Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.transportation_electrification.smart_charging

import gc
import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import linprog

from prereise.gather.demanddata.transportation_electrification import (

warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)

[docs]def ldv_weekday_weekend_check(x, y): """Helper function to select weekday/weekend data rows :param int x: data weekday/weekend value :param int y: model year weekday/weekend value :return: (*bool*) -- if data row matches whether the current day is a weekday/weekend """ return x == y
[docs]def hdv_use_all_data_rows(x, y): """Helper function to select weekday/weekend data rows :param int x: data weekday/weekend value :param int y: model year weekday/weekend value :return: (*bool*) -- always returns true to use all data rows """ return True
[docs]def smart_charging( model_year, veh_range, power, location_strategy, veh_type, filepath, external_signal, bev_vmt, census_region=None, daily_values=None, kwhmi=None, trip_strategy=1, input_day=None, debug_printout=False, ): """Smart charging function :param int model_year: year that is being modelled/projected to, 2017, 2030, 2040, 2050. :param int veh_range: 100, 200, or 300, represents how far vehicle can travel on single charge. :param int power: charger power, EVSE kW. :param int location_strategy: where the vehicle can charge-1, 2, 3, 4, or 5; 1-home only, 2-home and work related, 3-anywhere if possibile, 4-home and school only, 5-home and work and school. :param str veh_type: determine which category (LDV or LDT) to produce charging profiles for :param str filepath: the path to the nhts mat file. :param np.array external_signal: the initial load demand :param float bev_vmt: BEV VMT value / scaling factor loaded from regional_scaling_factors.csv :param int census_region: any of the 9 census regions defined by US census bureau. :param pandas.Series daily_values: daily weight factors returned from :func:`generate_daily_weighting`. :param int kwhmi: fuel efficiency, should vary based on vehicle type and model_year. :param int trip_strategy: determine to charge after any trip (1) or only after the last trip (2) :param numpy.ndarray input_day: daily list which specifies 1 if the day is a weekend, and 2 if the day is a weekday :param bool debug_printout: specify if additional model parameters will be printed :return: (*numpy.ndarray*) -- charging profiles. """ # load NHTS data from function if veh_type.lower() == "ldv": newdata = data_helper.remove_ldt(data_helper.load_data(census_region, filepath)) # updates the weekend and weekday values in the nhts data newdata = data_helper.update_if_weekend(newdata) elif veh_type.lower() == "ldt": newdata = data_helper.remove_ldv(data_helper.load_data(census_region, filepath)) # updates the weekend and weekday values in the nhts data newdata = data_helper.update_if_weekend(newdata) elif veh_type.lower() == "mdv": newdata = data_helper.load_hdv_data("mhdv", filepath) elif veh_type.lower() == "hdv": newdata = data_helper.load_hdv_data("hhdv", filepath) new_columns = [ "trip start battery charge", "trip end battery charge", "BEV could be used", "Battery size", "Electricity cost", "Battery discharge", "Battery charge", "trip_number", ] newdata = newdata.reindex(list(newdata.columns) + new_columns, axis=1, fill_value=0) newdata["trip_number"] = newdata.groupby("vehicle_number").cumcount() + 1 if input_day is None: input_day = data_helper.get_input_day( data_helper.get_model_year_dti(model_year) ) external_signal -= min(external_signal) if kwhmi is None: kwhmi = data_helper.get_kwhmi(model_year, veh_type, veh_range) kwh = kwhmi * veh_range if power > 19.2: charging_efficiency = 0.95 else: charging_efficiency = 0.9 # Add booleans for whether the location allows charging if location_strategy == 3: newdata["location_allowed"] = True else: if veh_type.lower() in {"ldv", "ldt"}: allowed = const.ldv_location_allowed[location_strategy] newdata["location_allowed"] = newdata["dwell_location"].isin(allowed) elif veh_type.lower() in {"mdv", "hdv"}: allowed = const.hdv_location_allowed[location_strategy] newdata["location_allowed"] = newdata["dwell_location"].isin(allowed) # Add booleans for whether the trip_number (compared to total trips) allows charging if trip_strategy == 1: newdata["trip_allowed"] = True elif trip_strategy == 2: newdata["trip_allowed"] = newdata["trip_number"] == newdata["total_trips"] else: raise ValueError("trip_strategy parameter is not valid, i.e. either 1 or 