Source code for powersimdata.scenario.execute

import pickle

import pandas as pd

from powersimdata.data_access.context import Context
from powersimdata.input.configure import adjust_pmin, adjust_ramp30, linearize_gencost
from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid
from powersimdata.input.input_data import InputData
from powersimdata.input.transform_grid import TransformGrid
from powersimdata.input.transform_profile import TransformProfile
from powersimdata.scenario.ready import Ready
from powersimdata.utility.config import get_deployment_mode

[docs]class Execute(Ready): """Scenario is in a state of being executed. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. """ name = "execute" allowed = ["delete"] exported_methods = { "check_progress", "extract_simulation_output", "launch_simulation", "prepare_simulation_input", "print_scenario_status", "scenario_id", } | Ready.exported_methods def __init__(self, scenario): """Constructor.""" super().__init__(scenario) self.refresh(scenario) @property def scenario_id(self): """Get the current scenario id :return: (*str*) -- scenario id """ return self._scenario_info["id"]
[docs] def refresh(self, scenario): """Called during state changes to ensure instance is properly initialized :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance """ print( "SCENARIO: %s | %s\n" % (self._scenario_info["plan"], self._scenario_info["name"]) ) print("--> State\n%s" % print("--> Status\n%s" % self._scenario_status) self._set_ct_and_grid() self._launcher = Context.get_launcher(scenario)
def _get_kwargs(self): """Hack to determine reduction parameter for europe_tub :return: (*dict*) -- additional kwargs to create a Grid object """ info = self._scenario_info if info["grid_model"] == "europe_tub": version = info["base_demand"].split("_") if len(version) > 1: return {"reduction": version[1]} return {} def _set_ct_and_grid(self): """Sets change table and grid.""" extra_args = self._get_kwargs() base_grid = Grid( self._scenario_info["interconnect"].split("_"), source=self._scenario_info["grid_model"], **extra_args, ) if self._scenario_info["change_table"] == "Yes": input_data = InputData() self.ct = input_data.get_data(self._scenario_info, "ct") self.grid = TransformGrid(base_grid, self.ct).get_grid() else: self.ct = {} self.grid = base_grid def _update_scenario_status(self): """Updates scenario status.""" self._scenario_status = self._execute_list_manager.get_status(self.scenario_id) def _update_scenario_info(self): """Updates scenario information.""" self._scenario_info = self._scenario_list_manager.get_scenario(self.scenario_id)
[docs] def print_scenario_status(self): """Prints scenario status.""" print("---------------") print("SCENARIO STATUS") print("---------------") self._update_scenario_status() print(self._scenario_status)
[docs] def prepare_simulation_input(self, profiles_as=None): """Prepares scenario for execution :param int/str/None profiles_as: if given, copy profiles from this scenario. :raises TypeError: if profiles_as parameter not a str or int. """ if profiles_as is not None and not isinstance(profiles_as, (str, int)): raise TypeError("profiles_as must be None, str, or int.") self._update_scenario_status() if self._scenario_status == "created": print("---------------------------") print("PREPARING SIMULATION INPUTS") print("---------------------------") si = SimulationInput( self._data_access, self._scenario_info, self.grid, self.ct ) for p in ["demand", "hydro", "solar", "wind"]: si.prepare_profile(p, profiles_as) si.prepare_grid() if "demand_flexibility" in self.ct: # Prepare all specified demand flexibility profiles for p in list(self.ct["demand_flexibility"]): if p != "demand_flexibility_duration": si.prepare_profile(p, profiles_as) si.prepare_demand_flexibility_parameters() prepared = "prepared" self._execute_list_manager.set_status(self.scenario_id, prepared) self._scenario_status = prepared else: print("---------------------------") print("SCENARIO CANNOT BE PREPARED") print("---------------------------") print("Current status: %s" % self._scenario_status) return
def _check_if_ready(self): """Check if the current scenario is ready to launch :raises ValueError: if status is invalid """ self._update_scenario_status() valid_status = ["prepared", "failed", "finished"] if self._scenario_status not in valid_status: raise ValueError( f"Status must be one of {valid_status}, but got status={self._scenario_status}" )
