Source code for powersimdata.input.input_data

import os
import pickle

import pandas as pd

from powersimdata.data_access.context import Context
from powersimdata.data_access.fs_helper import get_scenario_fs
from powersimdata.input.input_base import InputBase
from powersimdata.utility import server_setup

[docs]class InputData(InputBase): """Load input data.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self._file_extension = {"ct": "pkl", "grid": "pkl"} self.data_access = Context.get_data_access(get_scenario_fs) def _get_file_path(self, scenario_info, field_name): """Get the path to either grid or ct for the scenario :param dict scenario_info: metadata for a scenario. :param str field_name: either 'grid' or 'ct' :return: (*str*) -- the pyfilesystem path to the file """ ext = self._file_extension[field_name] file_name = scenario_info["id"] + "_" + field_name + "." + ext return "/".join([*server_setup.INPUT_DIR, file_name]) def _read(self, f, path): """Read data from file object :param io.IOBase f: an open file object :param str path: the path corresponding to f :raises ValueError: if extension is unknown. :return: (*dict* or *powersimdata.input.grid.Grid*) -- either a change table dict or grid object """ ext = os.path.basename(path).split(".")[-1] if ext == "pkl": data = pd.read_pickle(f) else: raise ValueError("Unknown extension! %s" % ext) return data
[docs] def save_change_table(self, ct, scenario_id): """Saves change table to the data store. :param dict ct: a change table :param str scenario_id: scenario id, used for file name """ filepath = "/".join([*server_setup.INPUT_DIR, f"{scenario_id}_ct.pkl"]) with self.data_access.write(filepath) as f: pickle.dump(ct, f)
[docs]def distribute_demand_from_zones_to_buses(zone_demand, bus): """Decomposes zone demand to bus demand based on bus 'Pd' column. :param pandas.DataFrame zone_demand: demand by zone. Index is timestamp, columns are zone IDs, values are zone demand (MW). :param pandas.DataFrame bus: table of bus data, containing at least 'zone_id' and 'Pd' columns. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame of demand. Index is timestamp, columns are bus IDs, values are bus demand (MW). :raises ValueError: if the columns of ``zone_demand`` don't match the set of zone IDs within the 'zone_id' column of ``bus``. """ if set(bus["zone_id"].unique()) != set(zone_demand.columns): raise ValueError("zones don't match between zone_demand and bus dataframes") grouped_buses = bus.groupby("zone_id") bus_zone_pd = grouped_buses["Pd"].transform("sum") bus_zone_share = pd.concat( [pd.Series(bus["Pd"] / bus_zone_pd, name="zone_share"), bus["zone_id"]], axis=1 ) zone_bus_shares = bus_zone_share.pivot_table( index="bus_id", columns="zone_id", values="zone_share", dropna=False, fill_value=0, ) bus_demand = return bus_demand