Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.bldg_electrification.weather_data_agg

# This script contains functions to download ERA5 data and manipulate it to
# produce hourly time series of (dry bulb) temperature, dew point temperature
# and surface pressure. It is designed for the specific use case. For more
# general information on accessing ERA5 data, see:

import os

import cdsapi
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import psychrolib
import xarray as xr
from dateutil import tz
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from suntime import Sun

from prereise.gather.demanddata.bldg_electrification import const


variable_names = {
    "temp": {"era5": "2m_temperature", "nc": "t2m"},
    "dewpt": {"era5": "2m_dewpoint_temperature", "nc": "d2m"},
    "pres": {"era5": "surface_pressure", "nc": "sp"},

[docs]def era5_download(years, directory, variable="temp"): """Download ERA5 data :param iterable year: year(s) for which data to be downloaded given as single value or iterable list :param str directory: path to root directory for ERA5 downloads :param str: variable to be downloaded, chosen from: temp {Default} -- dry bulb temperataure, corresponds to ERA5 variable "2m_temperature" dewpt -- dew point temperature, corresponds to ERA5 variable "2m_dewpoint_temperature" pres -- surface pressure, corresponds to ERA5 variable "surface_pressure" :raises ValueError: if the ``variable`` name is invalid or if any values in ``years`` are outside of the valid range. :raises Exception: if the cdsapi package is not configured properly. """ # Check variable input and get associated ERA5 variable name try: variable_era5 = variable_names[variable]["era5"] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid variable name: {variable}") # Make single year input iterable if not hasattr(years, "__iter__"): years = [years] # Error if "years" includes any years prior to 1950 if min(years) < 1950: raise ValueError("Input years must be 1950 or later") # Note if prior to 1979, preliminary version of reanalysis back extension if min(years) < 1979: print( "Data for years 1950-1979 are a preliminary version of reanalysis back extension" ) try: c = cdsapi.Client() except Exception: raise Exception( "cdsapi is not configured properly, see" ) # Create folder to store data for given variable if it doesn"t yet exist os.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, variable), exist_ok=True) for year in years: if year < 1979: dataset = "reanalysis-era5-single-levels-preliminary-back-extension" else: dataset = "reanalysis-era5-single-levels" print( f"Retrieving ERA5 {variable_era5} ({variable} input variable) dataset for {year}" ) c.retrieve( dataset, { "product_type": "reanalysis", "format": "netcdf", "variable": variable_era5, "year": "{:04d}".format(year), "month": ["{:02d}".format(x) for x in range(1, 13)], "day": ["{:02d}".format(x) for x in range(1, 32)], "time": ["{:02d}:00".format(x) for x in range(0, 24)], "area": [50, -128, 24, -62], }, os.path.join(directory, variable, f"{variable}s_era5_{year}.nc"), )
[docs]def create_era5_pumas( years, tract_puma_mapping, tract_pop, tract_lat_lon, directory, variable="temp" ): """Create {variable}s_pumas_{state}_{year}.csv or dewpt_pumas_{state}_{year} for all CONUS states and input year(s) :param iterable year: year(s) for which data files to be produced :param pandas.Series tract_puma_mapping: tract to puma mapping. :param pandas.Series tract_pop: population, indexed by tract. :param pandas.DataFrame tract_lat_lon: data frame, indexed by tract, with columns "state", "lat", and "lon". :param str directory: path to root directory for ERA5 downloads (not including variable name) :param str: variable to produce temp {Default} -- dry bulb temperataure, corresponds to ERA5 variable "2m_temperature" dewpt -- dew point temperature, corresponds to ERA5 variable "2m_dewpoint_temperature" pres -- surface