Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.transportation_electrification.data_helper

import calendar
import os

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import loadmat

from prereise.gather.demanddata.transportation_electrification import const

[docs]def get_model_year_dti(model_year: int): """Creates a DatetimeIndex based on the input year of the model. :param int model_year: the input year of the model :return: (*pandas.DatetimeIndex model_year_dti*) -- a DatetimeIndex encompassing the model year. """ return pd.date_range( start=f"{model_year}-01-01", end=f"{model_year}-12-31", freq="D" )
[docs]def get_input_day(model_year_dti: pd.DatetimeIndex): """Determine whether each day of the model year is a weekend (1) or weekday (2) :param pandas.DatetimeIndex model_year_dti: a DatetimeIndex encompassing the model year. :return: (*numpy.ndarray*) -- array of 1s and 2s indicating weekend/weekday designations for the model year. """ return model_year_dti.dayofweek.isin(range(5)).astype(int) + 1
[docs]def get_data_day(data: pd.DataFrame): """Get weekday/weekend designation value from data. :param pandas.DataFrame data: the data to get day of week from. :return: (*numpy.array*) -- indicates weekend or weekday for every day. """ return np.array(data["If Weekend"])
[docs]def get_kwhmi(model_year, veh_type, veh_range): """Get the fuel efficiency value based on the model year and vehicle type. :param int model_year: year that is being modelled/projected to, 2017, 2030, 2040, 2050. :param str veh_type: determine which category (MDV, HDV, or Transit) to produce a fuel efficiency value for. :param int veh_range: 100, 200, or 300, represents how far vehicle can travel on single charge. :return: (*float*) -- fuel efficiency value from the Fuel_efficiencies.csv :raises ValueError: if ``veh_range`` is not 100, 200, or 300 and if ``veh_type`` is not 'LDT', 'LDV', 'MDV', 'HDV', or 'Transit """ allowable_vehicle_types = {"LDT", "LDV", "MDV", "HDV", "Transit"} allowable_ranges = {100, 200, 300} if veh_range not in allowable_ranges: raise ValueError(f"veh_range must be one of {allowable_ranges}") filepath = os.path.join( const.data_folder_path, "Fuel_Efficiencies.csv", ) data = pd.read_csv(filepath, index_col="veh_type") if (veh_type.upper() == "LDV") or (veh_type.upper() == "LDT"): kwhmi = data.loc[f"{veh_type.upper()}_{veh_range}", str(model_year)] elif (veh_type.upper() == "MDV") or (veh_type.upper() == "HDV"): kwhmi = data.loc[f"{veh_type.upper()}", str(model_year)] elif veh_type == "Transit": kwhmi = data.loc[f"{veh_type}", str(model_year)] else: raise ValueError(f"veh_type must be one of {allowable_vehicle_types}") return kwhmi
[docs]def load_data(census_region: int, filepath: str = "nhts_census_updated.mat"): """Load the data at nhts_census.mat. :param int census_region: the census region to load data from. :param str filepath: the path to the matfile. :raises ValueError: if the census division is not between 1 and 9, inclusive. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the data loaded from nths_census.mat, with column names added. """ if not (1 <= census_region <= 9): raise ValueError("census_region must be between 1 and 9 (inclusive).") if filepath.endswith(".csv"): census_data = pd.read_csv(filepath) else: nhts_census = loadmat(filepath) raw_data = nhts_census[f"census_{census_region}_updated_dwell"] census_data = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns=const.nhts_census_column_names) census_data = census_data.rename(columns=const.ldv_columns_transform) return census_data
[docs]def load_hdv_data( veh_type, filepath, ): """Load the data at fdata_v10st.mat. :param str veh_type: vehicle type ("hhdv: and "mhdv") category for trips :param str filepath: the path to the matfile. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the data loaded from fdata_v10st.mat, with column names added. """ if filepath.endswith(".csv"): hdv_data = pd.read_csv(filepath) else: mat_data = loadmat(filepath) raw_data = mat_data[f"{veh_type}_data"] hdv_data = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns=const.hdv_data_column_names) hdv_data = hdv_data.rename(columns=const.hdv_columns_transform) return hdv_data
