import cmath
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from itertools import combinations
from math import exp, log, pi, sqrt
from statistics import geometric_mean
from prereise.gather.griddata.transmission.const import (
from prereise.gather.griddata.transmission.helpers import (
class Conductor(DataclassWithValidation):
"""Represent a single conductor (which may be a stranded composite). Conductors can
be instantiated by either:
- looking them up via their standardized bird ``name``,
- passing the parameters relevant to impedance and rating calculations
(``radius``, ``gmr``, ``resistance_per_km``, and ``current_limit``), or
- passing paramters which can be used to estimate parameters relevant to impedance
and rating calculations (``radius``, ``material``, and ``current_limit``). In this
case, a solid conductor is assumed.
:param str name: name of standard conductor.
:param float radius: outer radius of conductor.
:param str material: material of conductor. Used to calculate ``resistance_per_km``
and ``gmr`` if these aren't passed to the constructor, unnecessary otherwise.
:param float resistance_per_km: resistance (ohms) per kilometer. Will be estimated
from other parameters if it isn't passed.
:param float gmr: geometric mean radius of conductor. Will be estimated from
other parameters if it isn't passed.
:param float area: cross-sectional area of conductor. Will be estimated from
other parameters if it isn't passed.
name: str = None
radius: float = None
material: str = None
resistance_per_km: float = None
gmr: float = None
area: float = None
permeability: float = None
current_limit: float = None
def __post_init__(self):
physical_parameters = {
# Validate inputs
self.validate_input_types() # defined in DataclassWithValidation
if is not None:
if any([a is not None for a in physical_parameters]):
raise TypeError("If name is specified, no other parameters can be")
def _infer_missing_parameters(self):
if self.gmr is None and (self.material is None):
raise ValueError(
"If gmr is not provided, material and radius are needed to estimate"
if self.resistance_per_km is None and self.material is None:
raise ValueError(
"If resistance_per_km is not provided, material is needed to estimate"
# Estimate missing inputs using the inputs which are present
if self.gmr is None:
self.permeability = relative_permeability[self.material]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown permeability for {self.material}, can't calculate gmr"
self.gmr = self.radius * exp(self.permeability / 4)
if self.resistance_per_km is None:
self.resistivity = resistivity[self.material]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown resistivity for {self.material}, "
"can't calculate resistance"
if self.area is None:
self.area = pi * self.radius**2
# convert per-m to per-km
self.resistance_per_km = self.resistivity * 1000 / self.area
def _get_parameters_from_standard_conductor_table(self):
standard_conductors = get_standard_conductors()
title_cased_name =
if title_cased_name not in standard_conductors.index:
raise ValueError(f"No conductor named '{}' in standard table")
data = standard_conductors.loc[title_cased_name]
self.gmr = data["gmr_mm"] / 1e3
self.radius = data["radius_mm"] / 1e3
self.resistance_per_km = data["resistance_ac_per_km_75c"]
self.current_limit = data["max_amps"] = title_cased_name
class ConductorBundle(DataclassWithValidation):
"""Represent a bundle of conductors (or a 'bundle' of one).
:param int n: number of conductors in bundle (can be one).
:param Conductor conductor: information for each conductor.
:param float spacing: distance between the centers of each conductor (meters).
:param str layout: either 'circular' (conductors are arranged in a regular polygon
with edge length ``spacing``) or 'flat' (conductors are arranged in a line, at
regular spacing ``spacing``).
