Source code for powersimdata.input.tests.test_change_table

import pandas as pd
import pytest

from powersimdata.data_access.context import Context
from powersimdata.input.change_table import ChangeTable
from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid
from powersimdata.tests.mock_context import MockContext

grid = Grid(["USA"])

[docs]@pytest.fixture def ct(): return ChangeTable(grid)
[docs]def test_resource_exist(ct): with pytest.raises(ValueError): ct.scale_plant_capacity("unknown", zone_name={"Idaho": 2}) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_argument_type(ct): new_dcline = {"capacity": 500, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 2} with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) assert "Argument enclosing new HVDC line(s) must be a list" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_argument_number_of_keys(ct): new_dcline = [{"from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 2}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) expected = "For new_dcline, must specify one of ('capacity', 'Pmax') but not both." assert expected in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_argument_wrong_keys(ct): new_dcline = [{"capacity": 1000, "from_bus": 1, "to_bus": 2}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) expected_msg = "Each entry of new_dcline requires keys of: from_bus_id, to_bus_id" assert expected_msg in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_argument_wrong_bus(ct): new_dcline = [ {"capacity": 2000, "from_bus_id": 300, "to_bus_id": 1000}, {"capacity": 1000, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 30010010}, ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) assert "No bus with the following id for line #2: 30010010" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_argument_same_buses(ct): new_dcline = [{"capacity": 1000, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 1}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) assert "buses of line #1 must be different" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_argument_negative_capacity(ct): new_dcline = [{"capacity": -1000, "from_bus_id": 300, "to_bus_id": 1000}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) assert "capacity of line #1 must be positive" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_output(ct): new_dcline = [ {"capacity": 2000, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}, {"capacity": 1000, "from_bus_id": 9, "to_bus_id": 70042}, {"capacity": 8000, "from_bus_id": 2008, "to_bus_id": 5997}, ] ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) expected = { "new_dcline": [ {"Pmax": 2000, "Pmin": -2000, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}, {"Pmax": 1000, "Pmin": -1000, "from_bus_id": 9, "to_bus_id": 70042}, {"Pmax": 8000, "Pmin": -8000, "from_bus_id": 2008, "to_bus_id": 5997}, ] } assert ct.ct == expected
[docs]def test_add_dcline_in_different_interconnect(ct): new_dcline = [ {"capacity": 2000, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}, {"capacity": 8000, "from_bus_id": 2008, "to_bus_id": 3001001}, ] ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) expected = { "new_dcline": [ {"Pmax": 2000, "Pmin": -2000, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}, {"Pmax": 8000, "Pmin": -8000, "from_bus_id": 2008, "to_bus_id": 3001001}, ] } assert ct.ct == expected
[docs]def test_add_dcline_Pmin_and_Pmax_success(ct): # noqa: N802 new_dcline = [{"Pmax": 2000, "Pmin": 0, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}] ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) assert ct.ct == {"new_dcline": new_dcline}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_Pmin_gt_Pmax(ct): # noqa: N802 new_dcline = [{"Pmax": 2000, "Pmin": 3000, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) assert "Pmin cannot be greater than Pmax" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_dcline_Pmin_and_Pmax_and_capacity(ct): # noqa: N802 new_dcline = [ {"Pmax": 200, "Pmin": -200, "capacity": 10, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 2} ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_dcline(new_dcline) expected = "For new_dcline, must specify one