import os
import pandas as pd
from import const
from powersimdata.input.grid import Grid
from powersimdata.utility.distance import haversine
from powersimdata.utility.helpers import _check_import
[docs]def sjoin_nearest(left_df, right_df, search_dist=0.06):
"""Perform a spatial join between two input layers.
:param geopandas.GeoDataFrame left_df: A dataframe of Points.
:param geopandas.GeoDataFrame right_df: A dataframe of Polygons/Multipolygons.
:param float/int search_dist: radius (in map units) around point to detect polygons.
:return: (*geopandas.GeoDataFrame*) -- data frame of Points mapped to each Polygon.
.. note:: data from nearest Polygon/Multipolygon will be used as a result if a
Point falls outside all available Polygon/Multipolygons.
def _find_nearest(series, polygons, search_dist):
"""Find the closest polygon.
:param pandas.Series series: point to map.
:param geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame polygons: polygons to select from.
:param float search_dist: radius around point to detect polygons.
geom = series[]
# Get geometries within search distance
candidates = polygons.loc[polygons.intersects(geom.buffer(search_dist))]
if len(candidates) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"No polygons found within {search_dist} of {}")
# Select the closest Polygon
distances = candidates.apply(
lambda x: geom.distance(x[].exterior), axis=1
closest_poly = polygons.loc[distances.idxmin].to_frame().T
# Reset index
series = series.to_frame().T.reset_index(drop=True)
# Drop geometry from closest polygon
closest_poly = closest_poly.drop(, axis=1)
closest_poly = closest_poly.reset_index(drop=True)
# Join values
join = series.join(closest_poly, lsuffix="_left", rsuffix="_right")
# Add information about distance to closest geometry if requested
join["dist"] = distances.min()
return join.squeeze()
gpd = _check_import("geopandas")
if "dist" in (set(left_df.columns) | set(right_df.columns)):
raise ValueError("neither series nor polygons can contain a 'dist' column")
# Explode possible MultiGeometries. This is a major speedup!
right_df = right_df.explode()
right_df = right_df.reset_index(drop=True)
# Make spatial join between points that fall inside the Polygons
points_in_regions = gpd.sjoin(left_df=left_df, right_df=right_df, op="intersects")
points_in_regions["dist"] = 0
# Since polygons may overlap, there can be duplicated buses that we want to filter
duplicated = points_in_regions.loc[points_in_regions.index.duplicated(keep=False)]
to_drop = set()
for bus in set(duplicated["bus_id"]):
entries = duplicated.query("bus_id == @bus")
coords = entries["geometry"].iloc[0].coords[0] # First duped entry, only point
regions = set(entries["name_abbr"]) # noqa: F841
candidates = points_in_regions.query(
"index not in @duplicated.index and name_abbr in @regions"
neighbor = candidates.apply(
lambda x: haversine((x.geometry.x, x.geometry.y), coords), axis=1
closest_region = candidates.loc[neighbor, "name_abbr"] # noqa: F841
# There may be more than two overlapping geometries, capture all but the closest
drop_regions = set(entries.query("name_abbr != @closest_region")["name_abbr"])
# Since indices are duplicated, we need to drop via two-column tuples
to_drop |= {(bus, d) for d in drop_regions}
points_in_regions = points_in_regions.loc[
~points_in_regions.set_index(["bus_id", "name_abbr"]).index.isin(to_drop)
# Find closest Polygons, for points that don't fall within any
missing_indices = set(left_df.index) - set(points_in_regions.index)
points_not_in_regions = left_df.loc[missing_indices]
closest_geometries = points_not_in_regions.apply(
_find_nearest, args=(right_df, search_dist), axis=1
# Merge everything together
closest_geometries = gpd.GeoDataFrame(closest_geometries)
result = points_in_regions.append(closest_geometries, ignore_index=True, sort=False)
return result
[docs]def points_to_polys(df, name, shpfile, search_dist=0.04):
"""Map node to closest region.
:param pandas.DataFrame df: data frame with node id as index and *'lat'* and
*'lon'* as columns.
:param str name: name of node, e.g., bus, plant, substation, etc.
:param str shpfile: shapefile enclosing Polygon/Multipolygon with region id.
:param float/int search_dist: radius around point to detect polygons.
:raises ValueError: if some points are dropped because too far away from polygons.
