Source code for

from import _reindex_as_necessary
from powersimdata.input.check import _check_data_frame, _check_grid_type

[docs]def calculate_branch_difference(branch1, branch2): """Calculate the capacity differences between two branch data frames. If capacity in ``branch2`` is larger than capacity in ``branch1``, the return will be positive. :param pandas.DataFrame branch1: first branch data frame. :param pandas.DataFrame branch2: second branch data frame. :param float/int difference_threshold: drop any changes less than this value from the returned Series. :return: (*pandas.Series*) -- capacity difference between the two branch data frames. """ _check_data_frame(branch1, "branch1") _check_data_frame(branch2, "branch2") if not ("rateA" in branch1.columns) and ("rateA" in branch2.columns): raise ValueError("branch1 and branch2 both must have 'rateA' columns") branch1, branch2 = _reindex_as_necessary( branch1, branch2, ["from_bus_id", "to_bus_id"] ) branch_merge = branch1.merge( branch2, how="outer", right_index=True, left_index=True, suffixes=(None, "_2") ) branch_merge["diff"] = branch_merge.rateA_2.fillna(0) - branch_merge.rateA.fillna(0) # Ensure that lats & lons get filled in as necessary from branch2 entries for l in ["from_lat", "from_lon", "to_lat", "to_lon"]: branch_merge[l].fillna(branch_merge[f"{l}_2"], inplace=True) return branch_merge
[docs]def calculate_dcline_difference(grid1, grid2): """Calculate capacity differences between dcline tables, and add to/from lat/lon. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid1: first grid instance. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid grid2: second grid instance. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- data frame with all indices, plus new columns: diff, from_lat, from_lon, to_lat, to_lon. """ _check_grid_type(grid1) _check_grid_type(grid2) dcline1, dcline2 = _reindex_as_necessary( grid1.dcline, grid2.dcline, ["from_bus_id", "to_bus_id"] ) # Get latitudes and longitudes for to & from buses for dcline, grid in [(dcline1, grid1), (dcline2, grid2)]: dcline["from_lat"] = grid.bus.loc[dcline.from_bus_id, "lat"].to_numpy() dcline["from_lon"] = grid.bus.loc[dcline.from_bus_id, "lon"].to_numpy() dcline["to_lat"] = grid.bus.loc[dcline.to_bus_id, "lat"].to_numpy() dcline["to_lon"] = grid.bus.loc[dcline.to_bus_id, "lon"].to_numpy() dc_merge = dcline1.merge( dcline2, how="outer", right_index=True, left_index=True, suffixes=(None, "_2") ) dc_merge["diff"] = dc_merge.Pmax_2.fillna(0) - dc_merge.Pmax.fillna(0) # Ensure that lats & lons get filled in as necessary from grid2.dcline entries for l in ["from_lat", "from_lon", "to_lat", "to_lon"]: dc_merge[l].fillna(dc_merge[f"{l}_2"], inplace=True) return dc_merge