Source code for prereise.gather.demanddata.bldg_electrification.floor_area_avg_slopes

import os
import shutil

import geopandas  # noqa: F401
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from prereise.gather.demanddata.bldg_electrification import const
from prereise.gather.demanddata.bldg_electrification.const import (
from prereise.gather.demanddata.bldg_electrification.helper import (

[docs]def get_zone_floor_area(iso, zone_shape, pumas_shp): """Computes the zone floor area for each ISO. :param str iso: abbrev. name of ISO. :param geopandas.GeoDataFrame zone_shape: geo data frame of zone(BA) shape file :param geopandas.GeoDataFrame pumas_shp: geo data frame of pumas shape file :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- Floor area in square meters for all the zones with breakdowns of residential, commercial, total heated and total cooled .. note:: zone floor area in square meters saved as csv into Profiles/result_stats """ zone_floor_area = pd.DataFrame() for zone in iso_zone_names[iso]: puma_data_zone = zone_shp_overlay( iso_zone_name_shps[iso][iso_zone_names[iso].index(zone)], zone_shape, pumas_shp, ) puma_data_zone = puma_data_zone[~(puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] < 0.05)] total_area_zone_cool_res = ( ( puma_data_zone[f"res_area_{base_year}_m2"] * puma_data_zone["AC_penetration"] ) * puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] ).sum() total_area_zone_cool_com = ( ( puma_data_zone[f"com_area_{base_year}_m2"] * puma_data_zone["AC_penetration"] ) * puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] ).sum() total_area_zone_heat_res = ( ( puma_data_zone[f"res_area_{base_year}_m2"] * puma_data_zone[f"frac_elec_sh_res_{base_year}"] ) * puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] ).sum() total_area_zone_heat_com = ( ( puma_data_zone[f"com_area_{base_year}_m2"] * puma_data_zone[f"frac_elec_sh_com_{base_year}"] ) * puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] ).sum() total_area_res = ( puma_data_zone[f"res_area_{base_year}_m2"] * puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] ).sum() total_area_com = ( puma_data_zone[f"com_area_{base_year}_m2"] * puma_data_zone["frac_in_zone"] ).sum() zone_floor_area = pd.concat( [ zone_floor_area, pd.DataFrame( { "total res": total_area_res, "total com": total_area_com, "heat": total_area_zone_heat_res + total_area_zone_heat_com, "% Heated": ( (total_area_zone_heat_res + total_area_zone_heat_com) / (total_area_res + total_area_com) ) * 100, "res heat": total_area_zone_heat_res, "com heat": total_area_zone_heat_com, "cool": total_area_zone_cool_res + total_area_zone_cool_com, "res cool": total_area_zone_cool_res, "com cool": total_area_zone_cool_com, }, index=[zone], ), ] ) zone_floor_area.to_csv( f"./Profiles/result_stats/{iso_name[iso]}_zone_floor_area_m2.csv" ) return zone_floor_area
[docs]def main_plots( iso, zone_shape, pumas_shp, state_shp, country_shp, size, plot_show=True ): """Creats floor area avraged slopes for all zones within the ISO for one year. :param str iso: abbrev. name of ISO. :param geopandas.GeoDataFrame zone_shape: geo data frame of zone(BA) shape file :param geopandas.GeoDataFrame pumas_shp: geo data frame of pumas shape file :param geopandas.GeoDataFrame state_shp: geo data frame of state shape file :param geopandas.GeoDataFrame country_shp: geo data frame of nation shape file :param bool plot_show: show the plot or not, default to True. :param int size: defining the image size of plots in dpi. .. note:: Floor area avg. heating and cooling slope, error and map plots for all zones in each ISO saved as png and csv into Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots """ zone_floor_area = get_zone_floor_area(iso, zone_shape, pumas_shp) # Slope plots for all zones in each ISO in btu/m2/C fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() for zone in iso_zone_names[iso]: dayhour_fits = pd.read_csv( f"{zone}_dayhour_fits_{base_year}.csv", index_col=0, ) for wk_wknd in ["wk", "wknd"]: dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.