2") # Add booleans for whether the dwell time is long enough to allow charging newdata["dwell_allowed"] = newdata["dwell_time"] > 0.2 # Add boolean for whether this trip allows charging allowed_cols = [ "location_allowed", "trip_allowed", "dwell_allowed", ] newdata["charging_allowed"] = newdata[allowed_cols].apply(all, axis=1) newdata["dwell_charging"] = ( newdata["charging_allowed"] * newdata["dwell_time"] * power * charging_efficiency ) grouped_trips = newdata.groupby("vehicle_number") for vehicle_num, group in grouped_trips: newdata.loc[group.index, "max_charging"] = newdata.loc[ group.index, "dwell_charging" ].sum() newdata.loc[group.index, "required_charging"] = ( newdata.loc[group.index, "trip_miles"].sum() * kwhmi ) # Filter for whenever available charging is insufficient to meet required charging newdata = newdata.loc[ (newdata["required_charging"] <= newdata["max_charging"]) ].copy() # Filter for vehicle's battery range newdata = newdata.loc[(newdata["total vehicle miles traveled"] < veh_range)] # LDV and LDT filter for cyclical trips if veh_type.lower() in {"ldv", "ldt"}: filtered_census_data = pd.DataFrame(columns=const.nhts_census_column_names) i = 0 while i < len(newdata): total_trips = int(newdata.iloc[i, newdata.columns.get_loc("total_trips")]) # copy one vehicle information to the block individual = newdata.iloc[i : i + total_trips].copy() if individual["why_from"].iloc[0] == individual["dwell_location"].iloc[-1]: filtered_census_data = pd.concat( [filtered_census_data, individual], ignore_index=True ) i += total_trips newdata = filtered_census_data nd_len = len(newdata) model_year_profile = np.zeros(24 * len(input_day)) if veh_type.lower() in {"ldv", "ldt"}: data_day = data_helper.get_data_day(newdata) elif veh_type.lower() in {"mdv", "hdv"}: data_day = np.ones(len(newdata)) + 1 daily_vmt_total = data_helper.get_total_daily_vmt( newdata, input_day, veh_type.lower() ) if veh_type.lower() in {"ldv", "ldt"}: location_allowed = const.ldv_location_allowed use_data_row = ldv_weekday_weekend_check elif veh_type.lower() in {"mdv", "hdv"}: location_allowed = const.hdv_location_allowed use_data_row = hdv_use_all_data_rows newdata = charging_optimization.get_constraints( newdata, kwhmi, power, trip_strategy, location_strategy, location_allowed, charging_efficiency, ) output_load_sum_list = [] day_num = len(input_day) for day_iter in range(day_num): print(f"Day: {day_iter}") gc.collect() adjusted_load = [ external_signal[i] + model_year_profile[i] for i in range( day_iter * 24, (day_iter + 1) * 24 + min(day_num - day_iter - 1, 2) * 24 ) ] if 3 - day_num + day_iter > 0: adjusted_load += [ external_signal[i] + model_year_profile[i] for i in range(24 * (3 - day_num + day_iter)) ] cost = np.array(adjusted_load) g2v_load = np.zeros((100, 72)) individual_g2v_load = np.zeros((nd_len, 72)) # code developer debugging variables individual_vmt = 0 individual_trip_miles = 0 linprog_charge_results = 0 optimization_fail = 0 flag_1_fail = 0 flag_2_fail = 0 flag_3_fail = 0 flag_4_fail = 0 missed_vmt = 0 if veh_type.lower() in {"ldv", "ldt"}: missed_vehicles = pd.DataFrame(columns=const.nhts_census_column_names) elif veh_type.lower() in {"mdv", "hdv"}: missed_vehicles = pd.DataFrame( columns=list(newdata.columns) + [ "power_allowed", "charging consumption", "seg", "power", "segcum", "energy limit", "rates", ] ) i = 0 while i < nd_len: # trip amount for each vehicle total_trips = int(newdata.iloc[i, newdata.columns.get_loc("total_trips")]) if use_data_row(data_day[i], input_day[day_iter]): # copy one vehicle information to the block individual = newdata.iloc[i : i + total_trips].copy() individual_vmt += float( individual["total vehicle miles traveled"].iloc[0] ) individual_trip_miles += float(individual["trip_miles"].sum()) individual["rates"] = individual.apply( lambda d: dwelling.get_rates( cost, d["trip_end"], d["dwell_time"], ), axis=1, ) charging_consumption = individual["charging consumption"].to_numpy() rates = individual["rates"] rates = [r for trip_rates in rates for r in trip_rates] elimit = individual["energy limit"] elimit = [el for energy_lim in elimit for el in energy_lim] seg = individual["seg"].apply(int).to_numpy() linprog_inputs = charging_optimization.calculate_optimization( charging_consumption, rates, elimit, seg, total_trips, kwh, charging_efficiency, ) linprog_result = linprog(**linprog_inputs) exitflag = linprog_result.status state_of_charge = np.zeros((total_trips, 2)) # find the feasible points if exitflag == 0: # fval is the value of the final