Source code for powersimdata.tests.mock_profile_input

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid

[docs]class MockProfileInput: """MockInputData is a mock of powersimdata.input.profile_input.ProfileInput that generates random profiles. Exactly 3 of {`start_time`, `end_time`, `periods`, `freq`} must be specified. See <>. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: instance of Grid object. :param str start_time: when profiles begin. :param str end_time: when profiles end. :param int periods: number of times in profile. :param str freq: frequency of times in profile. :param int random_seed: used to initialize the random generator. :raises ValueError: raised if `field_name` specified in `get_data()` is not specified by this mock :return: (*powersimdata.tests.mock_profile_input.MockProfileInput*) """ def __init__( self, grid: Grid, start_time="2016-01-01 00:00:00", end_time=None, periods=24, freq="H", random_seed=6669, ): self._grid = grid self._resources = grid.model_immutables.plants["group_profile_resources"] self._start_time = start_time self._end_time = end_time self._periods = periods self._freq = freq self._random = np.random.default_rng(seed=random_seed) self._profiles = { "demand": self._get_demand(), **{ resource: self._get_resource_profile(resource) for resource in sorted(self._resources.keys(), reverse=True) }, } self._profiles.update(self._get_demand_flexibility())
[docs] def get_data(self, scenario_info, field_name): """Returns fake profile data. :param dict scenario_info: not used. :param str field_name: Can be any of *'demand'*, *'hydro'*, *'solar'*, *'wind'*, *'demand_flexibility_up'*, or *'demand_flexibility_dn'*. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- fake profile data """ profile = self._profiles.get(field_name) if profile is None: raise ValueError(f"No profile specified for {field_name}!") return profile
def _get_demand(self): """Returns fake demand data. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- fake demand data """ zone_ids = self._grid.plant["zone_id"].unique() fake_demand_profile = self._create_fake_profile(zone_ids) return fake_demand_profile def _get_demand_flexibility(self): """Returns fake flexible demand data. :return: (*dict*) -- dictionary of fake flexibile demand data """ zone_ids = self._grid.plant["zone_id"].unique() demand_flexibility_profile_types = [ "demand_flexibility_up", "demand_flexibility_dn", ] fake_demand_flexibility_profiles = { p: self._create_fake_profile(zone_ids, demand_flexibility=True) for p in demand_flexibility_profile_types } return fake_demand_flexibility_profiles def _get_resource_profile(self, resource_type): """Returns fake data for given resource_type. :param str resource_type: Can be any of *'hydro'*, *'solar'*, or *'wind'*. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- fake data for resource """ plant_ids = self._get_plant_ids_for_type(resource_type) fake_resource_profile = self._create_fake_profile(plant_ids) return fake_resource_profile def _get_plant_ids_for_type(self, resource_type): """Retrieves plant_ids for plants of `resource_type` from the grid. :param str resource_type: Can be any of *'hydro'*, *'solar'*, or *'wind'*. :return: (*list*) -- list of plant_ids """ resources = self._resources[resource_type] plant_ids = list(self._grid.plant[lambda ds: ds.type.isin(resources)].index) return plant_ids def _create_fake_profile(self, columns, demand_flexibility=False): """Generates a fake profile. :param list columns: columns for the DataFrame :param bool demand_flexibility: indicates whether the fake profile being created is a demand flexibility profile. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- a fake profile """ times = pd.date_range( start=self._start_time, end=self._end_time, periods=self._periods, freq=self._freq, ) index = pd.Index(times, name="UTC Time") data = self._random.uniform(low=0, high=1, size=(len(times), len(columns))) fake_profile = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=index, columns=columns) if demand_flexibility: fake_profile.columns = [f"zone.{z}" for z in columns] return fake_profile