conductor: Conductor
n: int = 1
spacing: float = None # we need to be able to ignore spacing for a single conductor
layout: str = "circular"
resistance_per_km: float = field(init=False)
spacing_L: float = field(init=False) # noqa: N815
spacing_C: float = field(init=False) # noqa: N815
current_limit: float = field(init=False, default=None)
def __post_init__(self):
self.validate_input_types() # defined in DataclassWithValidation
if self.n != 1 and self.spacing is None:
raise ValueError("With multiple conductors, spacing must be specified")
self.resistance_per_km = self.conductor.resistance_per_km / self.n
self.spacing_L = self.calculate_equivalent_spacing("inductance")
self.spacing_C = self.calculate_equivalent_spacing("capacitance")
if self.conductor.current_limit is not None:
self.current_limit = self.conductor.current_limit * self.n
[docs] def calculate_equivalent_spacing(self, type="inductance"):
if type == "inductance":
conductor_distance = self.conductor.gmr
elif type == "capacitance":
conductor_distance = self.conductor.radius
raise ValueError("type must be either 'inductance' or 'capacitance'")
if self.n == 1:
return conductor_distance
elif self.n == 2:
return (conductor_distance * self.spacing) ** (1 / 2)
if self.layout == "circular":
return self.calculate_equivalent_spacing_circular(conductor_distance)
if self.layout == "flat":
return self.calculate_equivalent_spacing_flat(conductor_distance)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown layout: {self.layout}")
[docs] def calculate_equivalent_spacing_circular(self, conductor_distance):
if self.n == 3:
return (conductor_distance * self.spacing**2) ** (1 / 3)
if self.n == 4:
return (conductor_distance * self.spacing**3 * 2 ** (1 / 2)) ** (1 / 4)
raise NotImplementedError(
"Geometry calculations are only implemented for 1 <= n <= 4"
[docs] def calculate_equivalent_spacing_flat(self, conductor_distance):
if self.n == 3:
return (conductor_distance * 2 * self.spacing**2) ** (1 / 3)
if self.n == 4:
return (conductor_distance * 12 * self.spacing**3) ** (1 / 8)
raise NotImplementedError(
"Geometry calculations are only implemented for 1 <= n <= 4"
class PhaseLocations(DataclassWithValidation):
"""Represent the locations of each conductor bundle on a transmission tower. Each of
``a``, ``b``, and ``c`` are the (x, y) location(s) of that phase's conductor(s).
:param tuple a: the (x, y) location of the single 'A' phase conductor if
``circuits`` == 1, or the ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...) locations of the 'A' phase
conductors if ``circuits`` > 1. Units are meters.
:param tuple b: the (x, y) location of the single 'B' phase conductor if
``circuits`` == 1, or the ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...) locations of the 'B' phase
conductors if ``circuits`` > 1. Units are meters.
:param tuple c: the (x, y) location of the single 'C' phase conductor if
``circuits`` == 1, or the ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...) locations of the 'C' phase
conductors if ``circuits`` > 1. Units are meters.
:param int circuits: the number of circuits on the tower.
a: tuple
b: tuple
c: tuple
circuits: int = 1
equivalent_distance: float = field(init=False)
equivalent_height: float = field(init=False)
phase_self_distances: dict = field(init=False, default=None)
equivalent_reflected_distance: float = field(init=False)
def __post_init__(self):
self.validate_input_types() # defined in DataclassWithValidation
if not (len(self.a) == len(self.b) == len(self.c)):
raise ValueError("each phase location must have the same length")
if self.circuits == 1 and len(self.a) == 2:
# Single-circuit specified as (x, y) will be converted to ((x, y))
self.a = (self.a,)
self.b = (self.b,)
self.c = (self.c,)
[docs] def calculate_distances(self):
self.true_distance = {
"ab": _geometric_mean_euclidian(self.a, self.b),
"ac": _geometric_mean_euclidian(self.a, self.c),
"bc": _geometric_mean_euclidian(self.b, self.c),
# 'Equivalent' distances are geometric means
self.equivalent_distance = geometric_mean(self.true_distance.values())
self.equivalent_height = geometric_mean(
[self.a[0][1], self.b[0][1], self.c[0][1]]
if self.circuits == 1:
[docs] def calculate_single_circuit_distances(self):
# The distance bounced off the ground, or 'reflected', is used for
# single-circuit capacitance calculations
self.reflected_distance = {
"ab": _euclidian(self.a[0], (self.b[0][0], -self.b[0][1])), # a -> b'
"ac": _euclidian(self.a[0], (self.c[0][0], -self.c[0][1])), # a -> c'
"bc": _euclidian(self.b[0], (self.c[0][0], -self.c[0][1])), # b -> c'
self.equivalent_reflected_distance = geometric_mean(
[docs] def calculate_multi_circuit_distances(self):
self.phase_self_distances = [
geometric_mean(_euclidian(p0, p1) for p0, p1 in combinations(phase, 2))
for phase in (self.a, self.b, self.c)
# Multi circuit, so we assume tall tower negligible impact from reflectance
self.equivalent_reflected_distance = 2 * self.equivalent_height
class Tower(DataclassWithValidation):
"""Given the geometry of a transmission tower and conductor bundle information,
estimate per-kilometer inductance, resistance, and shunt capacitance.
:param PhaseLocations locations: the locations of each conductor bundle.
