Source code for prereise.cli.helpers

import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime

from prereise.cli.constants import DATE_FMT, YEAR_FMT

[docs]def validate_date(date_string): """Helper function to validate date strings :param str date_string: date in string format to be validated :return: (*str*) -- validated date string """ datetime.strptime(date_string, DATE_FMT) return date_string
[docs]def validate_year(year_string): """Helper function to validate year strings :param str year_string: year in string format to be validated :return: (*str*) -- validated year string """ datetime.strptime(year_string, YEAR_FMT) return year_string
[docs]def validate_file_path(file_path): """Helper function to validate file paths :param str file_path: path include filename for where to save the file :raises ValueError: if the provided file path is not accessible :return: (*str*) -- validated file path """ if not os.access(os.path.dirname(file_path), os.W_OK): raise ValueError("Please choose a valid file path") if os.path.isdir(file_path): raise ValueError("Please provide a filename with a .pkl extension") if os.path.isfile(file_path): logging.warning("File exists! Will overwrite file at end of download!") return file_path
[docs]def add_data_source_to_download_parser(data_source, subparsers): """Helper function that adds an additional source of data that the user can interact with and download via the command line tool :param prereise.cli.data_sources.data_source.DataSource data_source: an instance of a class that implements the abstract class DataSource :param argparse.ArgumentParser subparsers: subparser object that implements command line interface functionality """ subparser = subparsers.add_parser( data_source.command_name, help=data_source.command_help ) for argument in data_source.extract_arguments: command = argument.pop("command_flags") subparser.add_argument(*command, **argument) subparser.set_defaults(func=data_source.extract)