Source code for powersimdata.data_access.scenario_list

from collections import OrderedDict

import pandas as pd

from powersimdata.data_access.csv_store import CsvStore, verify_hash

[docs]class ScenarioListManager(CsvStore): """Storage abstraction for scenario list using a csv file.""" _FILE_NAME = "ScenarioList.csv"
[docs] def get_scenario_table(self): """Returns scenario table from server if possible, otherwise read local copy. Updates the local copy upon successful server connection. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- scenario list as a data frame. """ return self.get_table()
def _generate_scenario_id(self, table): """Generates scenario id. :param pandas.DataFrame table: the current scenario list :return: (*str*) -- new scenario id. """ max_value = table.index.max() result = 1 if pd.isna(max_value) else max_value + 1 return str(result)
[docs] def get_scenario(self, descriptor): """Get information for a scenario based on id or name :param int/str descriptor: the id or name of the scenario :return: (*collections.OrderedDict*) -- matching entry as a dict, or None if either zero or multiple matches found """ def err_message(text): print("------------------") print(text) print("------------------") table = self.get_scenario_table() try: matches = table.index.isin([int(descriptor)]) except ValueError: matches = table[ == descriptor].index scenario = table.loc[matches, :] if scenario.shape[0] == 0: err_message("SCENARIO NOT FOUND") elif scenario.shape[0] > 1: err_message("MULTIPLE SCENARIO FOUND") dupes = ",".join(str(i) for i in scenario.index) print(f"Duplicate ids: {dupes}") print("Use id to access scenario") else: return ( scenario.reset_index() .astype({"id": "str"}) .to_dict("records", into=OrderedDict)[0] )
[docs] @verify_hash def add_entry(self, scenario_info): """Adds scenario to the scenario list file. :param collections.OrderedDict scenario_info: entry to add to scenario list. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the updated data frame """ table = self.get_scenario_table() scenario_id = self._generate_scenario_id(table) scenario_info["id"] = scenario_id scenario_info.move_to_end("id", last=False) table.reset_index(inplace=True) entry = pd.DataFrame({k: [v] for k, v in scenario_info.items()}) table = pd.concat([table, entry]) table.set_index("id", inplace=True) print("--> Adding entry in %s" % self._FILE_NAME) return table
[docs] @verify_hash def delete_entry(self, scenario_id): """Deletes entry in scenario list. :param int/str scenario_id: the id of the scenario :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- the updated data frame """ table = self.get_scenario_table() table.drop(int(scenario_id), inplace=True) print("--> Deleting entry in %s" % self._FILE_NAME) return table