Source code for postreise.plot.tests.test_plot_tornado
import pandas as pd
import pytest
from postreise.plot.plot_tornado import plot_tornado
data = {
"Arizona": 25,
"California": 8,
"Colorado": 15,
"Idaho": 5,
"Montana Western": 35,
"Nevada": 1,
"New Mexico Western": 15,
"Oregon": 10,
"Utah": 0,
"Washington": -15,
"Wyoming": -6,
"El Paso": -1,
[docs]def test_plot_tornado():
plot_tornado("Test data", data, sorted=True, plot_show=False)
def _assert_error(err_msg, *args, **kwargs):
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as excinfo:
plot_tornado(*args, **kwargs)
assert err_msg in str(excinfo.value)
[docs]def test_plot_tornado_argument_type():
_assert_error("title must be a str", pd.DataFrame(), data)
_assert_error("data must be a dict", "bad data", [1, 2, 3])
_assert_error("all keys of data must be str", "Keys", {"a": 1, 2: 2})
_assert_error("all values of data must be int or float", "S", {"a": 1, "b": "B"})
_assert_error("sorted must be a bool", "bad keyword type", data, sorted="no")
_assert_error("plot_show must be a bool", "same as above", data, plot_show="yes")