Source code for

from powersimdata.input.transform_grid import TransformGrid
from powersimdata.utility.distance import haversine

[docs]def calculate_mw_miles(scenario, exclude_branches=None): """Given a Scenario object, calculate the number of upgraded lines and transformers, and the total upgrade quantity (in MW and MW-miles). Currently only supports change tables that specify branches' id, not zone name. Currently lumps Transformer and TransformerWinding upgrades together. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :param list/tuple/set/None exclude_branches: branches to exclude. :return: (*dict*) -- Upgrades to the branches. """ original_grid = scenario.get_base_grid() ct = scenario.get_ct() upgrades = _calculate_mw_miles(original_grid, ct, exclude_branches) return upgrades
def _calculate_mw_miles(original_grid, ct, exclude_branches=None): """Given a base grid and a change table, calculate the number of upgraded lines and transformers, and the total upgrade quantity (in MW & MW-miles). This function is separate from calculate_mw_miles() for testing purposes. Currently only supports change_tables that specify branches, not zone_name. Currently lumps Transformer and TransformerWinding upgrades together. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid original_grid: grid instance. :param dict ct: change table instance. :param list/tuple/set/None exclude_branches: branches to exclude. :raises ValueError: if not all values in exclude_branches are in the grid. :raises TypeError: if exclude_branches gets the wrong type. :return: (*dict*) -- Upgrades to the branches. """ upgrade_categories = ("mw_miles", "transformer_mw", "num_lines", "num_transformers") upgrades = {u: 0 for u in upgrade_categories} if "branch" not in ct or "branch_id" not in ct["branch"]: return upgrades if exclude_branches is None: exclude_branches = {} elif isinstance(exclude_branches, (list, set, tuple)): good_branch_indices = original_grid.branch.index if not all([e in good_branch_indices for e in exclude_branches]): raise ValueError("not all branches are present in grid!") exclude_branches = set(exclude_branches) else: raise TypeError("exclude_branches must be None, list, tuple, or set") base_branch_ids = set(original_grid.branch.index) upgraded_branch_ids = set(ct["branch"]["branch_id"].keys()) transformed_branch = TransformGrid(original_grid, ct).get_grid().branch if "new_branch" in ct: upgraded_branch_ids |= set(transformed_branch.index) - base_branch_ids for b in upgraded_branch_ids: if b in exclude_branches: continue if b in base_branch_ids: # 'upgraded' capacity is (scale - 1) because a scale of 1 = an upgrade of 0 scale = ct["branch"]["branch_id"][b] upgraded_capacity = transformed_branch.loc[b, "rateA"] / scale * (scale - 1) else: upgraded_capacity = transformed_branch.loc[b, "rateA"] device_type = transformed_branch.loc[b, "branch_device_type"] if device_type == "Line": from_coords = ( transformed_branch.loc[b, "from_lat"], transformed_branch.loc[b, "from_lon"], ) to_coords = ( transformed_branch.loc[b, "to_lat"], transformed_branch.loc[b, "to_lon"], ) addtl_mw_miles = upgraded_capacity * haversine(from_coords, to_coords) upgrades["mw_miles"] += addtl_mw_miles upgrades["num_lines"] += 1 elif device_type == "Transformer": upgrades["transformer_mw"] += upgraded_capacity upgrades["num_transformers"] += 1 elif device_type == "TransformerWinding": upgrades["transformer_mw"] += upgraded_capacity upgrades["num_transformers"] += 1 else: raise Exception("Unknown branch type: " + str(b)) return upgrades