Source code for powersimdata.data_access.fs_helper

import logging

import fs
from fs.multifs import MultiFS

from powersimdata.data_access.ssh_fs import WrapSSHFS
from powersimdata.utility import server_setup

logger = logging.getLogger("azure.core.pipeline.policies.http_logging_policy")

[docs]def get_blob_fs(container): """Create fs for the given blob storage container :param str container: the container name :return: (*fs.base.FS*) -- filesystem instance """ account = "esmi" sas_token = server_setup.get_blob_credential() return fs.open_fs(f"azblobv2://{account}:{sas_token}@{container}")
[docs]def get_ssh_fs(root=""): """Create fs for the given directory on the server :param str root: root direcory on server :return: (*fs.base.FS*) -- filesystem instance """ host = server_setup.SERVER_ADDRESS port = server_setup.SERVER_SSH_PORT username = server_setup.get_server_user() base_fs = fs.open_fs(f"ssh://{username}@{host}:{port}") return WrapSSHFS(base_fs, root)
[docs]def get_multi_fs(root): """Create filesystem combining the server (if connected) with profile and scenario containers in blob storage. The priority is in descending order, so the server will be used first if possible :param str root: root directory on server :return: (*fs.base.FS*) -- filesystem instance """ scenario_data = get_blob_fs("scenariodata") profiles = get_blob_fs("profiles") mfs = MultiFS() try: ssh_fs = get_ssh_fs(root) mfs.add_fs("ssh_fs", ssh_fs, write=True, priority=3) except: # noqa print("Could not connect to ssh server") mfs.add_fs("profile_fs", profiles, priority=2) mfs.add_fs("scenario_fs", scenario_data, priority=1) remotes = ",".join([f[0] for f in mfs.iterate_fs()]) print(f"Initialized remote filesystem with {remotes}") return mfs
[docs]def get_scenario_fs(): """Create filesystem combining the server (if connected) with blob storage, prioritizing the server if connected. :return: (*fs.base.FS*) -- filesystem instance """ scenario_data = get_blob_fs("scenariodata") mfs = MultiFS() try: ssh_fs = get_ssh_fs(server_setup.DATA_ROOT_DIR) mfs.add_fs("ssh_fs", ssh_fs, write=True, priority=2) except: # noqa print("Could not connect to ssh server") mfs.add_fs("scenario_fs", scenario_data, priority=1) remotes = ",".join([f[0] for f in mfs.iterate_fs()]) print(f"Initialized remote filesystem with {remotes}") return mfs