Source code for powersimdata.data_access.launcher

import importlib
import posixpath
import sys

import requests

from powersimdata.utility import server_setup

def _check_threads(threads):
    """Validate threads argument

    :param int threads: the number of threads to be used
    :raises TypeError: if threads is not an int
    :raises ValueError: if threads is not a positive value
    if threads is None:
    if not isinstance(threads, int):
        raise TypeError("threads must be an int")
    if threads < 1:
        raise ValueError("threads must be a positive value")

def _check_solver(solver):
    """Validate solver argument

    :param str solver: the solver used for the optimization
    :raises TypeError: if solver is not a str
    :raises ValueError: if invalid solver provided
    if solver is None:
    if not isinstance(solver, str):
        raise TypeError("solver must be a str")
    solvers = ("clp", "glpk", "gurobi")
    if solver.lower() not in solvers:
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid solver: options are {solvers}")

[docs]class Launcher: """Base class for interaction with simulation engine. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance """ def __init__(self, scenario): self.scenario = scenario @property def scenario_id(self): return self.scenario.scenario_id def _launch(self, threads=None, solver=None, extract_data=True): """Launches simulation on target environment :param int threads: the number of threads to be used. This defaults to None, where None means auto. :param str solver: the solver used for optimization. This defaults to None, which translates to gurobi :param bool extract_data: whether the results of the simulation engine should automatically extracted after the simulation has run. This defaults to True. :raises NotImplementedError: always - this must be implemented in a subclass """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def extract_simulation_output(self): """Extracts simulation outputs {PG, PF, LMP, CONGU, CONGL} on server.""" pass
[docs] def launch_simulation(self, threads=None, solver=None, extract_data=True): """Launches simulation on target environment :param int threads: the number of threads to be used. This defaults to None, where None means auto. :param str solver: the solver used for optimization. This defaults to None, which translates to gurobi :param bool extract_data: whether the results of the simulation engine should automatically extracted after the simulation has run. This defaults to True. :return: (*subprocess.Popen*) or (*dict*) - the process, if using ssh to server, otherwise a dict containing status information. """ _check_threads(threads) _check_solver(solver) return self._launch(threads, solver, extract_data)
[docs]class SSHLauncher(Launcher): def _run_script(self, script, extra_args=None): """Returns running process :param str script: script to be used. :param list extra_args: list of strings to be passed after scenario id. :return: (*subprocess.Popen*) -- process used to run script """ if extra_args is None: extra_args = [] engine = self.scenario.state._scenario_info["engine"] path_to_package = posixpath.join(server_setup.MODEL_DIR, engine) folder = "pyreise" if engine == "REISE" else "pyreisejl" path_to_script = posixpath.join(path_to_package, folder, "utility", script) cmd_pythonpath = [f'export PYTHONPATH="{path_to_package}:$PYTHONPATH";'] cmd_pythoncall = [ "nohup", "python3", "-u", path_to_script, self.scenario_id, ] cmd_io_redirect = ["</dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &"] cmd = cmd_pythonpath + cmd_pythoncall + extra_args + cmd_io_redirect process = self.scenario.data_access.execute_command_async(cmd) print("PID: %s" % return process def _launch(self, threads=None, solver=None, extract_data=True): """Launch simulation on server, via ssh. :param int threads: the number of threads to be used. This defaults to None, where None means auto. :param str solver: the solver used for optimization. This defaults to None, which translates to gurobi :param bool extract_data: whether the results of the simulation engine should automatically extracted after the simulation has run. This defaults to True. :raises TypeError: if extract_data is not a boolean :return: (*subprocess.Popen*) -- new process used to launch simulation. """ extra_args = [] if threads is not None: # Use the -t flag as defined in in REISE.jl extra_args.append("--threads " + str(threads)) if solver is not None: extra_args.append("--solver " + solver) if not isinstance(extract_data, bool): raise TypeError("extract_data must be a bool") if extract_data: extra_args.append("--extract-data") return self._run_script("", extra_args=extra_args)
[docs] def extract_simulation_output(self): """Extracts simulation outputs {PG, PF, LMP, CONGU, CONGL} on server. :return: (*subprocess.Popen*) -- new process used to extract output data. """ print("--> Extracting output data on server") return self._run_script("")
[docs] def check_progress(self): print("Information is available on the server.")
[docs]class HttpLauncher(Launcher): BASE_URL = f"http://{server_setup.SERVER_ADDRESS}:5000" def _launch(self, threads=None, solver=None, extract_data=True): """Launch simulation in container via http call :param int threads: the number of threads to be used. This defaults to None, where None means auto. :param str solver: the solver used for optimization. This defaults to None, which translates to gurobi :param bool extract_data: always True :return: (*dict*) -- contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ url = f"{self.BASE_URL}/launch/{self.scenario_id}" params = { "threads": threads, "solver": solver, "extract-data": int(extract_data), } resp =, params=params) if resp.status_code != 200: print( f"Failed to launch simulation: status={resp.status_code}. See response for details" ) return resp.json()
[docs] def extract_simulation_output(self): """Extracts simulation outputs {PG, PF, LMP, CONGU, CONGL} :return: (*dict*) -- contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ url = f"{self.BASE_URL}/extract/{self.scenario_id}" resp = return resp.json()
[docs] def check_progress(self): """Get the status of an ongoing simulation, if possible :return: (*dict*) -- contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ url = f"{self.BASE_URL}/status/{self.scenario_id}" resp = requests.get(url) return resp.json()
[docs]class NativeLauncher(Launcher): def __init__(self, scenario): sys.path.append(server_setup.ENGINE_DIR) = importlib.import_module("") super().__init__(scenario) def _launch(self, threads=None, solver=None, extract_data=True): """Launch simulation by importing from REISE.jl :param int threads: the number of threads to be used. This defaults to None, where None means auto. :param str solver: the solver used for optimization. This defaults to None, which translates to gurobi :param bool extract_data: always True :return: (*dict*) -- contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ return self.scenario_id, threads, solver, extract_data )
[docs] def extract_simulation_output(self): """Extracts simulation outputs {PG, PF, LMP, CONGU, CONGL} :return: (*dict*) -- contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ return
[docs] def check_progress(self): """Get the status of an ongoing simulation, if possible :return: (*dict*) -- contains "output", "errors", "scenario_id", and "status" keys which map to stdout, stderr, and the respective scenario attributes """ return