:return: (*geopandas.GeoDataFrame*) -- columns: id name, (point) geometry,
region and properties of region.
gpd = _check_import("geopandas")
polys = gpd.read_file(shpfile)
# If no assigned crs, assign it. If it has another crs assigned, convert it.
crs = "EPSG:4326"
if is None: = crs
elif != crs:
polys = polys.to_crs(crs)
# load buses into Points geodataframe
id_name = name + "_id"
pts = gpd.GeoDataFrame(
pd.DataFrame({id_name: df.index}),
# find which ReEDS region the points belong to
# (within the region or as close as possible, if in the ocean or something)
pts_poly = sjoin_nearest(left_df=pts, right_df=polys, search_dist=search_dist)
pts_poly = pts_poly.drop("index_right", axis=1)
if len(pts) > len(pts_poly):
dropped = pts[~pts[id_name].isin(pts_poly[id_name])][id_name].to_list()
err_msg = (
"Some points dropped because could not be mapped to regions. "
"Check your lat/lon values to be sure it's in the US. "
f"Or increase search_dist. ids dropped: {dropped}"
raise ValueError(err_msg)
return pts_poly
[docs]def bus_to_reeds_reg(df):
"""Map bus to ReEDS regions.
:param pandas.DataFrame df: bus data frame.
:return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- index: bus id, columns rs (wind resource region)
and rb (BA region).
pts_poly = points_to_polys(
df, "bus", const.reeds_wind_shapefile_path, search_dist=2
# load in rs to rb region mapping file
region_map = pd.read_csv(const.reeds_wind_to_ba_path)
# map rs (wind region) to rb (ba region)
pts_poly = pts_poly.merge(region_map, left_on="id", right_on="rs", how="left")
pts_poly = pd.DataFrame(pts_poly).drop(["geometry", "id"], axis=1)
pts_poly.set_index("bus_id", inplace=True)
return pts_poly
[docs]def bus_to_neem_reg(df):
"""Map bus to NEEM regions.
:param pandas.DataFrame df: bus data frame.
:return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- index: bus id, columns: lat, lon, name_abbr
(NEEM region)
.. note:: the shapefile used for mapping is pulled from the Energy Zones `Mapping
tool <>`_. This map is overly detailed, so the shapes are
simplified using 1 km distance (Douglas-Peucker) method in QGIS.
pts_poly = points_to_polys(df, "bus", const.neem_shapefile_path, search_dist=1)
# save lat/lon for consistency check later in _calculate_ac_inv_costs
pts_poly["lat"] = pts_poly.geometry.y
pts_poly["lon"] = pts_poly.geometry.x
pts_poly = pd.DataFrame(pts_poly).drop(
["geometry", "name", "shape_area", "shape_leng"], axis=1
pts_poly.set_index("bus_id", inplace=True)
return pts_poly
[docs]def write_bus_neem_map(base_grid):
"""Write bus location to NEEM region mapping to file.
:param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid base_grid: a Grid instance.
:raises TypeError: if ``base_grid`` is not a Grid instance.
if not isinstance(base_grid, Grid):
raise TypeError("base_grid must be a Grid instance")
df_pts_bus = bus_to_neem_reg(base_grid.bus)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(const.bus_neem_regions_path), exist_ok=True)
[docs]def write_bus_reeds_map(base_grid):
"""Write bus location to ReEDS region mapping to file.
:param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid base_grid: a Grid instance.
:raises TypeError: if ``base_grid`` is not a Grid instance.
if not isinstance(base_grid, Grid):
raise TypeError("base_grid must be a Grid instance")
df_pts_bus = bus_to_reeds_reg(base_grid.bus)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(const.bus_reeds_regions_path), exist_ok=True)
[docs]def write_poly_shapefile():
"""Convert ReEDS wind resource csv-format file to a shapefile.
.. note:: *gis_rs.csv* is from ReEDS open-source: */bokehpivot/in/gis_rs.csv*,
*hierarchy.csv* is from: */bokehpivot/in/reeds2/hierarchy.csv*.
fiona = _check_import("fiona")
shapely_geometry = _check_import("shapely.geometry")
Polygon = shapely_geometry.Polygon # noqa: N806
mapping = shapely_geometry.mapping
outpath = const.reeds_wind_shapefile_path
os.makedirs(outpath, exist_ok=True)
polys = pd.read_csv(
const.reeds_wind_csv_path, sep=",", dtype={"id": object, "group": object}
hierarchy = pd.read_csv(const.reeds_mapping_hierarchy_path)
polys = polys.merge(hierarchy, left_on="id", right_on="rs", how="left")
polys = polys[polys["country"] == "usa"]
# Remove holes
polys = polys[polys["hole"] == False].drop("hole", axis=1) # noqa: E712
# Define a polygon feature geometry with one attribute
schema = {
"geometry": "Polygon",
"properties": {"id": "str"},
names =
# Write a new Shapefile
with, "w", "ESRI Shapefile", schema) as c:
# If there are multiple geometries, put the "for" loop here
for i in names:
poly_df = polys[polys["group"] == i]
id_name = poly_df["id"].drop_duplicates().to_numpy()[0]
ls = []
for j in poly_df.index:
ls += [(poly_df.loc[j, "long"], poly_df.loc[j, "lat"])]
poly = Polygon(ls)
"geometry": mapping(poly),
"properties": {"id": id_name},