{wk_wknd}"] = ( abs(dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.{wk_wknd}"]) / zone_floor_area.loc[zone, "heat"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.stderr.{wk_wknd}"] = ( dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.stderr.{wk_wknd}"] / zone_floor_area.loc[zone, "heat"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}.db"] = ( dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}.db"] / zone_floor_area.loc[zone, "cool"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}"] = ( dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}"] / zone_floor_area.loc[zone, "cool"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) zone_dayhour = pd.DataFrame() zone_dayhour["s.heat"] = ( dayhour_fits["s.heat.wk"] * 5 + dayhour_fits["s.heat.wknd"] * 2 ) / 7 zone_dayhour["s.heat.stderr"] = ( np.sqrt( dayhour_fits["s.heat.stderr.wk"] ** 2 * 5**2 + dayhour_fits["s.heat.stderr.wknd"] ** 2 * 2**2 ) / 7 ) zone_dayhour[""] = ( dayhour_fits[""] * 5 + dayhour_fits[""] * 2 ) / 7 zone_dayhour[""] = ( np.sqrt( dayhour_fits[""] ** 2 * 5**2 + dayhour_fits[""] ** 2 * 2**2 ) / 7 ) ax1.plot(zone_dayhour.index, zone_dayhour["s.heat"], label=zone) ax1.set_ylabel("$Btu_e/m^2/^oC$") ax1.set_xlabel("hour of day") ax1.set_title(f"heating slopes, {iso_name[iso]}") ax2.plot(zone_dayhour.index, zone_dayhour[""], label=zone) ax2.set_ylabel("$Btu_e/m^2/^oC$") ax2.set_xlabel("hour of day") ax2.set_title(f"cooling slopes, {iso_name[iso]}") ax1.legend() ax2.legend() if plot_show: fig1.savefig( f"./Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/zone_plots/{iso_name[iso]}_heating.png", dpi=size, ) fig2.savefig( f"./Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/zone_plots/{iso_name[iso]}_cooling.png", dpi=size, ) # Create hourly slope plots with error bars for each zone within each ISO iso_slope = pd.DataFrame() iso_dayhour_fits = pd.DataFrame(index=np.arange(0, 24)) for wk_wknd in ["wk", "wknd"]: iso_floor_area = zone_floor_area.loc[iso_zone_names[iso]].sum() # read hourly slopes dayhour_fits = { i: pd.read_csv( f"{zone}_dayhour_fits_{base_year}.csv", index_col=0, ) for i, zone in enumerate(iso_zone_names[iso]) } iso_dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.{wk_wknd}"] = ( np.sum( [ dayhour_fits[i][f"s.heat.{wk_wknd}"].to_list() for i in range(len(iso_zone_names[iso])) ], axis=0, ) / iso_floor_area["heat"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) iso_dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}.db"] = ( np.sum( [ dayhour_fits[i][f"{wk_wknd}.db"].to_list() for i in range(len(iso_zone_names[iso])) ], axis=0, ) / iso_floor_area["cool"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) iso_dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.stderr.{wk_wknd}"] = ( np.sqrt( np.sum( [ np.square(dayhour_fits[i][f"s.heat.stderr.{wk_wknd}"].to_list()) for i in range(len(iso_zone_names[iso])) ], axis=0, ) ) / iso_floor_area["heat"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) iso_dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}"] = ( np.sqrt( np.sum( [ np.square( dayhour_fits[i][f"{wk_wknd}"].to_list() ) for i in range(len(iso_zone_names[iso])) ], axis=0, ) ) / iso_floor_area["cool"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) if plot_show: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.errorbar( iso_dayhour_fits.index, np.abs(iso_dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.{wk_wknd}"]), yerr=iso_dayhour_fits[f"s.heat.stderr.