pressure, corresponds to ERA5 variable "surface_pressure" :raises ValueError: if the ``variable`` name is invalid. :raises FileNotFoundError: if not all required files are present. """ # Function to convert latitude and longitude to cartesian coordinates def lon_lat_to_cartesian(lon, lat): # WGS 84 reference coordinate system parameters a = 6378.137 # major axis [km] e2 = 6.69437999014e-3 # eccentricity squared lon_rad = np.radians(lon) lat_rad = np.radians(lat) # convert to cartesian coordinates r_n = a / (np.sqrt(1 - e2 * (np.sin(lat_rad) ** 2))) x = r_n * np.cos(lat_rad) * np.cos(lon_rad) y = r_n * np.cos(lat_rad) * np.sin(lon_rad) z = r_n * (1 - e2) * np.sin(lat_rad) return x, y, z # Check variable input and get associated ERA5 variable name try: variable_era5 = variable_names[variable]["era5"] variable_nc = variable_names[variable]["nc"] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"Invalid variable name: {variable}") # Make single year input iterable if not hasattr(years, "__iter__"): years = [years] # Check if ERA5 files exist for all input years n_missing = 0 for year in years: if not os.path.exists( os.path.join(directory, variable, f"{variable}s_era5_{year}.nc") ): print(f"Missing file {variable_era5}_{year}.nc") n_missing = n_missing + 1 if n_missing > 0: raise FileNotFoundError else: print("Confirmed: All required ERA5 input files present") # Create folder to store data for given variable if it doesn"t yet exist os.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, "pumas", f"{variable}s"), exist_ok=True) # Combine tract-level data into single data frame tract_data = tract_lat_lon.assign(pop_2010=tract_pop, puma=tract_puma_mapping) # Filter to census tracts with building area data in included states tract_data = tract_data[tract_data["state"].isin(const.state_list)] # Loop through input years for year in years: print(f"Processing puma-level {variable} time series for {year}") # Load ERA5 dataset ds_era5 = xr.open_dataset( os.path.join(directory, variable, f"{variable}s_era5_{year}.nc") ) # Get latitude and longitude from ERA5 dataset and make 2D arrays lats_era5 = ds_era5.variables["latitude"][:] lons_era5 = ds_era5.variables["longitude"][:] lons_era5_2d, lats_era5_2d = np.meshgrid(lons_era5, lats_era5) x_era5, y_era5, z_era5 = lon_lat_to_cartesian( lons_era5_2d.flatten(), lats_era5_2d.flatten() ) x_tracts, y_tracts, z_tracts = lon_lat_to_cartesian( tract_data["lon"], tract_data["lat"] ) # Create KD-tree from ERA5 dataset coordinates tree_era5 = cKDTree(np.column_stack((x_era5, y_era5, z_era5))) # Create tracts values time series data frame with interpoltion using inverse distance-squared weighting for 4 nearest neighbors d, inds = tree_era5.query(np.column_stack((x_tracts, y_tracts, z_tracts)), k=4) w = 1.0 / d**2 vals_tracts = pd.Series(range(0, 8760)).apply( lambda x: pd.Series( (w * ds_era5[variable_nc][x].values.flatten()[inds]).sum(axis=1) / w.sum(axis=1), index=tract_data.index, ) ) state_pumas = const.puma_data.groupby("state") weighted_values = tract_data.groupby("puma").apply( lambda x: (vals_tracts[x.index] * x["pop_2010"]).sum(axis=1) / x["pop_2010"].sum() ) # Convert units if needed (Kelvin to Celsius) if variable in {"temp", "dewpt"}: weighted_values -= 273.15 # Loop through states for state in const.state_list: state_values = weighted_values.loc[state_pumas.get_group(state).index] state_values.T.to_csv( os.path.join( directory, "pumas", f"{variable}s", f"{variable}s_pumas_{state}_{year}.csv", ), index=False, )