[docs]def load_urbanized_scaling_factor( model_year, veh_type, veh_range, urbanized_area, state, filepath="regional_scaling_factors_UA_", ): """Load the scaling factor for urbanized areas based on model year and vehicle type for the inputted urbanized area and state. :param int model_year: year that is being modelled/projected to, 2017, 2030, 2040, 2050. :param str veh_type: determine which category (MDV, HDV, or Transit) to produce a fuel efficiency value for. :param int veh_range: 100, 200, or 300, represents how far vehicle can travel on single charge. :param str urbanized_area: name of urbanized area or city. :param str state: the US state the inputted urbanized area is in. :param str filepath: the path to the csv. :return: (*int/float*) -- scaling factor value from the regional_scaling_factors_UA_{model_year}.csv :raises ValueError: if ``veh_range`` is not 100, 200, or 300 and if ``veh_type`` is not 'LDT', 'LDV', 'MDV', 'HDV', or 'Transit """ allowable_vehicle_types = {"LDT", "LDV", "MDV", "HDV", "Transit"} allowable_ranges = {100, 200, 300} if veh_range not in allowable_ranges: raise ValueError(f"veh_range must be one of {allowable_ranges}") data = pd.read_csv(filepath + str(model_year) + ".csv", index_col=["UA", "State"]) if veh_type.upper() == "LDV": bev_vmt = data.loc[ (urbanized_area, state), f"{veh_type.upper()} Car - {veh_range} mi" ] elif veh_type.upper() == "LDT": bev_vmt = data.loc[(urbanized_area, state), f"LDV Truck - {veh_range} mi"] elif (veh_type.upper() == "MDV") or (veh_type.upper() == "HDV"): bev_vmt = data.loc[(urbanized_area, state), f"{veh_type.upper()} Truck"] elif veh_type == "Transit": bev_vmt = data.loc[(urbanized_area, state), f"{veh_type} Bus"] else: raise ValueError(f"veh_type must be one of {allowable_vehicle_types}") return bev_vmt
[docs]def load_rural_scaling_factor( model_year, veh_type, veh_range, state, filepath="regional_scaling_factors_RA_" ): """Load the scaling factor for rural areas based on model year and vehicle type for the inputted state. :param int model_year: year that is being modelled/projected to, 2017, 2030, 2040, 2050. :param str veh_type: determine which category (MDV, HDV, or Transit) to produce a fuel efficiency value for. :param int veh_range: 100, 200, or 300, represents how far vehicle can travel on single charge. :param str state: the US state the inputted urbanized area is in. :param str filepath: the path to the csv. :return: (*int/float*) -- scaling factor value from the regional_scaling_factors_RA_{model_year}.csv :raises ValueError: if ``veh_range`` is not 100, 200, or 300 and if ``veh_type`` is not 'LDT', 'LDV', 'MDV', 'HDV', or 'Transit """ allowable_vehicle_types = {"LDT", "LDV", "MDV", "HDV", "Transit"} allowable_ranges = {100, 200, 300} if veh_range not in allowable_ranges: raise ValueError(f"veh_range must be one of {allowable_ranges}") data = pd.read_csv(filepath + str(model_year) + ".csv", index_col=["State"]) if veh_type.upper() == "LDV": bev_vmt = data.loc[state.upper(), f"{veh_type.upper()} Car - {veh_range} mi"] elif veh_type.upper() == "LDT": bev_vmt = data.loc[state.upper(), f"LDV Truck - {veh_range} mi"] elif (veh_type.upper() == "MDV") or (veh_type.upper() == "HDV"): bev_vmt = data.loc[state.upper(), f"{veh_type.upper()} Truck"] elif veh_type == "Transit": bev_vmt = data.loc[state.upper(), f"{veh_type} Bus"] else: raise ValueError(f"veh_type must be one of {allowable_vehicle_types}") return bev_vmt
[docs]def remove_ldt(data: pd.DataFrame): """Remove light duty trucks (vehicle types 4-6) from data loaded from nths_census.mat. Keep light duty vehicles (vehicle types 1-3). :param pandas.DataFrame data: the data returned from :func:`load_data`. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the data loaded from :func:`load_data` with all rows involving LDT removed. """ return data.loc[data["Vehicle type"].isin(range(1, 4))].copy()
