Source code for

import os
from itertools import chain, combinations

import pandas as pd

from import model2interconnect, model2region

[docs]def check_model(model): """Check that a grid model exists. :param str model: grid model name :raises TypeError: if ``model`` is not a str. :raises ValueError: if grid model does not exist. """ if not isinstance(model, str): raise TypeError("model must be a str") if model not in model2region: raise ValueError(f"Invalid model. Choose among {' | '.join(model2region)}")
[docs]def check_and_format_interconnect(interconnect, model="hifld"): """Checks interconnect in a grid model. :param str/iterable interconnect: interconnect name(s). :param str model: the grid model. :return: (*list*) -- interconnect(s) :raises TypeError: if ``interconnect`` is not a str. :raises ValueError: if ``interconnect`` is not in the model. if combination of interconnects is incorrect. """ if isinstance(interconnect, str): interconnect = [interconnect] try: interconnect = sorted(set(interconnect)) except TypeError: raise TypeError("interconnect must be either str or an iterable of str") interconnect = [i.replace(" ", "") for i in interconnect] region = model2region[model] possible = model2interconnect[model] if len(set(interconnect) - ({region} | set(possible))) != 0: raise ValueError( f"Invalid interconnect(s). Choose from {' | '.join(set(possible) | {region})}" ) if region in interconnect and len(interconnect) > 1: raise ValueError(f"{region} cannot be paired") if len(set(possible) - set(interconnect)) == 0: interconnect = [region] return interconnect
[docs]def interconnect_to_name(interconnect, model="hifld"): """Return name of interconnect or collection of interconnects for a grid model. :param str/iterable interconnect: interconnect name(s). :param str model: the grid model. :return: (*str*): name of grid model. """ return "_".join(sorted(check_and_format_interconnect(interconnect, model=model)))
[docs]def get_zone_info(model="hifld"): """Return information loacated in the zone CSV file of the model. :param str model: the grid model. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- information on the zones of the model. :raises FileNotFoundError: if file enclosing the geographical information of the grid model can't be found. """ check_model(model) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), model, "data", "zone.csv") if os.path.exists(path): return pd.read_csv(path, index_col=0) else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {path} cannot be found")
[docs]def powerset(l, r): return list(chain.from_iterable(combinations(l, i) for i in range(r, len(l) + 1)))