Source code for

from import get_plants
from import get_storage
from import model2region
from import get_mapping
from import check_zone, from_csv
from import (

[docs]class ModelImmutables: """Immutables for a grid model. :param str model: grid model name. :param str interconnect: interconnect of grid model. :param pandas.DataFrame zone: a data frame with loadzone name (*'zone_name'*), division name (e.g. *'state'* name for USA grid models), interconnect name (*'interconnect'*), time zone of loadzone (*'time_zone'*) and division abbreviation (*'abv'*) as columns; and loadzone id (*'zone_id'*) as indices. If None, it will be assumed that the data frame can be built from a CSV file stored on disk. """ def __init__(self, model, interconnect=None, zone=None): """Constructor.""" check_model(model) self.model = model interconnect = ( [model2region[model]] if interconnect is None else check_and_format_interconnect(interconnect, model=model) ) if zone is None: zone = from_csv(self.model) else: check_zone(model, zone) self.plants = get_plants(model) = get_storage(model) self.zones = get_mapping(model, interconnect, zone) self.check_and_format_interconnect = check_and_format_interconnect self.interconnect_to_name = interconnect_to_name
[docs] def area_to_loadzone(self, *args, **kwargs): """Map the query area to a list of loadzones, using the known grid model.""" return area_to_loadzone(self.model, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def area_to_loadzone(model, area, area_type=None, zone=None): """Map the query area to a list of loadzones. :param str model: grid model to use to look up constants for mapping. :param str area: one of *loadzone*, *state*, *state abbreviation*, *interconnect*, *'all'*. :param str area_type: one of *'loadzone'*, *'state'*/*'country'*, *'state_abbr'*/'*country_abbr*', *'interconnect'*. If None, ``area`` will be searched successively into *'state'*/*'country'*, *'loadzone'*, *'state abbreviation'*/*'country abbreviation'*, *'interconnect'* and *'all'*. :param pandas.DataFrame zone: a data frame with loadzone name (*'zone_name'*), division name (e.g. *'state'* name for USA grid models), interconnect name (*'interconnect'*), time zone of loadzone (*'time_zone'*) and division abbreviation (*'abv'*) as columns; and loadzone id (*'zone_id'*) as indices. If None, it will be assumed that the data frame can be built from a CSV file stored on disk. :return: (*set*) -- set of loadzone names located in the query area. :raises TypeError: if ``area`` is not a str. if ``area_type`` is not None or str. :raises ValueError: if ``area`` is invalid if combination of ``area`` and ``area_type`` is invalid. """ zones = ModelImmutables(model, zone=zone).zones mappings = zones["mappings"] division = zones["division"] if not isinstance(area, str): raise TypeError("area must be a str") if area_type is not None and not isinstance(area_type, str): raise TypeError("area_type must be either None or str") area2loadzone = { f"{division}": zones[f"{division}2loadzone"].get, "loadzone": lambda x: zones["loadzone"].intersection({x}), f"{division}_abbr": zones["abv2loadzone"].get, "interconnect": zones["interconnect2loadzone"].get, "all": lambda _: zones["loadzone"], } if area_type: if area_type not in mappings: raise ValueError(f"Invalid area type. Choose among {' | '.join(mappings)}") if area not in zones[area_type]: raise ValueError("Invalid area / area_type combination") loadzone = area2loadzone[area_type](area) else: zones["all"] = "all" loadzone = set().union( *(area2loadzone[a](area) for a in area2loadzone if area in zones[a]) ) if len(loadzone) == 0: raise ValueError("Invalid area") return loadzone