[docs]def remove_ldv(data: pd.DataFrame): """Remove light duty vehicles (vehicle types 1-3) from data loaded from nths_census.mat. Keep light duty trucks (vehicle types 4-6). :param pandas.DataFrame data: the data returned from :func:`load_data`. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the data loaded from :func:`load_data` with all rows involving LDT removed. """ return data.loc[data["Vehicle type"].isin(range(4, 7))].copy()
[docs]def update_if_weekend(data: pd.DataFrame): """Updates the "If Weekend" values depending on the "Day of Week" value. Fridays and Sundays overlap into the weekend or weekday due to the vehicle time window, 6AM - 5:59AM. :param pandas.DataFrame data: the data returned from :func:`remove_ldt` or :func:`remove_ldv`. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the data loaded from :func:`remove_ldt` or :func:`remove_ldv` with updated "If Weekend" values. """ # weekend in the case of 1 or 7 data.loc[data["Day of Week"].isin({1, 7}), "If Weekend"] = 1 # weekday in the case of 2-6 (inclusive) data.loc[data["Day of Week"].isin(range(2, 7)), "If Weekend"] = 2 return data
[docs]def generate_daily_weighting(year, area_type="urban"): """Generate daily weighting factors based on vehicle-miles-travelled distributions. :param int/str year: year to generate weighting factors for. :param str area_type: Either 'urban' or 'rural'. :return: (*pandas.Series*) -- index is the day of the year, values are the fraction of the year's vehicle miles travelled are estimated to occur in that day. :raises ValueError: if ``area_type`` is neither 'urban' nor 'rural'. """ allowable_area_types = {"urban", "rural"} if area_type not in allowable_area_types: raise ValueError(f"area_type must be one of {allowable_area_types}") data_dir = const.data_folder_path monthly_distribution = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(data_dir, "moves_monthly.csv"), index_col=0 ) weekday_distribution = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(data_dir, "moves_daily.csv"), index_col=0 ) weekday_distribution.loc["weekday"] /= 5 # normalize to each day within weekdays weekday_distribution.loc["weekend"] /= 2 # normalize to each day within weekends year_type = "leap_year" if calendar.isleap(int(year)) else "regular_year" index = get_model_year_dti(year) # Retrieve the appropriate day weighting value daily_values = index.to_series().map( lambda x: weekday_distribution.loc[ "weekday" if x.dayofweek < 5 else "weekend", area_type ] ) # Normalize each month so that it sums to 1, and multiply by each month's share daily_values *= monthly_distribution[year_type] / monthly_distribution[year_type].sum() # correct for independent rounding / daily_values.groupby(daily_values.index.month).sum() ) return daily_values
[docs]def get_total_daily_vmt(data: pd.DataFrame, input_day, veh_type): """Calculates the total VMT and total vehicles for for each day of the model year, based on if the day is a weekend (1) or weekday (2). :param pandas.DataFrame data: the data returned from :func:`load_data`. :param numpy.ndarray input_day: day of the week for each day in the year derived from :func:`get_input_day`. :param pandas.Series veh_type: vehicle class (LDV, LDT, MDV, HDV) :raises ValueError: Vehicle class is not specified :return: (*np.array*) -- an array where each element is the daily VMT and total vehicles for that day. """ if veh_type in {"mdv", "hdv"}: daily_vmt_total = data.loc[:, "trip_miles"].sum() * np.ones(len(input_day)) elif veh_type in {"ldv", "ldt"}: weekend_vmt = data.loc[data["If Weekend"] == 1, "trip_miles"].sum() weekday_vmt = data.loc[data["If Weekend"] == 2, "trip_miles"].sum() daily_vmt_total = [] for i in range(len(input_day)): if input_day[i] == 1: daily_vmt_total.append(weekend_vmt) elif input_day[i] == 2: daily_vmt_total.append(weekday_vmt) else: raise ValueError("Vehicle class is not specified") return daily_vmt_total