Source code for powersimdata.input.tests.test_helpers

import unittest

import pandas as pd
import pytest
from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal, assert_array_equal

from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid
from powersimdata.input.helpers import (
from powersimdata.tests.mock_grid import MockGrid
from powersimdata.tests.mock_scenario import MockScenario

# plant_id is the index
mock_plant = {
    "plant_id": ["A", "B", "C", "D"],
    "bus_id": [1, 1, 2, 3],
    "lat": [47.6, 47.6, 37.8, 37.8],
    "lon": [-122.3, -122.3, -122.4, -122.4],
    "type": ["coal", "ng", "coal", "solar"],
    "Pmin": [0, 50, 0, 0],
    "Pmax": [0, 300, 0, 50],
    "zone_name": ["Washington", "Washington", "Bay Area", "Bay Area"],

# bus_id is the index
mock_bus = {
    "bus_id": [1, 2, 3, 4],
    "lat": [47.6, 37.8, 37.8, 40.7],
    "lon": [-122.3, -122.4, -122.4, -74],
    "zone_id": [201, 204, 204, 7],

mock_pg = pd.DataFrame(
        "A": [1, 2, 3, 4],
        "B": [1, 2, 4, 8],
        "C": [1, 1, 2, 3],
        "D": [1, 3, 5, 7],

mock_storage = {
    "bus_id": [1, 2, 3],
    "Pmax": [10, 10, 10],

grid_attrs = {"plant": mock_plant, "bus": mock_bus, "storage_gen": mock_storage}
scenario = MockScenario(grid_attrs)
scenario.state.grid.zone2id = {
    "Washington": 201,
    "Bay Area": 204,
    "New York City": 7,