of ('capacity', 'Pmax') but not both" assert expected in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_branch_argument_buses_in_different_interconnect(ct): new_branch = [ {"capacity": 2000, "from_bus_id": 300, "to_bus_id": 1000}, {"capacity": 1000, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 3001001}, ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_branch(new_branch) assert "Buses of line #2 must be in same interconnect" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_branch_zero_distance_between_buses(ct): new_branch = [{"capacity": 75, "from_bus_id": 1, "to_bus_id": 3}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_branch(new_branch) assert "Distance between buses of line #1 is 0" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_branch_Pmin_and_Pmax(ct): # noqa: N802 new_dcline = [{"Pmax": 2000, "Pmin": 0, "from_bus_id": 200, "to_bus_id": 2000}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_branch(new_dcline) assert "Can't independently set Pmin & Pmax for AC branches" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_argument_type(ct): new_plant = {"type": "solar", "bus_id": 1, "Pmax": 100} with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "Argument enclosing new plant(s) must be a list" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_renewable_plant_missing_key_type(ct): new_plant = [{"bus_id": 350, "Pmax": 35}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) expected = ( "Each entry of plant requires keys of: Pmax, bus_id, type. Missing ['type']" ) assert expected in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_renewable_plant_missing_key_bus_id(ct): new_plant = [{"type": "solar", "Pmax": 35}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) expected = ( "Each entry of plant requires keys of: Pmax, bus_id, type. Missing ['bus_id']" ) assert expected in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_renewable_plant_missing_key_pmax(ct): new_plant = [{"type": "hydro", "bus_id": 350}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) expected = ( "Each entry of plant requires keys of: Pmax, bus_id, type. Missing ['Pmax']" ) assert expected in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_thermal_plant_missing_key_c0(ct): new_plant = [{"type": "ng", "bus_id": 100, "Pmax": 75, "c1": 9, "c2": 0.25}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "Missing key c0 for plant #1" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_thermal_plant_missing_key_c1(ct): new_plant = [{"type": "ng", "bus_id": 100, "Pmax": 75, "c0": 1500, "c2": 1}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "Missing key c1 for plant #1" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_thermal_plant_missing_key_c2(ct): new_plant = [{"type": "ng", "bus_id": 100, "Pmax": 75, "c0": 1500, "c1": 500}] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "Missing key c2 for plant #1" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_wrong_resource(ct): with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant([{"type": "unknown", "bus_id": 50000, "Pmax": 1}]) assert "Invalid resource: unknown" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_wrong_bus(ct): new_plant = [ { "type": "nuclear", "bus_id": 300, "Pmin": 500, "Pmax": 5000, "c0": 1, "c1": 2, "c2": 3, }, {"type": "coal", "bus_id": 5000000, "Pmax": 200, "c0": 1, "c1": 2, "c2": 3}, ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "No bus id 5000000 available for plant #2" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_thermal_plant_wrong_coefficients(ct): new_plant = [ { "type": "ng", "bus_id": 300, "Pmin": 0, "Pmax": 500, "c0": -800, "c1": 30, "c2": 0.0025, } ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "c0 >= 0 must be satisfied for plant #1" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_negative_pmax(ct): new_plant = [ {"type": "dfo", "bus_id": 300, "Pmax": -10, "c0": 1, "c1": 2, "c2": 0.3} ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "Pmax >= 0 must be satisfied for plant #1" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_negative_pmin(ct): new_plant = [ {"type": "dfo", "bus_id": 300, "Pmax": 10, "c0": 100, "c1": 2, "c2": 0.1}, { "type": "geothermal", "bus_id": 3001001, "Pmin": -1, "Pmax": 20, "c0": 10, "c1": 5, "c2": 1, }, ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "0 <= Pmin <= Pmax must be satisfied for plant #2" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_pmin_pmax_relationship(ct): new_plant = [ { "type": "biomass", "bus_id": 13802, "Pmin": 30, "Pmax": 20, "c0": 30, "c1": 15, "c2": 0.1, } ] with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo: ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "0 <= Pmin <= Pmax must be satisfied for plant #1" in str(excinfo.value) assert ct.ct == {}
