import os
import pickle
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import timedelta
from io import BytesIO
import pandas as pd
import requests
from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
from prereise.gather.request_util import TransientError, retry
class Psm3Data:
"""Wrapper class for PSM3 data retrieved from NREL's API. Contains metadata
from the first csv row and a data frame representing the remaining time series
lat: float
lon: float
tz: float
elevation: float
data_resource: pd.DataFrame
allowed_attrs = {
"dni": "DNI",
"dhi": "DHI",
"wind_speed": "Wind Speed",
"air_temperature": "Temperature",
"ghi": "GHI",
rename_attrs = {
"DHI": "df",
"DNI": "dn",
"Wind Speed": "wspd",
"Temperature": "tdry",
[docs] @staticmethod
def check_attrs(attributes):
for a in attributes.split(","):
if a not in Psm3Data.allowed_attrs.keys():
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported attribute: {a}")
[docs] def to_dict(self):
"""Convert the data to the format expected by nrel-pysam for running
SAM simulations
:return: (*dict*) -- a dictionary which can be passed to the pvwattsv7
result = {
"lon": self.lon,
"elev": self.elevation,
"year": self.data_resource.index.year.tolist(),
"month": self.data_resource.index.month.tolist(),
"hour": self.data_resource.index.hour.tolist(),
"minute": self.data_resource.index.minute.tolist(),
Psm3Data.rename_attrs[v]: self.data_resource[v].tolist()
for v in Psm3Data.allowed_attrs.values()
if v in self.data_resource.columns
return result
[docs]class NrelApi:
"""Provides an interface to the NREL API for PSM3 data. It supports
downloading this data in csv format, which we use to calculate solar output
of a set of plants. The user will need to provide an API key.
:param str email: email used for API key
`sign up <>`_.
:param str api_key: API key.
:param int/float rate_limit: minimum seconds to wait between requests to NREL
def __init__(self, email, api_key, rate_limit=None):
if email is None:
raise ValueError("Email is required")
if api_key is None:
raise ValueError("API key is required") = email
self.api_key = api_key
self.interval = rate_limit
def _build_url(self, lat, lon, attributes, year="2016", leap_day=False):
"""Construct url with formatted query string for downloading psm3
(physical solar model) data
:param str lat: latitude of the plant
:param str lon: longitude of the plant
:param str attributes: comma separated list of attributes to query
:param str year: the year
:param bool leap_day: whether to use a leap day
:return: (*str*) -- the url to download csv data
base_url = ""
payload = {
"api_key": self.api_key,
"names": year,
"leap_day": str(leap_day).lower(),
"interval": "60",
"utc": "true",
"attributes": attributes,
"wkt": f"POINT({lon}%20{lat})",
query = "&".join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in payload.items()])
return f"{base_url}?{query}"
def _build_filename(lat, lon, attributes, year="2016", leap_day=False):
parameters = {
"wkt": f"POINT({lon}%20{lat})",
"attributes": attributes,
"names": year,
"leap_day": str(leap_day).lower(),
filename = "&".join([f"{key}={value}" for key, value in parameters.items()])
return f"{filename}.pkl"
[docs] def get_psm3_at(
self, lat, lon, attributes, year, leap_day, dates=None, cache_dir=None
"""Get PSM3 data at a given point for the specified year.
:param str lat: latitude of the plant
:param str lon: longitude of the plant
:param str attributes: comma separated list of attributes to query
:param str year: the year
:param bool leap_day: whether to use a leap day
:param pd.DatetimeIndex dates: if provided, use to index the downloaded data frame
:param str cache_dir: directory to cache downloaded data. If None, don't cache.
:return: (*prereise.gather.solardata.nsrdb.nrel_api.Psm3Data*) -- a data class containing metadata and time series for the given year and location
interval=self.interval, allowed_exceptions=(TransientError, ConnectionError)
def download(url):
resp = requests.get(url)
if resp.status_code == 429:
raise TransientError(
f"Too many requests, retry_count={download.retry_count}"
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(f"Request failed: status_code={resp.status_code}")
return resp
def format_to_psm3data(resp):
info = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(resp.content), nrows=1)
data_resource = pd.read_csv(BytesIO(resp.content), dtype=float, skiprows=2)
tz, elevation = info["Local Time Zone"], info["Elevation"]
if dates is not None:
dates + timedelta(hours=int(tz.values[0])), inplace=True
return Psm3Data(
float(lat), float(lon), float(tz), float(elevation), data_resource
if cache_dir is not None:
os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
filename = self._build_filename(lat, lon, attributes, year, leap_day)
filepath = os.path.join(cache_dir, filename)
with open(filepath, "rb") as f:
psm3_data = pickle.load(f)
return psm3_data
except FileNotFoundError:
url = self._build_url(lat, lon, attributes, year, leap_day)
resp = download(url)
psm3_data = format_to_psm3data(resp)
if cache_dir is not None:
with open(filepath, "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(psm3_data, f)
return psm3_data