Source code for

[docs]def classify_interstate_intrastate(scenario): """Classifies branches in a change_table as interstate or intrastate. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :return: (*dict*) -- keys are *'interstate'*, *'intrastate'*. Values are list of branch ids. """ ct = scenario.state.get_ct() grid = scenario.state.get_grid() upgraded_branches = _classify_interstate_intrastate(ct, grid) return upgraded_branches
def _classify_interstate_intrastate(ct, grid): """Classifies branches in a change_table as interstate or intrastate. This function is separate from classify_interstate_intrastate() for testing purposes. :param dict ct: change_table dictionary. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid: Grid instance. :return: (*dict*) -- keys are *'interstate'*, *'intrastate'*. Values are list of branch ids. """ branch = grid.branch id2abv = grid.model_immutables.zones["id2abv"] upgraded_branches = {"interstate": [], "intrastate": []} if "branch" not in ct or "branch_id" not in ct["branch"]: return upgraded_branches all_upgraded_branches = ct["branch"]["branch_id"].keys() for b in all_upgraded_branches: # Alternatively: bus.loc[branch.loc[b, 'from_bus_id'], 'from_zone_id'] try: from_zone = branch.loc[b, "from_zone_id"] to_zone = branch.loc[b, "to_zone_id"] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"ct entry not found in branch: {b}") try: from_state = id2abv[from_zone] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"zone not found in id2abv: {from_zone}") try: to_state = id2abv[to_zone] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"zone not found in id2abv: {to_zone}") if from_state == to_state: upgraded_branches["intrastate"].append(b) else: upgraded_branches["interstate"].append(b) return upgraded_branches