Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.nrel_efs.map_states

from collections import defaultdict

import pandas as pd
from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid
from import ModelImmutables

mi = ModelImmutables("usa_tamu")
abv2id = mi.zones["abv2id"]
abv2state = mi.zones["abv2state"]
id2abv = mi.zones["id2abv"]
id2timezone = mi.zones["id2timezone"]
interconnect2id = mi.zones["interconnect2id"]

[docs]def decompose_demand_profile_by_state_to_loadzone( df, profile_type, regions=None, save=None ): """Transforms the sectoral demand data so that it is separated by load zone rather than by state. :param pandas.DataFrame df: DataFrame of the sectoral demand data, where the rows are time steps (in local time) and the columns are the states. This input is intended to be the output of :py:func:`combine_efs_demand` or the components that are output from :py:func:`partition_flexibility_by_sector`. :param str profile_type: A string that identifies the type of profile that is provided. Can be one of *'demand'* or *'demand_flexibility'*. :param iterable regions: The combination of interconnection names and state abbreviations that dictate the zone IDs to be included. Can choose any of: *'Eastern'*, *'Western'*, *'Texas'*, any state abbreviation in the contiguous United States, or *'All'*. Defaults to None. :param str save: Saves a .csv if a string representing a valid file path and file name is provided. Defaults to None, indicating that a .csv file should not be saved. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- Sectoral demand, split by load zone ID. :raises TypeError: if df is not a pandas.DataFrame, if profile_type is not a string, if regions is not an iterable, if the components of regions are not strings, or if save is not input as a string. :raises ValueError: if df does not have the proper timestamps or the correct number of states, if profile_type is not valid, or if the components of regions are not valid. """ # Account for the immutable default parameter if regions is None: regions = {"All"} # Check the data types of the inputs if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("df must be input as a pandas.DataFrame.") if not isinstance(profile_type, str): raise TypeError("profile_type must be input as a str.") if not isinstance(regions, (set, list)): raise TypeError( "Combination of interconnections and state abbreviations must be input as " + "a set or list." ) # Check the demand DataFrame timestamps and column headers if not df.index.equals( pd.date_range("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", freq="H", inclusive="left") ): raise ValueError("This data does not have the proper timestamps.") if set(df.columns) != set(abv2state) - {"AK", "HI"}: raise ValueError("This data does not include all 48 states.") # Check the value of profile_type if profile_type not in {"demand", "demand_flexibility"}: raise ValueError(f"{profile_type} is not a valid selection for profile_type.") # Check that the components of regions are str if not all(isinstance(x, str) for x in regions): raise TypeError( "Individual interconnections and state abbreviations must be input as a " + "str." ) # Reformat components of regions regions = {x.upper() if len(x) == 2 else x.capitalize() for x in regions} if "All" in regions: regions = {"Eastern", "Western", "Texas"} # Check that the components of regions are valid possible_regions = ({"Eastern", "Western", "Texas"} | set(abv2state)) - {"AK", "HI"} if not regions.issubset(possible_regions): invalid_regions = regions - possible_regions raise ValueError(f'Invalid regions: {", ".join(invalid_regions)}') # Grab the grid information grid = Grid(["USA"]) # Find Pd for each load zone and determine the fraction of Pd per load zone by state pd_by_lz = grid.bus.groupby("zone_id")["Pd"].sum() pd_state_total = defaultdict(float) for i, s in id2abv.items(): pd_state_total[s] += pd_by_lz[i] pd_frac = {i: pd_by_lz[i] / pd_state_total[id2abv[i]] for i in id2abv} # Split states into load zones df_lz = pd.DataFrame(index=df.index, columns=list(id2abv)) for i in df_lz.columns: df_lz[i] = df[id2abv[i]] * pd_frac[i] # Convert from local hours to UTC time df_lz = shift_local_time_by_loadzone_to_utc(df_lz) # Determine the loadzones to be inlcuded in the profile, as specified by regions loadzones = sorted( set().union( *[abv2id[r] if len(r) == 2 else interconnect2id[r] for r in regions] ) ) # Keep the appropriate loadzones df_lz = df_lz[loadzones] # Change the column headers if the profile_type is "demand_flexibility" if profile_type == "demand_flexibility": df_lz.columns = [f"zone.{x}" for x in loadzones] # Save the demand data, if desired if save is not None: if not isinstance(save, str): raise TypeError("The file path and file name must be input as a str.") else: df_lz.to_csv(save) # Return the demand that is separated by load zone ID return df_lz
[docs]def shift_local_time_by_loadzone_to_utc(df): """Maps the local time for each load zone to the corresponding UTC time. :param pandas.DataFrame df: DataFrame of the demand data, where the rows are time steps (in local time) and the columns are load zone IDs. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- Demand, shifted to account for UTC time. :raises TypeError: if df is not a pandas.DataFrame. :raises ValueError: if df does not have the proper timestamps or the correct number of states. """ # Check that a DataFrame is input if not isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame): raise TypeError("df must be input as a pandas.DataFrame.") # Check the demand DataFrame dimensions and headers if not df.index.equals( pd.date_range("2016-01-01", "2017-01-01", freq="H", inclusive="left") ): raise ValueError("This data does not have the proper timestamps.") if set(df.columns) != set(id2abv): raise ValueError("This data does not include all load zones.") # Shift values according to UTC time correction df_tz = df.copy() for i in df_tz.columns: tz_val = int(id2timezone[i][-1]) df_tz[i] = df_tz[i].shift(tz_val) # Populate with data from December 30 (same day of week) that is the same time df_tz.iloc[0:tz_val, df_tz.columns.get_loc(i)] = df.iloc[ (8736 - tz_val) : 8736 ][i].values # Rename index = "UTC Time" # Return the demand that has been shifted to meet UTC time return df_tz