[docs]def check_dataframe_matches(received_return, expected_return): assert isinstance(received_return, pd.DataFrame) assert_array_equal( received_return.index.to_numpy(), expected_return.index.to_numpy() ) assert_array_equal( received_return.columns.to_numpy(), expected_return.columns.to_numpy() ) assert_array_almost_equal(received_return.to_numpy(), expected_return.to_numpy())
[docs]class TestSummarizePlantToBus(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.grid = MockGrid(grid_attrs)
[docs] def test_summarize_default(self): expected_return = pd.DataFrame( { 1: [2, 4, 7, 12], 2: [1, 1, 2, 3], 3: [1, 3, 5, 7], } ) bus_data = summarize_plant_to_bus(mock_pg, self.grid) check_dataframe_matches(bus_data, expected_return)
[docs] def test_summarize_all_buses_false(self): expected_return = pd.DataFrame( { 1: [2, 4, 7, 12], 2: [1, 1, 2, 3], 3: [1, 3, 5, 7], } ) bus_data = summarize_plant_to_bus(mock_pg, self.grid, all_buses=False) check_dataframe_matches(bus_data, expected_return)
[docs] def test_summarize_all_buses_true(self): expected_return = pd.DataFrame( { 1: [2, 4, 7, 12], 2: [1, 1, 2, 3], 3: [1, 3, 5, 7], 4: [0, 0, 0, 0], } ) bus_data = summarize_plant_to_bus(mock_pg, self.grid, all_buses=True) check_dataframe_matches(bus_data, expected_return)
[docs]class TestSummarizePlantToLocation(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.grid = MockGrid(grid_attrs)
def _check_dataframe_matches(self, loc_data, expected_return): self.assertIsInstance(loc_data, pd.DataFrame) assert_array_equal(loc_data.index.to_numpy(), expected_return.index.to_numpy()) self.assertEqual( set(loc_data.columns.to_numpy()), set(expected_return.columns.to_numpy()) ) for c in loc_data.columns: assert_array_almost_equal( loc_data[c].to_numpy(), expected_return[c].to_numpy() )
[docs] def test_summarize_location(self): expected_return = pd.DataFrame( { (47.6, -122.3): [2, 4, 7, 12], (37.8, -122.4): [2, 4, 7, 10], } ) loc_data = summarize_plant_to_location(mock_pg, self.grid) self._check_dataframe_matches(loc_data, expected_return)
[docs]class TestResourcesInGrid(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.grid = MockGrid(grid_attrs)
[docs] def test_get_resources_in_grid(self): assert get_resources_in_grid(self.grid) == {"ng", "coal", "solar"}
[docs] def test_get_active_resources_in_grid(self): assert get_active_resources_in_grid(self.grid) == {"ng", "solar"}
[docs]@pytest.fixture(scope="module") def grid(): return Grid(["USA"])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_argument_type(grid): arg = ((1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], grid), ("nuclear", 1)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_for_resources(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_argument_value(grid): arg = (("uranium", grid), (["uranium", "plutonium"], grid)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_for_resources(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources(grid): arg = (("nuclear", grid), (["solar", "ng"], grid)) expected = (["nuclear"], ["solar", "ng"]) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_for_resources(a[0], a[1]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].type) == set(e)
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_loadzones_argument_type(grid): arg = ((1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], grid), ("Nevada", 1), ("Far West", 1)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_in_loadzones(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_loadzones_argument_value(grid): arg = (("France", grid), (["Alberta", "British Columbia"], grid)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_in_loadzones(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_loadzones(grid): arg = (("Oregon", grid), (["Kentucky", "Montana Western", "El Paso"], grid)) expected = (["Oregon"], ["Kentucky", "Montana Western", "El Paso"]) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_in_loadzones(a[0], a[1]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].zone_name) == set(e)
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_interconnects_argument_type(grid): arg = ((1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], grid), ("Eastern", 1)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_in_interconnects(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_interconnects_argument_value(grid): arg = (("ERCOT", grid), (["CAISO", "Western"], grid)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_in_interconnects(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_interconnects(grid): arg = (("Western", grid), (["Texas", "Western", "Eastern"], grid)) expected = (["Western"], ["Texas", "Western", "Eastern"]) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_in_interconnects(a[0], a[1]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].interconnect) == set(e)
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_states_argument_type(grid): arg = ((1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], grid), ("California", 1)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_in_states(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_states_argument_value(grid): arg = (("Western", grid), (["Far West", "New Mexico Eastern"], grid)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_in_states(a[0], a[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_in_states(grid): arg = (("TX", grid), (["Washington", "OR", "Idaho"], grid)) expected = (({44, 45, 216} | set(range(301, 309))), {201, 202, 214}) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_in_states(a[0], a[1]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].zone_id) == e
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_loadzones_argument_type(grid): arg = ((1, 1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], {4, 5, 5}, grid), ("solar", "Utah", 1)) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_for_resources_in_loadzones(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_loadzones_argument_value(grid): arg = ( (["solar", "hydro", "wind"], "Western", grid), ("plutonium", "Kentucky", grid), ) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_for_resources_in_loadzones(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_loadzones(grid): arg = ( ("solar", ["Utah", "Montana Western"], grid), (["nuclear", "wind"], ["Colorado", "El Paso"], grid), (["wind", "solar"], "Oregon", grid), (["coal", "ng"], ["South Carolina", "Ohio River", "Maine"], grid), ) expected = ( (["solar"], ["Utah"]), (["wind"], ["Colorado"]), (["wind", "solar"], ["Oregon"]), (["coal", "ng"], ["South Carolina", "Ohio River", "Maine"]), ) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_for_resources_in_loadzones(a[0], a[1], a[2]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].type) == set(e[0]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].zone_name) == set(e[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_interconnects_argument_type(grid): arg = ( (1, 1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], {4, 5, 5}, grid), (["solar", "ng", "gothermal"], "Texas", 1), ) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_for_resources_in_interconnects(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_interconnects_argument_value(grid): arg = ( (["nuclear", "hydro"], "coal", grid), (["plutonium", "coal"], ["Eastern", "Texas"], grid), ) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_for_resources_in_interconnects(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_interconnects(grid): arg = ( ("solar", ["Western"], grid), (["nuclear", "wind"], ["Texas", "Western"], grid), (["geothermal"], ["Western", "Eastern"], grid), ) expected = ( (["solar"], ["Western"]), (["nuclear", "wind"], ["Texas", "Western"]), (["geothermal"], ["Western"]), ) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_for_resources_in_interconnects(a[0], a[1], a[2]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].type) == set(e[0]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].interconnect) == set(e[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_states_argument_type(grid): arg = ( (1, 1, grid), ([1, 2, 3], {4, 5, 5}, grid), (["solar", "ng", "gothermal"], ["New Mexico", "California"], 1), ) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(TypeError): get_plant_id_for_resources_in_states(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_states_argument_value(grid): arg = ( (["nuclear", "hydro"], "Eastern", grid), (["plutonium", "coal"], ["Illinois", "FL"], grid), ) for a in arg: with pytest.raises(ValueError): get_plant_id_for_resources_in_states(a[0], a[1], a[2])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_states(grid): arg = ( (["solar", "wind", "nuclear"], ["California", "TX"], grid), (["nuclear", "wind"], ["Washington"], grid), (["geothermal"], ["Nevada", "Massachusetts", "Mississippi"], grid), ) expected = ( ( ["solar", "wind", "nuclear"], set(range(203, 208)) | {44, 45, 216} | set(range(301, 309)), ), (["nuclear", "wind"], [201]), (["geothermal"], [208]), ) for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_for_resources_in_states(a[0], a[1], a[2]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].type) == set(e[0]) assert set(grid.plant.loc[list(plant_id)].zone_id) == set(e[1])
[docs]def test_get_plant_id_for_resources_in_area(): arg = [(scenario, "Washington", "coal"), (scenario, "all", "coal")] expected = [["A"], ["A", "C"]] for a, e in zip(arg, expected): plant_id = get_plant_id_for_resources_in_area(*a) assert e == plant_id
[docs]def test_get_storage_id_in_area(): arg = [(scenario, "Bay Area"), (scenario, "all")] expected = [[1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] for a, e in zip(arg, expected): storage_id = get_storage_id_in_area(*a) assert e == storage_id