Source code for powersimdata.input.converter.tests.test_pypsa_to_grid

import pypsa
from pandas.testing import assert_series_equal

from powersimdata.input.change_table import ChangeTable
from powersimdata.input.converter.pypsa_to_grid import FromPyPSA
from powersimdata.input.exporter.export_to_pypsa import export_to_pypsa
from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid
from powersimdata.input.transform_grid import TransformGrid

[docs]def test_import_arbitrary_network_from_pypsa_to_grid(): n = pypsa.examples.ac_dc_meshed() grid = FromPyPSA(n).build() assert not grid.bus.empty assert len(n.buses) == len(grid.bus)
[docs]def test_import_network_including_storages_from_pypsa_to_grid(): n = pypsa.examples.storage_hvdc() grid = FromPyPSA(n).build() inflow = n.get_switchable_as_dense("StorageUnit", "inflow") has_inflow = inflow.any() assert not grid.bus.empty assert len(n.buses) + has_inflow.sum() == len(grid.bus) assert len(n.generators) + has_inflow.sum() == len(grid.plant) assert all( [ "inflow" in i for i in grid.plant.iloc[len(grid.plant) - has_inflow.sum() :].index ] ) assert not["gen"].empty assert not["gencost"].empty assert not["StorageData"].empty
[docs]def test_import_exported_network(): grid = Grid("Western") ct = ChangeTable(grid) storage = [ {"bus_id": 2021005, "capacity": 116.0}, {"bus_id": 2028827, "capacity": 82.5}, {"bus_id": 2028060, "capacity": 82.5}, ] ct.add_storage_capacity(storage) ref = TransformGrid(grid, ct.ct).get_grid() kwargs = dict(add_substations=True, add_load_shedding=False, add_all_columns=True) n = export_to_pypsa(ref, **kwargs) test = Grid( "Western", source="pypsa", grid_model="usa_tamu", network=n, add_pypsa_cols=False, ) # Only a scaled version of linear cost term is exported to pypsa # Test whether the exported marginal cost is in the same order of magnitude ref_total_c1 = ref.gencost["before"]["c1"].sum() test_total_c1 = test.gencost["before"]["c1"].sum() assert ref_total_c1 / test_total_c1 > 0.95 and ref_total_c1 / test_total_c1 < 1.05 # Now overwrite costs for c in ["c0", "c1", "c2"]: test.gencost["before"][c] = ref.gencost["before"][c] test.gencost["after"][c] = ref.gencost["after"][c] # Due to rounding errors we have to compare some columns in advance rtol = 1e-15 assert_series_equal(ref.branch.x, test.branch.x, rtol=rtol) assert_series_equal(ref.branch.r, test.branch.r, rtol=rtol) assert_series_equal(ref.bus.Va, test.bus.Va, rtol=rtol) test.branch.x = ref.branch.x test.branch.r = ref.branch.r test.bus.Va = ref.bus.Va storage_data =["StorageData"] # storage specification is need in import but has to removed for testing["gencost"].drop(columns="pypsa_component", inplace=True)["gen"].drop(columns="pypsa_component", inplace=True) storage_data.drop(columns="pypsa_component", inplace=True) # columns is overwritten in conversion to satisfy constraints set by engine storage_data.InitialStorage =["StorageData"].InitialStorage assert ref == test