[docs]def dark_fractions(puma, puma_data, year): """Compute annual time series of fraction of each hour that is dark for a given puma :param str puma: puma name :param pandas.DataFrame puma_data: puma data for lat, long, and timezone :param int year: year of desired dark fractions :return: (*list*) -- hourly dark fractions for the year """ latitude = puma_data.loc[puma, "latitude"] longitude = puma_data.loc[puma, "longitude"] puma_timezone = puma_data.loc[puma, "timezone"] hours_local = pd.date_range( start=f"{year}-01-01", end=f"{year+1}-01-01", freq="H", tz="UTC" )[:-1].tz_convert(puma_timezone) sun = Sun(latitude, longitude) sunrise = pd.Series(hours_local).apply( lambda x: sun.get_local_sunrise_time(x, local_time_zone=tz.gettz(puma_timezone)) ) sunset = pd.Series(hours_local).apply( lambda x: sun.get_local_sunset_time(x, local_time_zone=tz.gettz(puma_timezone)) ) sun_df = pd.DataFrame( {"sunrise": sunrise, "sunset": sunset, "hour_local": hours_local.hour} ) sun_df["sunrise_hour"] = sun_df["sunrise"].apply(lambda x: x.hour) sun_df["sunset_hour"] = sun_df["sunset"].apply(lambda x: x.hour) sun_df["sunrise_dark_frac"] = sun_df["sunrise"].apply(lambda x: x.minute / 60) sun_df["sunset_dark_frac"] = sun_df["sunset"].apply(lambda x: 1 - x.minute / 60) def dark_hour(local, sunrise, sunset, sunrise_frac, sunset_frac): """Return fraction of hour that is dark. 0 if completely light, 1 if completely dark :param pandas.DateTime local: local hour :param pandas.DateTime sunrise: local sunrise time :param pandas.DateTime sunset: local sunset time :param float sunrise_frac: fraction of the day's sunrise hour that is dark :param float sunset_frac: fraction of the day's sunset hour that is dark :return: (*float*) -- hour darkness fraction """ if local == sunrise: return sunrise_frac elif local == sunset: return sunset_frac elif local > sunrise and local < sunset: return 0 else: return 1 sun_df["dark_hour_frac"] = sun_df.apply( lambda x: dark_hour( x["hour_local"], x["sunrise_hour"], x["sunset_hour"], x["sunrise_dark_frac"], x["sunset_dark_frac"], ), axis=1, ) return sun_df["dark_hour_frac"]
[docs]def generate_dark_fracs(year, directory): """Generate puma level hourly time series of darkness fractions for all pumas within a state :param int year: year of desired dark fractions :param str directory: path to local root directory for weather data :export: (*csv*) -- statewide hourly dark fractions for every puma """ # Create folder to store dark_frac output if it doesn"t yet exist os.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, "pumas", "dark_frac"), exist_ok=True) puma_data = pd.read_csv("data/puma_data.csv", index_col="puma") for state in const.state_list: puma_data_it = puma_data[puma_data["state"] == state] puma_dark_frac = pd.DataFrame(columns=list(puma_data_it.index)) for i in list(puma_dark_frac.columns): puma_dark_frac[i] = dark_fractions(i, puma_data, year) puma_dark_frac.to_csv( os.path.join( directory, "pumas", "dark_frac", f"dark_frac_pumas_{state}_{year}.csv" ), index=False, )
[docs]def t_to_twb(temp_values, dwpt_values, press_values): """Compute wetbulb temperature from drybulb, dewpoint, and pressure :param list temp_values: drybulb temperatures, C :param list dwpt_values: dewpoint temperatures, C :param list press_values: pressures, Pa :return: (*list*) -- wetbulb temperatures """ return [ psychrolib.GetTWetBulbFromTDewPoint( temp_values[i], min(temp_values[i], dwpt_values[i]), press_values[i] ) for i in range(len(dwpt_values)) ]
[docs]def generate_wetbulb_temps(year, directory): """Generate puma level hourly time series of wetbulb temperatures for all pumas within a state :param int year: year of desired dark fractions :param str directory: path to local root directory for weather data :export: (*csv*) -- statewide hourly wetbulb temperatures for every puma """ # Create folder to store dark_frac output if it doesn"t yet exist os.makedirs(os.path.join(directory, "pumas", "temps_wetbulb"), exist_ok=True) for state in const.state_list: temps = pd.read_csv( f"{state}_{year}.csv" ) dwpts = pd.read_csv( f"{state}_{year}.csv" ) press = pd.read_csv( f"{state}_{year}.csv" ) temps_wetbulb = temps.apply(lambda x: t_to_twb(x, dwpts[], press[])) temps_wetbulb.to_csv( os.path.join( directory, "pumas", "temps_wetbulb", f"temps_wetbulb_pumas_{state}_{year}.csv", ), index=False, )