Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.nrel_efs.tests.test_get_efs_data

import os
import zipfile

import pandas as pd
import pytest
from pandas.testing import assert_frame_equal
from import ModelImmutables

from prereise.gather.demanddata.nrel_efs.get_efs_data import (

mi = ModelImmutables("usa_tamu")
abv2state = mi.zones["abv2state"]

[docs]def test_check_electrification_scenarios_for_download(): # Run the check test_es = _check_electrification_scenarios_for_download(es={"All"}) # Specify the expected values exp_es = {"Reference", "Medium", "High"} # Compare the two sets assert test_es == exp_es
[docs]def test_check_technology_advancements_for_download(): # Run the check test_ta = _check_technology_advancements_for_download(ta={"All"}) # Specify the expected values exp_ta = {"Slow", "Moderate", "Rapid"} # Compare the two sets assert test_ta == exp_ta
[docs]def test_check_path(): # Run check test_fpath = _check_path(fpath="") # Specify the expected file path exp_fpath = os.getcwd() # Compare the two file paths assert test_fpath == exp_fpath
[docs]@pytest.mark.integration def test_download_data(): try: # Download a file using _download_data _download_data( zip_name="", url="", fpath="", ) # Check that the expected .zip file was downloaded assert os.path.isfile("") finally: # Remove the downloaded .zip file os.remove("")
[docs]@pytest.mark.integration def test_extract_data(): # Create a dummy demand data set cont_states = sorted(set(abv2state) - {"AK", "HI"}) dummy_demand_data = { "Electrification": ["High"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "TechnologyAdvancement": ["Rapid"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "Year": [2030] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "LocalHourID": sorted(list(range(1, 8761)) * 4 * 48), "State": sorted(list(cont_states) * 4) * 8760, "Sector": ["Commercial", "Industrial", "Residential", "Transportation"] * 48 * 8760, "LoadMW": [1, 2, 3, 4] * 48 * 8760, } dummy_demand_df = pd.DataFrame(data=dummy_demand_data) dummy_demand_df.to_csv("test_demand.csv", index=False) # Create a .zip file of the dummy demand data set with zipfile.ZipFile("", "w") as z: z.write("test_demand.csv") os.remove("test_demand.csv") try: # Try extracting the dummy .csv file from the dummy .zip file _extract_data( z=None, zf_works=False, zip_name="", csv_name="test_demand.csv", fpath=os.getcwd(), sz_path="C:/Program Files/7-Zip/7z.exe", ) # Load the downloaded EFS demand data set df = pd.read_csv("test_demand.csv") # Access the columns test_cols = list(df.columns) exp_cols = [ "Electrification", "TechnologyAdvancement", "Year", "LocalHourID", "State", "Sector", "LoadMW", ] # Compare the two values assert len(test_cols) == len(exp_cols) except FileNotFoundError: # If the automated extraction did not work, check that the .zip file was created assert os.path.isfile("") # Remove the downloaded .zip file os.remove("") finally: # Remove the downloaded EFS data set os.remove("test_demand.csv")
[docs]@pytest.mark.integration def test_partition_demand_by_sector(): # Create a dummy demand data set cont_states = sorted(set(abv2state) - {"AK", "HI"}) dummy_demand_data = { "Electrification": ["High"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "TechnologyAdvancement": ["Rapid"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "Year": [2030] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "LocalHourID": sorted(list(range(1, 8761)) * 4 * 48), "State": sorted(list(cont_states) * 4) * 8760, "Sector": ["Commercial", "Industrial", "Residential", "Transportation"] * 48 * 8760, "LoadMW": [1, 2, 3, 4] * 48 * 8760, } dummy_demand_df = pd.DataFrame(data=dummy_demand_data) dummy_demand_df.to_csv("EFSLoadProfile_High_Rapid.csv", index=False) try: # Generate the test results test_sect_dem = partition_demand_by_sector( es="High", ta="Rapid", year=2030, save=False ) # Create the expected results exp_res_dem = pd.DataFrame( 3, index=pd.date_range("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", freq="H", inclusive="left"), columns=cont_states, ) = "Local Time" # Compare the two DataFrames assert_frame_equal(exp_res_dem, test_sect_dem["Residential"], check_names=False) finally: # Delete the test .csv file os.remove("EFSLoadProfile_High_Rapid.csv")
[docs]@pytest.mark.integration def test_partition_flexibility_by_sector(): # Create a dummy flexibility data set cont_states = sorted(set(abv2state) - {"AK", "HI"}) dummy_flex_data = { "Electrification": ["High"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "TechnologyAdvancement": ["Rapid"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "Flexibility": ["Base"] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "Year": [2030] * 4 * 48 * 8760, "LocalHourID": sorted(list(range(1, 8761)) * 4 * 48), "State": sorted(list(cont_states) * 4) * 8760, "Sector": ["Commercial", "Industrial", "Residential", "Transportation"] * 48 * 8760, "LoadMW": [1, 2, 3, 4] * 48 * 8760, } dummy_flex_df = pd.DataFrame(data=dummy_flex_data) dummy_flex_df.to_csv("EFSFlexLoadProfiles_High.csv", index=False) try: # Generate the test results test_sect_flex = partition_flexibility_by_sector( es="High", ta="Rapid", flex="Base", year=2030, save=False ) # Create the expected results exp_res_flex = pd.DataFrame( 3, index=pd.date_range("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", freq="H", inclusive="left"), columns=cont_states, ) = "Local Time" # Compare the two DataFrames assert_frame_equal( exp_res_flex, test_sect_flex["Residential"], check_names=False ) finally: # Delete the test .csv file os.remove("EFSFlexLoadProfiles_High.csv")
[docs]def test_account_for_leap_year(): # Create dummy aggregate demand DataFrame cont_states = sorted(set(abv2state) - {"AK", "HI"}) dem = pd.DataFrame( 1, index=list(range(8760)), columns=cont_states, ) dem.iloc[24:48] += 1 # Generate the test result test_dem = account_for_leap_year(dem) # Create the expected result exp_dem = pd.DataFrame( 1, index=list(range(8784)), columns=cont_states, ) exp_dem.iloc[24:48] += 1 exp_dem.iloc[8760:8784] += 1 # Compare the two DataFrames assert_frame_equal(exp_dem, test_dem)