Source code for powersimdata.input.transform_demand

from powersimdata.input.electrified_demand_input import ElectrifiedDemand

[docs]class TransformDemand: """Aggregate demand from electrified sources. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: a grid object :param powersimdata.input.change_table.ChangeTable: a change table object :param str kind: the class of electrification, e.g. building, transportation """ def __init__(self, grid, ct, kind): self.grid = grid self.ct = ct.ct = self.ct[kind] self.kind = kind self._profile_data = ElectrifiedDemand() self._set_scale_factors() def _get_base_profile(self, profile): """Return the base profile from local or blob storage :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- profile data frame, filtered to zones within the current grid """ zone_id = sorted(self.grid.id2zone) model = self.grid.grid_model demand = self._profile_data.get_profile(model, self.kind, profile).loc[ :, zone_id ] return demand def _get_profile_to_zone(self): """Maps profile name to scale factors for each zone :return: (*dict*) -- a dictionary mapping str to list of tuples of (zone_id, scale_factor) """ info = p2z = {} for zone_name in info["zone"].keys(): zone_id = self.grid.zone2id[zone_name] for end_use in info["zone"][zone_name].keys(): for tech in info["zone"][zone_name][end_use].keys(): profile = f"{end_use}_{tech}.csv" if profile not in p2z: p2z[profile] = [] scale_factor = info["zone"][zone_name][end_use][tech] p2z[profile].append((zone_id, scale_factor)) return p2z def _get_profile_to_grid(self): """Maps profile name to scale factor, which is applied to all zones in the grid :return: (*dict*) -- a dictionary mapping str to float """ info = p2g = {} for end_use in info["grid"].keys(): for tech in info["grid"][end_use].keys(): profile = f"{end_use}_{tech}.csv" scale_factor = info["grid"][end_use][tech] p2g[profile] = scale_factor return p2g def _set_scale_factors(self): """Populate mappings of profile names to scaling info""" self.p2z = self._get_profile_to_zone() self.p2g = self._get_profile_to_grid()
[docs] def get_profile(self, profile): """Get transformed profile :param str profile: the profile name, without file extension :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the scaled profile, filtered to the zones within the current grid """ p2z, p2g = self.p2z, self.p2g df = self._get_base_profile(profile) if profile in p2z: for zone_id, scale_factor in p2z[profile]: df.loc[:, zone_id] *= scale_factor exclude_zones = [_[0] for _ in p2z[profile]] else: exclude_zones = [] if profile in p2g: scale_factor = p2g[profile] df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(exclude_zones)] *= scale_factor return df
[docs] def value(self): """Return the combined electrified demand :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with hourly index and zone columns, where the values are demand (in MWh) """ profiles = set(self.p2z.keys()) | set(self.p2g.keys()) return sum(self.get_profile(p) for p in profiles)