Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.transportation_electrification.data_process

import pandas as pd

# Download CSV of NHTS 2017 from

[docs]def calculate_dwell_time(data: pd.DataFrame): """Calculates the dwell time, how long a vehicle has been charging. For the last trip, dwell time is calculated based on the last trip's end time and the start time of the first trip. This calculation handles when start times begin past 12AM. :param pandas.DataFrame data: the data to calculate the dwell time from :return: (*pandas.Series*) -- list of dwell times """ dwells = ( data["Start time (hour decimal)"].iloc[1:].values - data["End time (hour decimal)"].iloc[:-1] ) dwells.loc[data.index[-1]] = ( data["Start time (hour decimal)"].iloc[0] - data["End time (hour decimal)"].iloc[-1] ) dwells[dwells < 0] += 24 return dwells
[docs]def data_filtering(raw_nhts, census_division): """Filter raw NHTS data to be used in :param pandas.DataFrame raw_nhts: raw NHTS dataframe :param int census_division: any of the 9 census regions defined by the US census bureau :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- filtered and sorted trip data """ # filter to be only vehicle trips (TRPTRANS values 1-6) # filter out repeated trips (VMT = -1) # get correct census division nhts = raw_nhts.loc[ raw_nhts.TRPTRANS.isin(range(1, 7)) & (raw_nhts.VMT_MILE != -1) & (raw_nhts.CENSUS_D == census_division) ] column_translations = { "HOUSEID": "Household", "VEHID": "Vehicle ID", "PERSONID": "Person ID", "WTTRDFIN": "Scaling Factor Applied", "TDTRPNUM": "Trip Number", "TDAYDATE": "Date", "TRAVDAY": "Day of Week", "TDWKND": "If Weekend", "STRTTIME": "Trip start time (HHMM)", "ENDTIME": "Trip end time (HHMM)", "TRVLCMIN": "Travel Minutes", "DWELTIME": "Dwell time", "TRPMILES": "Miles traveled", "VMT_MILE": "Vehicle miles traveled", "WHYFROM": "why from", "WHYTO": "why to", "TRPTRANS": "Vehicle type", "HHVEHCNT": "Household vehicle count", "HHSIZE": "Household size", } filtered_data = nhts[column_translations.keys()].rename( column_translations, axis="columns" ) filtered_data = filtered_data.reindex( list(filtered_data.columns) + [ "Start time (hour decimal)", "End time (hour decimal)", "Dwell time (hour decimal)", "Travel time (hour decimal)", "Vehicle speed (mi/hour)", "sample vehicle number", "total vehicle trips", "total vehicle miles traveled", ], axis="columns", ) # columns that require calculations: 21-28 filtered_data["Start time (hour decimal)"] = [ row // 100 + row % 100 / 60 for row in filtered_data["Trip start time (HHMM)"] ] filtered_data["End time (hour decimal)"] = [ row // 100 + row % 100 / 60 for row in filtered_data["Trip end time (HHMM)"] ] filtered_data["Travel time (hour decimal)"] = ( filtered_data["End time (hour decimal)"] - filtered_data["Start time (hour decimal)"] ) filtered_data["Vehicle speed (mi/hour)"] = ( filtered_data["Vehicle miles traveled"] / filtered_data["Travel time (hour decimal)"] ) grouping = filtered_data.groupby(["Household", "Vehicle ID"]) filtered_data["sample vehicle number"] = grouping.ngroup() + 1 filtered_data["total vehicle trips"] = grouping["Vehicle miles traveled"].transform( len ) filtered_data["total vehicle miles traveled"] = grouping[ "Vehicle miles traveled" ].transform(sum) # drop the 'household' and 'vehicle id' index filtered_data["Dwell time (hour decimal)"] = grouping.apply( calculate_dwell_time ).droplevel([0, 1]) return filtered_data