Source code for prereise.gather.hydrodata.eia.helpers

import pandas as pd

[docs]def scale_profile(profile, weight): """Scale hourly profile using a list of monthly weights. :param pandas.DataFrame profile: hourly profile. :param list weight: list of monthly weights. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- scaled hourly profile. :raises TypeError: if profile is not a time series or weight is not a list. :raises ValueError: if frequency of time series is not 1h or size of weight is not 12 """ if not isinstance(profile, pd.Series): raise TypeError("profile must be a pandas.Series object") if not isinstance(weight, list): raise TypeError("weight must be a list") if pd.infer_freq(profile.index) != "H": raise ValueError("frequency of time series must be 1h") if len(weight) != 12: raise ValueError("the list of weight must have exactly 12 elements") monthly_profile = profile.resample("M").sum(min_count=24 * 28) monthly_factor = [t / p for t, p in zip(weight, monthly_profile.values)] hourly_factor = ( pd.Series( monthly_factor, index=pd.date_range(profile.index.min(), periods=12, freq="MS"), ) .resample("H") .ffill() .reindex(profile.index, method="ffill") ) return profile * hourly_factor