cost, exitflag is the reason why the optimization terminates # 0-success, 1-limit reached, 2-problem infeasible, 3-problem unbounded, 4-numerical difficulties x_array = np.array(linprog_result.x) # DANL EDITS linprog_charge_results += x_array.sum().sum() # can be an EV individual.iloc[:, newdata.columns.get_loc("BEV could be used")] = 1 for n in range(total_trips): # SOC drop in kwh, from driving individual.iloc[ n, newdata.columns.get_loc("Battery discharge") ] = charging_consumption[n] # G2V results # define the G2V load during a trip trip_g2v_load = np.zeros((1, 72)) start = math.floor( individual.iloc[ n, individual.columns.get_loc("trip_end"), ] ) end = math.floor( individual.iloc[ n, individual.columns.get_loc("trip_end"), ] + individual.iloc[ n, individual.columns.get_loc("dwell_time"), ] ) dwell_location = int( individual.iloc[ n, newdata.columns.get_loc("dwell_location") ] ) segcum = np.cumsum(seg) trip_g2v_load[:, start : end + 1] = ( x_array[segcum[n] - seg[n] : segcum[n]] / charging_efficiency ) g2v_load[dwell_location, :] += trip_g2v_load[0, :] individual_g2v_load[i + n][:] = trip_g2v_load trip_g2v_cost = np.matmul(trip_g2v_load, cost)[0] # charging charge. in DC charge = sum(x_array[segcum[n] - seg[n] : segcum[n]]) # V2G results trip_v2g_load = np.zeros((1, 72)) electricitycost = trip_g2v_cost tripload = trip_v2g_load + trip_g2v_load # update the cost function and convert from KW to MW cost += (tripload / 1000 / daily_vmt_total[day_iter] * bev_vmt)[ 0, : ] # SOC rise in kwh, from charging individual.iloc[ n, newdata.columns.get_loc("Battery charge") ] = charge if n == 0: state_of_charge[n][0] = charging_consumption[n] state_of_charge[n][1] = state_of_charge[n][0] + charge else: state_of_charge[n][0] = ( state_of_charge[n - 1][1] + charging_consumption[n] ) state_of_charge[n][1] = state_of_charge[n][0] + charge individual.iloc[ n, newdata.columns.get_loc("Electricity cost") ] = electricitycost # copy SOC back individual.iloc[ n, newdata.columns.get_loc("trip start battery charge") ] = state_of_charge[n, 0] individual.iloc[ n, newdata.columns.get_loc("trip end battery charge") ] = state_of_charge[n, 1] # find the acutal battery size, in DC batterysize = max(state_of_charge[:, 1]) - min( state_of_charge[:, 0] ) # copy to individual individual.iloc[ :, newdata.columns.get_loc("Battery size") ] = batterysize else: # collected for debugging if desired optimization_fail += 1 missed_vehicles = pd.concat( [ missed_vehicles, individual.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True), ], ignore_index=True, ) missed_vmt += individual["trip_miles"].sum() if exitflag == 1: flag_1_fail += 1 elif exitflag == 2: flag_2_fail += 1 elif exitflag == 3: flag_3_fail += 1 elif exitflag == 4: flag_4_fail += 1 # update the counter to the next vehicle i += total_trips outputelectricload = sum(g2v_load) output_load_sum_list.append(np.sum(outputelectricload)) # create wrap-around indexing function trip_window_indices = np.arange(day_iter * 24, day_iter * 24 + 72) % len( model_year_profile ) # MW scaled_output = ( outputelectricload * daily_values[day_iter] / (daily_vmt_total[day_iter] * 1000) * bev_vmt ) if debug_printout is True: output_check_array = ( outputelectricload / kwhmi / daily_vmt_total[day_iter] * charging_efficiency ) output_check_sum = output_check_array.sum() print( f"Unscaling the optimiation output should be close to or equal to 1 and is : {output_check_sum}" ) print( f"Original vmt sum via the column total vehicle miles traveled was : {individual_vmt}" ) print( f"Original vmt sum via the column trip miles sum was : {individual_trip_miles}" ) print( f"Charging summation from linprog_x directly is : {linprog_charge_results}" ) print(f"optimization output sum: {np.sum(outputelectricload)}") print(f"scaled output sum: {np.sum(scaled_output)}") print(f"Vmt missed in optimization: {missed_vmt}") print(f"Exit Flag 1: {flag_1_fail}") print(f"Exit Flag 2: {flag_2_fail}") print(f"Exit Flag 3: {flag_3_fail}") print(f"Exit Flag 4: {flag_4_fail}") print( missed_vehicles[ [ "dwell_time", "total vehicle miles traveled", "dwell_location", "vehicle_number", "location_allowed", "trip_allowed", "dwell_allowed", "charging_allowed", "dwell_charging", "required_charging", "max_charging", # ,"trip_number","Date","Day of Week", # "If Weekend","Trip start time (HHMM)","Trip end time (HHMM)","Travel Minutes", # "trip_miles","Vehicle miles traveled","why_from", ] ] ) model_year_profile[trip_window_indices] += scaled_output return model_year_profile, output_load_sum_list, newdata