Source code for prereise.gather.griddata.transmission.helpers

import os

import pandas as pd

from prereise.gather.griddata.transmission.const import (

[docs]class DataclassWithValidation: """A stub class which defines a method that checks dataclasses.dataclass types.""" _required_dataclass_attrs = ("__annotations__", "__dataclass_fields__")
[docs] def validate_input_types(self): # Check for the presence of attributes which are added via @dataclass if not all(hasattr(self, a) for a in self._required_dataclass_attrs): raise TypeError( "_validate_input_types can only be called on dataclassed objects." ) for name, specified_type in self.__annotations__.items(): # Ignore attributes that aren't passed via the __init__ method if not self.__dataclass_fields__[name].init: continue # Check whether the attribute is the specified or default type # This supports inputs which have a default value of None default_type = type(self.__dataclass_fields__[name].default) value_received = self.__dict__[name] if specified_type == float and isinstance(value_received, int): # per PEP 484, accept an int when a float is specified continue if not isinstance(value_received, (specified_type, default_type)): current_type = type(value_received) raise TypeError( f"for {name}: expected {specified_type}, but got {current_type}" )
[docs]def calculate_z_base(v_base, s_base): """Calculate base impedance from voltage and system base apparent power. :param int/float v_base: base voltage (kV). :param int/float s_base: base apparent power (MVA). :return: (*float*) -- base impedance (ohms). """ return (v_base**2) / s_base
[docs]def translate_to_per_unit(x, nominal_unit, z_base): """Translate parameters in nominal units to per-unit values. :param int/float x: value to be converted. :param str nominal_unit: the units of ``x``. :param int/float z_base: base impedance (can be calculated with :func:`calculate_z_base`). :return: (*float*) -- per-unit value. :raises ValueError: if the nominal unit isn't recognized. """ if nominal_unit.lower() in {"ohm", "ohms", "r", "x"}: return x / z_base if nominal_unit.lower() in {"siemen", "siemens"}: return x * z_base raise ValueError(f"Unknown nominal unit: {nominal_unit}")
[docs]def get_standard_conductors(): """Read the data file on standard conductor parameter values. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame, indexed by conductor code name. """ filepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "data", "conductors.csv") return pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col=0)
[docs]def approximate_loadability(length_km, method="power"): """Approximate the value of the St. Clair curve at a given point, using a given approximation method. :param float length_km: line length (kilometers). :param str method: curve approximation method. Currently, only 'power' is supported. :return: (*float*) -- line loadibility (normalized to surge impedance loading). :raises ValueError: if the ``method`` is not supported. """ miles = length_km / kilometers_per_mile allowable_methods = {"power"} if method == "power": return st_clair_power_approx_coeff * miles**st_clair_power_approx_exponent raise ValueError(f"Unsupported method: {method}. Choose from: {allowable_methods}")