[docs] def launch_simulation(self, threads=None, solver=None, extract_data=True): """Launches simulation on target environment :param int/None threads: the number of threads to be used. This defaults to None, where None means auto. :param str solver: the solver used for optimization. This defaults to None, which translates to gurobi :param bool extract_data: whether the results of the simulation engine should automatically extracted after the simulation has run. This defaults to True. :return: (*subprocess.Popen*) or (*dict*) - the process, if using ssh to server, otherwise a dict containing status information. """ self._check_if_ready() mode = get_deployment_mode() print(f"--> Launching simulation on {mode.lower()}") return self._launcher.launch_simulation(threads, solver, extract_data)
[docs] def check_progress(self): """Get the status of an ongoing simulation, if possible :return: (*dict*) -- either None if using ssh, or a dict which contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ return self._launcher.check_progress()
[docs] def extract_simulation_output(self): """Extracts simulation outputs {PG, PF, LMP, CONGU, CONGL} on server. :return: (*subprocess.Popen*) -- new process used to extract output data. """ self._update_scenario_status() if self._scenario_status == "finished": return self._launcher.extract_simulation_output() else: print("---------------------------") print("OUTPUTS CANNOT BE EXTRACTED") print("---------------------------") print("Current status: %s" % self._scenario_status) return
[docs]class SimulationInput: """Prepares scenario for execution. :param powersimdata.data_access.data_access.DataAccess data_access: data access object. :param dict scenario_info: scenario information. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: a Grid object. :param dict ct: change table. """ def __init__(self, data_access, scenario_info, grid, ct): """Constructor.""" self._data_access = data_access self._scenario_info = scenario_info self.grid = grid self.ct = ct self.scenario_id = scenario_info["id"] self.REL_TMP_DIR = self._data_access.tmp_folder(self.scenario_id)
[docs] def prepare_grid(self): """Prepare grid for simulation.""" print("--> Preparing grid data") grid = self.grid storage = adjust_pmin(grid) adjust_ramp30(grid.plant) grid.gencost["after"] = linearize_gencost(grid.gencost["before"], grid.plant) storage["gencost"] = linearize_gencost(storage["gencost"], storage["gen"]) dest_path = "/".join([self.REL_TMP_DIR, "grid.pkl"]) with self._data_access.write(dest_path, save_local=False) as f: pickle.dump(self.grid, f)
[docs] def prepare_profile(self, kind, profile_as=None, slice=False): """Prepares profile for simulation. :param kind: one of *demand*, *'hydro'*, *'solar'*, *'wind'*, *'demand_flexibility_up'*, *'demand_flexibility_dn'*, *'demand_flexibility_cost_up'*, or *'demand_flexibility_cost_dn'*. :param int/str profile_as: if given, copy profile from this scenario. :param bool slice: whether to slice the profiles by the Scenario's time range. """ file_name = f"{kind}.csv" dest_path = "/".join([self.REL_TMP_DIR, file_name]) if profile_as is None: tp = TransformProfile(self._scenario_info, self.grid, self.ct, slice) profile = tp.get_profile(kind) with self._data_access.write(dest_path, save_local=False) as f: profile.to_csv(f) else: from_dir = self._data_access.tmp_folder(profile_as) src = "/".join([from_dir, file_name]) self._data_access.fs.copy(src, dest_path)
[docs] def prepare_demand_flexibility_parameters(self): """Prepares demand_flexibility parameters file for simulation.""" params = {} params["enabled"] = [True] params["interval_balance"] = [True] params["rolling_balance"] = [ True if "demand_flexibility_duration" in self.ct["demand_flexibility"] else False ] params["duration"] = [ self.ct["demand_flexibility"]["demand_flexibility_duration"] if "demand_flexibility_duration" in self.ct["demand_flexibility"] else 0 ] params = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(params) dest_path = "/".join([self.REL_TMP_DIR, "demand_flexibility_parameters.csv"]) with self._data_access.write(dest_path, save_local=False) as f: params.to_csv(f)