:param ConductorBundle bundle: the parameters of each conductor bundle.
locations: PhaseLocations
bundle: ConductorBundle
resistance: float = field(init=False)
inductance: float = field(init=False)
capacitance: float = field(init=False)
phase_current_limit: float = field(init=False, default=None)
def __post_init__(self):
self.validate_input_types() # defined in DataclassWithValidation
self.resistance = self.bundle.resistance_per_km / self.locations.circuits
self.inductance = self.calculate_inductance_per_km()
self.capacitance = self.calculate_shunt_capacitance_per_km()
if self.bundle.current_limit is not None:
self.phase_current_limit = (
self.bundle.current_limit * self.locations.circuits
[docs] def calculate_inductance_per_km(self):
denominator = _circuit_bundle_distances(
self.bundle.spacing_L, self.locations.phase_self_distances
inductance_per_km = (
mu_0 / (2 * pi) * log(self.locations.equivalent_distance / denominator)
return inductance_per_km
[docs] def calculate_shunt_capacitance_per_km(self):
denominator = _circuit_bundle_distances(
self.bundle.spacing_C, self.locations.phase_self_distances
capacitance_per_km = (2 * pi * epsilon_0) / (
log(self.locations.equivalent_distance / denominator)
- log(
/ (2 * self.locations.equivalent_height)
return capacitance_per_km
class Line(DataclassWithValidation):
"""Given a Tower design, line voltage, and length, calculate whole-line impedances
and rating.
:param Tower tower: tower parameters (containing per-kilometer impedances).
:param int/float length: line length (kilometers).
:param int/float voltage: line voltage (kilovolts).
:param int/float freq: the system nominal frequency (Hz).
tower: Tower
length: float
voltage: float
freq: float = 60.0
series_impedance_per_km: complex = field(init=False)
shunt_admittance_per_km: complex = field(init=False)
propogation_constant_per_km: complex = field(init=False)
surge_impedance: complex = field(init=False)
series_impedance: complex = field(init=False)
shunt_admittance: complex = field(init=False)
thermal_rating: float = field(init=False, default=None)
stability_rating: float = field(init=False, default=None)
power_rating: float = field(init=False, default=None)
def __post_init__(self):
# Convert integers to floats as necessary
for attr in ("freq", "length", "voltage"):
if isinstance(getattr(self, attr), int):
setattr(self, attr, float(getattr(self, attr)))
self.validate_input_types() # defined in DataclassWithValidation
# Calculate second-order electrical parameters which depend on frequency
omega = 2 * pi * self.freq
self.series_impedance_per_km = (
self.tower.resistance + 1j * self.tower.inductance * omega
self.shunt_admittance_per_km = 1j * self.tower.capacitance * omega
self.surge_impedance = cmath.sqrt(
self.series_impedance_per_km / self.shunt_admittance_per_km
self.propogation_constant_per_km = cmath.sqrt(
self.series_impedance_per_km * self.shunt_admittance_per_km
self.surge_impedance_loading = (
* self.voltage**2
/ abs(self.surge_impedance)
# Calculate loadability (depends on length)
if self.tower.phase_current_limit is not None:
self.thermal_rating = (
self.voltage * self.tower.phase_current_limit * sqrt(3) / 1e3 # MW
self.stability_rating = (
* approximate_loadability(self.length)
* self.surge_impedance_loading
self.power_rating = min(self.thermal_rating, self.stability_rating)
# Use the long-line transmission model to calculate lumped-element parameters
self.series_impedance = (self.series_impedance_per_km * self.length) * (
cmath.sinh(self.propogation_constant_per_km * self.length)
/ (self.propogation_constant_per_km * self.length)
self.shunt_admittance = (self.shunt_admittance_per_km * self.length) * (
cmath.tanh(self.propogation_constant_per_km * self.length / 2)
/ (self.propogation_constant_per_km * self.length / 2)
def _euclidian(a, b):
"""Calculate the euclidian distance between two points."""
if len(a) != len(b):
raise ValueError("Length of a and b must be equivalent")
except TypeError:
raise TypeError(
"a and b must both be iterables compatible with the len() function"
return sqrt(sum((x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(a, b)))
def _geometric_mean_euclidian(a_list, b_list):
"""Calculate the geometric mean euclidian distance between two coordinate lists."""
if len(a_list) != len(b_list):
raise ValueError("Length of a_list and b_list must be equivalent")
except TypeError:
raise TypeError("a_list and b_list must both be iterables")
return geometric_mean(_euclidian(a, b) for a in a_list for b in b_list)
def _circuit_bundle_distances(bundle_distance, phase_distances=None):
"""Calculate characteristic distance of bundle and circuit distances."""
if phase_distances is None:
return bundle_distance
phase_characteristic_distances = [
sqrt(phase * bundle_distance) for phase in phase_distances
return geometric_mean(phase_characteristic_distances)