{wk_wknd}"] * 1.96, fmt="x", capsize=3, label="Heating Slopes", ) ax1.errorbar( iso_dayhour_fits.index + 0.3, np.abs(iso_dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}.db"]), yerr=iso_dayhour_fits[f"{wk_wknd}"] * 1.96, fmt="x", capsize=3, color="tab:orange", label="Cooling Slopes", ) ax1.set_ylabel("$Btu_e/h/m^2/^oC$", fontsize=14) ax1.set_xlabel("Hour of the Day", fontsize=14) ax1.legend(fontsize=14) text_wk_wknd = "Weekday" if wk_wknd == "wk" else "Weekend" plt.title( f"{text_wk_wknd} Hourly Profile of Heating and Cooling slopes, {iso_name[iso]}", fontsize=12, ) plt.savefig( f"./Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/iso plot with error/{iso}_{wk_wknd}.png", dpi=size, ) iso_dayhour = pd.DataFrame() iso_dayhour["s.heat"] = ( iso_dayhour_fits["s.heat.wk"] * 5 + iso_dayhour_fits["s.heat.wknd"] * 2 ) / 7 iso_dayhour["s.heat.stderr"] = ( np.sqrt( iso_dayhour_fits["s.heat.stderr.wk"] ** 2 * 5**2 + iso_dayhour_fits["s.heat.stderr.wknd"] ** 2 * 2**2 ) / 7 ) iso_dayhour[""] = ( iso_dayhour_fits[""] * 5 + iso_dayhour_fits[""] * 2 ) / 7 iso_dayhour[""] = ( np.sqrt( iso_dayhour_fits[""] ** 2 * 5**2 + iso_dayhour_fits[""] ** 2 * 2**2 ) / 7 ) if plot_show: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.errorbar( iso_dayhour.index, np.abs(iso_dayhour["s.heat"]), yerr=iso_dayhour["s.heat.stderr"] * 1.96, fmt="x", capsize=3, label="Heating Slopes", ) ax1.errorbar( iso_dayhour.index + 0.3, np.abs(iso_dayhour[""]), yerr=iso_dayhour[""] * 1.96, fmt="x", capsize=3, color="tab:orange", label="Cooling Slopes", ) ax1.set_ylabel("$Btu_e/h/m^2/^oC$", fontsize=14) ax1.set_xlabel("Hour of the Day", fontsize=14) ax1.legend(fontsize=14) plt.title( f"Hourly Profile of Heating and Cooling slopes, {iso_name[iso]}", fontsize=14, ) plt.savefig( f"./Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/iso plot with error/{iso}.png", dpi=size, ) iso_slope.loc[iso, "s.heat"] = np.mean(iso_dayhour["s.heat"]) iso_slope.loc[iso, "s.heat.stderr"] = ( np.sqrt(np.sum(iso_dayhour["s.heat.stderr"] ** 2)) / 24 ) iso_slope.loc[iso, ""] = np.mean(iso_dayhour[""]) iso_slope.loc[iso, ""] = ( np.sqrt(np.sum(iso_dayhour[""] ** 2)) / 24 ) iso_slope.to_csv( f"./Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/iso plot with error/{iso_name[iso]}_iso_slope_with_error.csv" ) # Creating the zone and iso level heating and cooling load in mw/C and btu/m2/C zone_slope_df = pd.DataFrame() for zone in iso_zone_names[iso]: hourly_data = pd.read_csv( f"{zone}_dayhour_fits_{base_year}.csv", index_col=0, ) htg_mean = ( np.mean(hourly_data.loc[:, "s.heat.wk"]) * 5 + np.mean(hourly_data.loc[:, "s.heat.wknd"]) * 2 ) / 7 clg_mean = ( np.mean(hourly_data.loc[:, ""]) * 5 + np.mean(hourly_data.loc[:, ""]) * 2 ) / 7 zone_slope_df = pd.concat( [ zone_slope_df, pd.DataFrame({"Heating": htg_mean, "Cooling": clg_mean}, index=[zone]), ] ) zone_slope_df.to_csv(f"./Profiles/result_stats/{iso_name[iso]}_zone_elec_mw_c.csv") zone_elec_btu_m2_c = pd.DataFrame() zone_elec_btu_m2_c["Heating"] = ( zone_slope_df["Heating"] / zone_floor_area["heat"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) zone_elec_btu_m2_c["Cooling"] = ( zone_slope_df["Cooling"] / zone_floor_area["cool"] * const.conv_mw_to_btu ) zone_elec_btu_m2_c.to_csv( f"./Profiles/result_stats/{iso_name[iso]}_zone_elec_btu_m2_c.csv" ) # Creating ISO map plots containing load zones with the heating and cooling slope in btu/m2/C if iso in {"NY", "CA", "PJM", "SPP", "NW", "SE"}: zone_elec_btu_m2_c[ (zone_elec_btu_m2_c >= 10) | (zone_elec_btu_m2_c <= -10) ] = np.nan for ba in { "NYIS-ZOND", "NYIS-ZONH", "WALC", "PJM-RECO", "SWPP-WFEC", "PSEI", "AECI", }: zone_elec_btu_m2_c.loc[ba] = np.nan zone_shp = pd.DataFrame() if iso in {"NE", "PJM", "SPP", "MISO", "SW", "NW", "SE"}: zone_shp = pd.concat([s for s in iso_state_overlay[iso]]) elif iso == "USA" or iso == "Outliers": zone_shp = state_shp_overlay("United States", country_shp, zone_shape) else: zone_shp = state_shp_overlay(iso, state_shp, zone_shape) zone_shp.index = zone_shp["BA"] for i in range(len(iso_zone_name_shps[iso])): zone_shp.loc[iso_zone_name_shps[iso][i], "BA"] = iso_zone_names[iso][i] for use in ["Heating", "Cooling"]: if iso == "Outliers" and use == "Heating": vmax = 250 elif iso == "Outliers" and use == "Cooling": vmax = 100 else: vmax = 10 zone_shp.index = zone_shp["BA"] zone_shp[use] = abs(zone_elec_btu_m2_c[use]) if plot_show: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) zone_shp.plot( column=use, ax=ax, vmin=0, vmax=vmax, legend=True,, edgecolor="black", missing_kwds={"color": "lightgrey"}, legend_kwds={ "label": "$Btu_e/m^2/^oC$", }, ) plt.title(f"Load Zone {use} slopes, {iso_name[iso]}") plt.tick_params( axis="both", which="both", bottom=False, top=False, right=False, left=False, labelbottom=False, labelleft=False, ) plt.savefig( f"./Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/zone_plots/zone model/{iso}_{use}_zone_model.png", dpi=size, )
if __name__ == "__main__": os.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/zone_plots/zone model", ), exist_ok=True, ) os.makedirs( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "Profiles/result_stats/hourly_plots/iso plot with error", ), exist_ok=True, ) # Reading Balancing Authority, Pumas, state and country Boundary shapefiles for overlaying zone_shape = read_shapefile( "" ) pumas_shp = read_shapefile( "" ) state_shp = read_shapefile( "" ) country_shp = read_shapefile( "" ) # Executing the state overlay for all states in the US zone_shp_state = { s: state_shp_overlay(s, state_shp, zone_shape) for s in state_list } iso_state_overlay = { "NE": [ zone_shp_state["MA"], zone_shp_state["ME"], zone_shp_state["NH"], zone_shp_state["VT"], zone_shp_state["CT"], zone_shp_state["RI"], ], "PJM": [ zone_shp_state["DE"], zone_shp_state["IL"], zone_shp_state["IN"], zone_shp_state["KY"], zone_shp_state["MD"], zone_shp_state["NC"], zone_shp_state["MI"], zone_shp_state["NJ"], zone_shp_state["OH"], zone_shp_state["PA"], zone_shp_state["VA"], zone_shp_state["WV"], zone_shp_state["TN"], zone_shp_state["DC"], ], "SPP": [ zone_shp_state["KS"], zone_shp_state["OK"], zone_shp_state["NM"], zone_shp_state["TX"], zone_shp_state["AR"], zone_shp_state["LA"], zone_shp_state["MO"], zone_shp_state["SD"], zone_shp_state["ND"], zone_shp_state["MT"], zone_shp_state["MN"], zone_shp_state["IA"], zone_shp_state["WY"], zone_shp_state["NE"], ], "MISO": [ zone_shp_state["LA"], zone_shp_state["AR"], zone_shp_state["MS"], zone_shp_state["MI"], zone_shp_state["MO"], zone_shp_state["KY"], zone_shp_state["IN"], zone_shp_state["IL"], zone_shp_state["IA"], zone_shp_state["MN"], zone_shp_state["WI"], zone_shp_state["ND"], zone_shp_state["SD"], zone_shp_state["TX"], zone_shp_state["MT"], ], "SW": [ zone_shp_state["AZ"], zone_shp_state["NM"], zone_shp_state["CO"], zone_shp_state["NV"], zone_shp_state["WY"], zone_shp_state["SD"], zone_shp_state["NE"], ], "NW": [ zone_shp_state["CA"], zone_shp_state["WA"], zone_shp_state["OR"], zone_shp_state["ID"], zone_shp_state["NV"], zone_shp_state["UT"], zone_shp_state["WY"], zone_shp_state["MT"], ], "SE": [ zone_shp_state["MO"], zone_shp_state["KY"], zone_shp_state["MS"], zone_shp_state["TN"], zone_shp_state["AL"], zone_shp_state["GA"], zone_shp_state["NC"], zone_shp_state["SC"], zone_shp_state["FL"], zone_shp_state["VA"], ], } # Use base_year for model results base_year = const.base_year # Plot size in dpi size = 700 for iso in [ "NY", "TX", "CA", "NE", "PJM", "SPP", "MISO", "SW", "NW", "SE", "USA", "Outliers", ]: main_plots(iso, zone_shape, pumas_shp, state_shp, country_shp, size) # Delete the tmp folder that holds the shapefiles localy after the script is run to completion shutil.rmtree(os.path.join("tmp"), ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)