Source code for powersimdata.input.converter.csv_to_grid

import os

from powersimdata.input.abstract_grid import AbstractGrid
from powersimdata.input.converter.helpers import (
from import model2region
from import CSVReader

[docs]class FromCSV(AbstractGrid): """Grid Builder for grid model enclosed in CSV files.""" def _set_data_loc(self, top_dirname): """Sets data location. :param str top_dirname: name of directory enclosing data. :raises IOError: if directory does not exist. """ data_loc = os.path.join(top_dirname, "data") if os.path.isdir(data_loc) is False: raise IOError("%s directory not found" % data_loc) else: self.data_loc = data_loc def _build(self, interconnect, grid_model): """Build network. :param list interconnect: interconnect name(s). :param str model: the grid model. """ reader = CSVReader(self.data_loc) self.bus = reader.bus self.plant = reader.plant self.branch = reader.branch self.dcline = reader.dcline self.gencost["after"] = self.gencost["before"] = reader.gencost self.sub = reader.sub self.bus2sub = reader.bus2sub self.id2zone =["zone_name"].to_dict() self.zone2id = {v: k for k, v in self.id2zone.items()} self._add_information() if model2region[grid_model] not in interconnect: self._drop_interconnect(interconnect) def _add_information(self): add_zone_to_grid_data_frames(self) add_coord_to_grid_data_frames(self) def _drop_interconnect(self, interconnect): """Trim data frames to only keep information pertaining to the user defined interconnect(s). :param list interconnect: interconnect name(s). """ for key, value in self.__dict__.items(): if key in ["sub", "bus2sub", "bus", "plant", "branch"]: value.query("interconnect == @interconnect", inplace=True) elif key == "gencost": value["before"].query("interconnect == @interconnect", inplace=True) elif key == "dcline": value.query( "from_interconnect == @interconnect &" "to_interconnect == @interconnect", inplace=True, ) self.id2zone = {k: self.id2zone[k] for k in self.bus.zone_id.unique()} self.zone2id = {value: key for key, value in self.id2zone.items()}