Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.eia.get_eia_data

import json
import os
from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
from urllib.request import urlopen

import pandas as pd
from pandas.tseries.offsets import DateOffset

[docs]def from_download(tok, start_date, end_date, offset_days, series_list): """Download and assemble dataset of demand data per balancing authority for desired date range. :param str tok: token obtained by registering with EIA. :param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime start_date: start date. :param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime end_date: end data. :param list series_list: list of demand series names provided by EIA, e.g., ['EBA.AVA-ALL.D.H', 'EBA.AZPS-ALL.D.H']. :param int offset_days: number of business days for data to stabilize. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with UTC timestamp as indices and BA series name as column names. """ timespan = pd.date_range( start_date, end_date - DateOffset(days=offset_days), tz="UTC", freq="H" ) df_all = pd.DataFrame(index=timespan) for ba in series_list: print("Downloading", ba) d = EIAgov(tok, [ba]) df = d.get_data() if df is not None: df.index = pd.to_datetime(df["Date"]) df.drop(columns=["Date"], inplace=True) df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df], axis=1) return df_all
[docs]def from_excel(directory, series_list, start_date, end_date): """Assemble EIA balancing authority (BA) data from pre-downloaded Excel spreadsheets. The spreadsheets contain data from July 2015 to present. :param str directory: location of Excel files. :param list series_list: list of BA initials, e.g., ['PSE',BPAT','CISO']. :param datetime.datetime start_date: desired start of dataset. :param datetime.datetime end_date: desired end of dataset. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with UTC timestamp as indices and BA series name as column names. """ timespan = pd.date_range(start_date, end_date, freq="H") df_all = pd.DataFrame(index=timespan) for ba in series_list: print(ba) filename = ba + ".xlsx" df = pd.read_excel( io=os.path.join(directory, filename), header=0, usecols="B,U" ) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df["UTC Time"]) # Fill missing times df = df.resample("H").asfreq() df.drop(columns=["UTC Time"], inplace=True) df.rename(columns={"Published D": ba}, inplace=True) df_all = pd.concat([df_all, df], join="inner", axis=1) return df_all
[docs]def get_ba_demand(ba_code_list, start_date, end_date, api_key): """Download the demand between two dates for a list of balancing authorities. :param pandas.DataFrame ba_code_list: List of BAs to download from eia. :param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime start_date: beginning bound for the demand data frame. :param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime end_date: end bound for the demand data frame. :param string api_key: api key to fetch data. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with columns of demand by BA. """ series_list = [f"EBA.{ba}-ALL.D.H" for ba in ba_code_list] df = from_download( api_key, start_date, end_date, offset_days=0, series_list=series_list ) df.columns = [ba.replace("EBA.", "").replace("-ALL.D.H", "") for ba in df.columns] return df
[docs]class EIAgov(object): """Copied from `this link <\ 2014/11/18/downloading-eias-data-with-python/>`_. :param str token: EIA token. :param list series: id code(s) of the series to be downloaded. """ def __init__(self, token, series): self.token = token self.series = series
[docs] def raw(self, ser): """Download json files from EIA. :param str ser: list of file names. :raises keyError: when URL or file are either not found or not valid. """ url = ( "" + self.token + "&series_id=" + ser.upper() ) try: response = urlopen(url) raw_byte = raw_string = str(raw_byte, "utf-8-sig") jso = json.loads(raw_string) return jso except HTTPError as e: print("HTTP error type.") print("Error code: ", e.code) except URLError as e: print("URL type error.") print("Reason: ", e.reason)
[docs] def get_data(self): """Convert json files into data frame. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame. """ date_ = self.raw(self.series[0]) if "data" in date_.keys() and "error" in date_["data"].keys(): e = date_["data"]["error"] print(f"ERROR: {self.series[0]} not found. {e}") return None if len(date_["series"]) == 0: print(f"ERROR: {self.series[0]} was found but has no data") return None date_series = date_["series"][0]["data"] endi = len(date_series) date = [] for i in range(endi): date.append(date_series[i][0]) df = pd.DataFrame(data=date) df.columns = ["Date"] lenj = len(self.series) for j in range(lenj): data_ = self.raw(self.series[j]) data_series = data_["series"][0]["data"] data = [] endk = len(date_series) for k in range(endk): data.append(data_series[k][1]) df[self.series[j]] = data return df