ( solar_plant[array_type_mapping.keys()] .astype(bool) .apply(lambda x: array_type_mapping[x.idxmax()], axis=1) ) real_dates = pd.date_range( start=f"{year}-01-01-00", end=f"{year}-12-31-23", freq="H" ) sam_dates, leap_day = generate_timestamps_without_leap_day(year) api = NrelApi(email, api_key, rate_limit) coord = get_plant_id_unique_location(solar_plant) data = {} for key, plants in tqdm(coord.items(), total=len(coord)): lat, lon = key[1], key[0] solar_data = api.get_psm3_at( lat, lon, attributes="dhi,dni,wind_speed,air_temperature", year=year, leap_day=False, dates=sam_dates, cache_dir=cache_dir, ).to_dict() for plant_id in plants: series = solar_plant.loc[plant_id] ilr = series["DC Net Capacity (MW)"] / series["Nameplate Capacity (MW)"] plant_pv_dict = { "system_capacity": ilr, "dc_ac_ratio": ilr, "array_type": plant_array_types.loc[plant_id], } if plant_pv_dict["array_type"] == 0: plant_pv_dict["tilt"] = series["Tilt Angle"] pv_dict = {**default_pv_parameters, **plant_pv_dict} power = calculate_power(solar_data, pv_dict) if leap_day is not None: power = np.insert(power, leap_day, power[leap_day - 24 : leap_day]) data[plant_id] = power return pd.DataFrame(data, index=real_dates).sort_index(axis="columns")