[docs]def test_add_plant_check_pmin_is_added(ct): new_plant = [ {"type": "solar", "bus_id": 3001001, "Pmax": 85}, {"type": "wind", "bus_id": 9, "Pmin": 5, "Pmax": 60}, {"type": "wind_offshore", "bus_id": 13802, "Pmax": 175}, ] ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert ct.ct["new_plant"][0]["Pmin"] == 0 assert ct.ct["new_plant"][1]["Pmin"] == 5 assert ct.ct["new_plant"][2]["Pmin"] == 0
[docs]def test_add_renewable_plant_check_neighbor_is_added(ct): new_plant = [ {"type": "hydro", "bus_id": 3001001, "Pmin": 60, "Pmax": 85}, { "type": "coal", "bus_id": 9, "Pmax": 120, "c0": 1000, "c1": 500, "c2": 0.3, }, {"type": "wind_offshore", "bus_id": 13802, "Pmax": 175}, ] ct.add_plant(new_plant) assert "plant_id_neighbor" in ct.ct["new_plant"][0] assert "plant_id_neighbor" not in ct.ct["new_plant"][1] assert "plant_id_neighbor" in ct.ct["new_plant"][2]
[docs]def test_add_plant_neighbor_can_be_on_same_bus(ct): wind_farm = grid.plant.groupby(["type"]).get_group("wind") hydro_plant = grid.plant.groupby(["type"]).get_group("hydro") bus_id_wind = wind_farm.iloc[100].bus_id bus_id_hydro = hydro_plant.iloc[2000].bus_id new_plant = [ {"type": "wind", "bus_id": bus_id_wind, "Pmin": 60, "Pmax": 85}, {"type": "hydro", "bus_id": bus_id_hydro, "Pmax": 175}, ] ct.add_plant(new_plant) wind_neighbor_id = ct.ct["new_plant"][0]["plant_id_neighbor"] assert wind_neighbor_id == wind_farm.iloc[100].name hydro_neighbor_id = ct.ct["new_plant"][1]["plant_id_neighbor"] assert hydro_neighbor_id == hydro_plant.iloc[2000].name
[docs]def test_scale_pmin_by_plant_too_high(ct): ct.scale_plant_pmin("ng", plant_id={0: 100}) assert ct.ct["ng_pmin"]["plant_id"][0] * grid.plant.loc[0, "Pmin"] == pytest.approx( grid.plant.loc[0, "Pmax"] )
[docs]def test_scale_pmin_by_zone_too_high(ct): ct.scale_plant_pmin("ng", zone_name={"Maine": 100}) assert ( ct.ct["ng_pmin"]["plant_id"][0] * ct.ct["ng_pmin"]["zone_id"][1] # plant_id 0 is in Maine (zone_id 1) * grid.plant.loc[0, "Pmin"] ) == pytest.approx(grid.plant.loc[0, "Pmax"])
[docs]def test_scale_pmin_by_plant_and_zone_too_high(ct): ct.scale_plant_pmin("ng", plant_id={0: 10}, zone_name={"Maine": 10}) assert ( ct.ct["ng_pmin"]["plant_id"][0] * ct.ct["ng_pmin"]["zone_id"][1] # plant_id 0 is in Maine (zone_id 1) * grid.plant.loc[0, "Pmin"] ) == pytest.approx(grid.plant.loc[0, "Pmax"])
[docs]def test_add_bus_success(ct): new_buses = [ {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2, "baseKV": 69}, {"lat": -40.5, "lon": -50, "zone_name": "Massachusetts", "Pd": 10}, ] ct.add_bus(new_buses) expected_new_buses = [ {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2, "Pd": 0, "baseKV": 69}, {"lat": -40.5, "lon": -50, "zone_id": 4, "Pd": 10, "baseKV": 230}, ] assert ct.ct["new_bus"] == expected_new_buses
[docs]def test_add_bus_bad_list_entries(ct): bad_dicts = [ {"lat": 40, "lon": 50}, # missing zone_id/zone_name {"lat": 40, "zone_id": 2}, # missing lon {"lon": 50, "zone_id": 2}, # missing lat {"lat": 40, "lon": 250, "zone_id": 2}, # bad lat value {"lat": -100, "lon": 120, "zone_id": 2}, # bad lon value {"lat": "40", "lon": "50", "zone_id": 2}, # strings for lat/lon {"lat": 4, "lon": 5, "zone_id": 2, "zone_name": "Ohio"}, # zone_id & zone_name {"lat": 40, "lon": 50, "zone_id": 1000}, # bad zone_id {"lat": 40, "lon": 50, "zone_name": "France"}, # bad zone_name {"lat": 40, "lon": 50, "Pd": "100 MW"}, # bad Pd {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2, "baseKV": "69"}, # bad baseKV type {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2, "baseKV": -230}, # bad baseKV value ] for d in bad_dicts: with pytest.raises(ValueError): ct.add_bus([d])
