Source code for prereise.gather.helpers

import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from prereise.gather.const import abv2state

[docs]def trim_eia_form_923(filename): """Remove columns in EIA form 923 that are unnecessary to calculate the monthly generation per resource as performed by :py:func:`get_monthly_net_generation`. :param str filename: name of the reference file. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- EIA form 923 with only relevant columns. """ filedir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data") eia_form_923 = pd.read_excel( io=os.path.join(filedir, filename), header=0, usecols="A,D,G,I,P,CB:CM", skiprows=range(5), ) return eia_form_923
[docs]def get_monthly_net_generation(state, eia_form_923, resource, hps=True): """Return monthly total net generation for a given resource and state from EIA form 923. :param str state: state abbreviation. :param pandas.DataFrame eia_form_923: EIA form 923. The reduced form as returned by :py:func:`trim_eia_form_923` can be used. :param str resource: type of generator. :param bool hps: determine whether pumped hydro storage is included in the result if resource is *'hydro'*. :return: (*list*) -- monthly net generation of the query fuel type in state. :raises TypeError: if eia_form_923 is not a data frame or resource is not a str. :raises ValueError: if state or resource is invalid. """ if not isinstance(state, str): raise TypeError("state must be a str") if not isinstance(eia_form_923, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("eia_form_923 must be a pandas.DataFrame") if not isinstance(resource, str): raise TypeError("resource must be a str") if state not in abv2state: raise ValueError( "Invalid state. Possible states are %s" % " | ".join(set(abv2state)) ) all_resource = { "solar": {"SUN"}, "coal": {"COL"}, "dfo": {"DFO"}, "geothermal": {"GEO"}, "hydro": { "HYC", "HPS", }, # Hydroelectric Conventional, Hydroelectric Pumped Storage "ng": {"NG"}, "nuclear": {"NUC"}, "wind": {"WND"}, } if resource not in all_resource.keys(): raise ValueError( "Invalid resource. Possible resources are %s" % " | ".join(all_resource.keys()) ) if resource == "hydro" and not hps: all_resource["hydro"].remove("HPS") # Filter by state and fuel type net_generation_by_plant = eia_form_923[ (eia_form_923["Plant State"] == state) & (eia_form_923["AER\nFuel Type Code"].isin(all_resource[resource])) ].copy() # Drop unnecessary columns, plant ID, etc.. net_generation = net_generation_by_plant.drop( net_generation_by_plant.columns[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]], axis=1 ) net_generation = net_generation.replace(".", 0) # Get monthly total net generation by summing up across plants # with all positive values. Note that negative ones are included in # actual demand. eia_net_generation = list(net_generation.apply(lambda x: x[x > 0].sum()).values) # If there is no such generator in the state, the function will return # a list of 0 instead of NaN. eia_net_generation = list(np.nan_to_num(eia_net_generation)) return eia_net_generation