[docs]def test_add_bus_bad_type(ct): with pytest.raises(TypeError): ct.add_bus({"bus1": {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2}})
[docs]def test_add_new_elements_at_new_buses(ct): max_existing_index = int(grid.bus.index.max()) new_buses = [ {"lat": 40, "lon": 50.5, "zone_id": 2, "baseKV": 69}, {"lat": -40.5, "lon": -50, "zone_name": "Massachusetts", "Pd": 10}, ] ct.add_bus(new_buses) new_bus1 = max_existing_index + 1 new_bus2 = max_existing_index + 2 ct.add_storage_capacity([{"bus_id": new_bus1, "capacity": 100}]) ct.add_dcline([{"from_bus_id": new_bus1, "to_bus_id": new_bus2, "capacity": 200}]) ct.add_branch([{"from_bus_id": new_bus1, "to_bus_id": new_bus2, "capacity": 300}]) ct.add_plant([{"type": "wind", "bus_id": new_bus2, "Pmax": 400}])
[docs]def test_change_table_clear_success(ct): fake_scaling = {"demand", "branch", "solar", "ng_cost", "coal_pmin", "dcline"} fake_additions = { "storage", "new_dcline", "new_branch", "new_plant", "demand_flexibility", } all_fakes = fake_scaling | fake_additions original_dict_object = ct.ct for fake in all_fakes: ct.ct[fake] = {} # Test that each individual clear makes a change, and the ct ends up empty clear_keys = { "branch", "dcline", "demand", "plant", "storage", "demand_flexibility", } for key in clear_keys: old_keys = set(ct.ct.keys()) ct.clear(key) assert set(ct.ct.keys()) < old_keys assert ct.ct == {} # Test that passing no args clears everything in one shot all_fakes = fake_scaling | fake_additions for fake in all_fakes: ct.ct[fake] = {} ct.clear() assert ct.ct == {} assert ct.ct is original_dict_object
[docs]def test_change_table_clear_bad_type(ct): with pytest.raises(TypeError): ct.clear(["plant"])
[docs]def test_change_table_clear_bad_key(ct): with pytest.raises(ValueError): ct.clear({"plantttt"})
[docs]def test_remove_branch(ct): ct.remove_branch({0}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Can't remove again, because it shouldn't exist ct.remove_branch({0})
[docs]def test_remove_bus(ct): with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Can't remove, because there are branches attached to it ct.remove_bus({1}) ct.remove_branch({0, 1, 2}) ct.remove_bus({1}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Can't remove again, because it shouldn't exist ct.remove_bus({1}) # Evan after we remove the branch connected to bus 845... ct.remove_branch({1094}) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # We can't remove this bus, since there's a generator with non-zero capacity ct.remove_bus({845}) ct.scale_plant_capacity(resource="ng", plant_id={0: 0}) ct.remove_bus({845})
[docs]def test_add_demand_flexibility(monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr(Context, "get_data_access", MockContext().get_data_access) data_access = Context.get_data_access() grid = Grid("Texas") ct = ChangeTable(grid) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Fails because "demand_flexibility_dn", a required key, is not included ct.add_demand_flexibility( {"demand_flexibility_up": "Test", "demand_flexibility_duration": 6} ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Fails because there is a key that should not be there ct.add_demand_flexibility( { "demand_flexibility_up": "Test", "demand_flexibility_dn": "Test", "demand_flexibility_duration": 6, "demand_flexibility_wrong_key": "Test", } ) with pytest.raises(ValueError): # Fails because there are no profiles available that match the specified version ct.add_demand_flexibility( { "demand_flexibility_up": "Test", "demand_flexibility_dn": "Test", "demand_flexibility_duration": 6, } ) # Create fake files in the expected directory path exp_path = f"raw/{grid.grid_model}" for csv_file in ( "demand_flexibility_up_Test.csv", "demand_flexibility_dn_Test.csv", ): with data_access.write(exp_path + "/" + csv_file) as f: pd.DataFrame().to_csv(f) # Add a test instance of demand flexibility to the change table ct.add_demand_flexibility( { "demand_flexibility_up": "Test", "demand_flexibility_dn": "Test", "demand_flexibility_duration": 6, } ) exp_dict = { "demand_flexibility": { "demand_flexibility_up": "Test", "demand_flexibility_dn": "Test", "demand_flexibility_duration": 6, }, } assert ct.ct == exp_dict