Source code for postreise.plot.plot_transmission_upgrades_map

import numpy as np
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from import (
from powersimdata.utility.distance import haversine

from postreise.plot import colors
from postreise.plot.canvas import create_map_canvas
from postreise.plot.check import _check_func_kwargs
from postreise.plot.plot_states import add_state_borders
from postreise.plot.projection_helpers import project_branch

[docs]def add_transmission_upgrades( canvas, branch_merge, dc_merge, b2b_indices=None, diff_threshold=100, all_branch_scale=1, diff_branch_scale=1, all_branch_min=0.1, diff_branch_min=1.0, b2b_scale=5, dcline_upgrade_dist_threshold=0, ): """Make map of branches showing upgrades. :param bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure canvas: canvas to add upgrades to. :param pandas.DataFrame branch_merge: branch of scenarios 1 and 2 :param pandas.DataFrame dc_merge: dclines for scenarios 1 and 2 :param list/set/tuple b2b_indices: indices of HVDC lines which are back-to-backs. :param int/float diff_threshold: difference threshold (in MW), above which branches are highlighted. :param int/float all_branch_scale: scale factor for plotting all branches (pixels/GW). :param int/float diff_branch_scale: scale factor for plotting branches with differences above the threshold (pixels/GW). :param int/float all_branch_min: minimum width to plot all branches. :param int/float diff_branch_min: minimum width to plot branches with significant differences. :param int/float b2b_scale: scale factor for plotting b2b facilities (pixels/GW). :param int/float dcline_upgrade_dist_threshold: minimum distance (miles) for plotting DC line upgrades (if none are longer, no legend entry will be created). :return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure*) -- Bokeh map plot of color-coded upgrades. """ # plotting constants legend_alpha = 0.9 all_elements_alpha = 0.5 differences_alpha = 0.8 # convert scale factors from pixels/GW to pixels/MW (base units for our grid data) all_branch_scale_MW = all_branch_scale / 1000 # noqa: N806 diff_branch_scale_MW = diff_branch_scale / 1000 # noqa: N806 b2b_scale_MW = b2b_scale / 1000 # noqa: N806 # data prep branch_all = project_branch(branch_merge) branch_dc = project_branch(dc_merge) # For these, we will plot a triangle for the B2B location, plus 'pseudo' AC lines # get_level_values allows us to index into MultiIndex as necessary b2b_indices = {} if b2b_indices is None else b2b_indices b2b_mask = branch_dc.index.get_level_values(0).isin(b2b_indices) # .copy() avoids a pandas SettingWithCopyError later b2b = branch_dc.iloc[b2b_mask].copy() branch_dc_lines = branch_dc.loc[~b2b_mask].copy() # Color branches based on upgraded capacity branch_all["color"] = np.nan branch_all.loc[branch_all["diff"] > diff_threshold, "color"] = colors.be_blue branch_all.loc[branch_all["diff"] < -1 * diff_threshold, "color"] = colors.be_purple # Color pseudo AC branches based on upgraded capacity b2b["color"] = np.nan b2b.loc[b2b["diff"] > diff_threshold, "color"] = colors.be_blue b2b.loc[b2b["diff"] < -1 * diff_threshold, "color"] = colors.be_purple b2b = b2b[~b2b.color.isnull()] # Color DC lines based on upgraded capacity branch_dc_lines["dist"] = branch_dc_lines.apply( lambda x: haversine((x.from_lat, x.from_lon), (x.to_lat, x.to_lon)), axis=1 ) branch_dc_lines = branch_dc_lines.loc[ branch_dc_lines.dist >= dcline_upgrade_dist_threshold ] branch_dc_lines.loc[:, "color"] = np.nan branch_dc_lines.loc[branch_dc_lines["diff"] > 0, "color"] = colors.be_green branch_dc_lines.loc[branch_dc_lines["diff"] < 0, "color"] = colors.be_lightblue # Create ColumnDataSources for bokeh to plot with source_all_ac = ColumnDataSource( { "xs": branch_all[["from_x", "to_x"]].values.tolist(), "ys": branch_all[["from_y", "to_y"]].values.tolist(), "cap": branch_all["rateA"] * all_branch_scale_MW + all_branch_min, "color": branch_all["color"], } ) # AC branches with significant differences ac_diff_branches = branch_all.loc[~branch_all.color.isnull()] source_ac_difference = ColumnDataSource( { "xs": ac_diff_branches[["from_x", "to_x"]].values.tolist(), "ys": ac_diff_branches[["from_y", "to_y"]].values.tolist(), "diff": ( ac_diff_branches["diff"].abs() * diff_branch_scale_MW + diff_branch_min ), "color": ac_diff_branches["color"], } ) source_all_dc = ColumnDataSource( { "xs": branch_dc_lines[["from_x", "to_x"]].values.tolist(), "ys": branch_dc_lines[["from_y", "to_y"]].values.tolist(), "cap": branch_dc_lines.Pmax * all_branch_scale_MW + all_branch_min, "color": branch_dc_lines["color"], } ) dc_diff_lines = branch_dc_lines.loc[~branch_dc_lines.color.isnull()] source_dc_differences = ColumnDataSource( { "xs": dc_diff_lines[["from_x", "to_x"]].values.tolist(), "ys": dc_diff_lines[["from_y", "to_y"]].values.tolist(), "diff": ( dc_diff_lines["diff"].abs() * diff_branch_scale_MW + diff_branch_min ), "color": dc_diff_lines["color"], } ) source_pseudoac = ColumnDataSource( # pseudo ac scen 1 { "xs": b2b[["from_x", "to_x"]].values.tolist(), "ys": b2b[["from_y", "to_y"]].values.tolist(), "cap": b2b.Pmax * all_branch_scale_MW + all_branch_min, "diff": b2b["diff"].abs() * diff_branch_scale_MW + diff_branch_min, "color": b2b["color"], } ) # Build the legend leg_x = [-8.1e6] * 2 leg_y = [5.2e6] * 2 # These are 'dummy' series to populate the legend with if len(branch_dc_lines[branch_dc_lines["diff"] > 0]) > 0: canvas.multi_line( leg_x, leg_y, color=colors.be_green, alpha=legend_alpha, line_width=10, legend_label="Additional HVDC Capacity", ) if len(branch_dc_lines[branch_dc_lines["diff"] < 0]) > 0: canvas.multi_line( leg_x, leg_y, color=colors.be_lightblue, alpha=legend_alpha, line_width=10, legend_label="Reduced HVDC Capacity", ) if len(branch_all[branch_all["diff"] < 0]) > 0: canvas.multi_line( leg_x, leg_y, color=colors.be_purple, alpha=legend_alpha, line_width=10, legend_label="Reduced AC Transmission", ) if len(branch_all[branch_all["diff"] > 0]) > 0: canvas.multi_line( leg_x, leg_y, color=colors.be_blue, alpha=legend_alpha, line_width=10, legend_label="Upgraded AC transmission", ) if len(b2b[b2b["diff"] > 0]) > 0: canvas.scatter( x=b2b.from_x[1], y=b2b.from_y[1], color=colors.be_magenta, marker="triangle", legend_label="Upgraded B2B capacity", size=30, alpha=legend_alpha, ) # Everything below gets plotted into the 'main' figure background_plot_dicts = [ {"source": source_all_ac, "color": "gray", "line_width": "cap"}, {"source": source_all_dc, "color": "gray", "line_width": "cap"}, {"source": source_pseudoac, "color": "gray", "line_width": "cap"}, ] for d in background_plot_dicts: canvas.multi_line( "xs", "ys", color=d["color"], line_width=d["line_width"], source=d["source"], alpha=all_elements_alpha, ) # all B2Bs canvas.scatter( x=b2b.from_x, y=b2b.from_y, color="gray", marker="triangle", size=b2b["Pmax"].abs() * b2b_scale_MW, alpha=all_elements_alpha, ) difference_plot_dicts = [ {"source": source_pseudoac, "color": "color", "line_width": "diff"}, {"source": source_ac_difference, "color": "color", "line_width": "diff"}, {"source": source_dc_differences, "color": "color", "line_width": "diff"}, ] for d in difference_plot_dicts: canvas.multi_line( "xs", "ys", color=d["color"], line_width=d["line_width"], source=d["source"], alpha=differences_alpha, ) # B2Bs with differences canvas.scatter( x=b2b.from_x, y=b2b.from_y, color=colors.be_magenta, marker="triangle", size=b2b["diff"].abs() * b2b_scale_MW, ) return canvas
[docs]def map_transmission_upgrades( scenario1, scenario2, b2b_indices=None, figsize=(1400, 800), x_range=None, y_range=None, state_borders_kwargs=None, legend_font_size=20, legend_location="bottom_left", **plot_kwargs, ): """Plot capacity differences for branches & HVDC lines between two scenarios. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario1: first scenario. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario2: second scenario. :param list/set/tuple b2b_indices: indices of HVDC lines which are back-to-backs. :param tuple figsize: size of the bokeh figure (in pixels). :param tuple x_range: x range to zoom plot to (EPSG:3857). :param tuple y_range: y range to zoom plot to (EPSG:3857). :param dict state_borders_kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`postreise.plot.plot_states.add_state_borders`. :param int/float legend_font_size: font size for legend. :param str legend_location: location for legend. :param \\*\\*plot_kwargs: collected keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`add_transmission_upgrades`. :raises ValueError: if grid model and interconnect of scenarios differ. :return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure*) -- map with color-coded upgrades. """ # Validate inputs if not (["grid_model"] ==["grid_model"] and["interconnect"] ==["interconnect"] ): raise ValueError("Scenarios to compare must be same grid model & interconnect") # Pre-plot data processing grid1 = scenario1.get_grid() grid2 = scenario2.get_grid() branch_merge = calculate_branch_difference(grid1.branch, grid2.branch) dc_merge = calculate_dcline_difference(grid1, grid2) # Set up figure canvas = create_map_canvas(figsize=figsize, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range) # Add state outlines default_state_borders_kwargs = { "line_color": "slategrey", "line_width": 1, "fill_alpha": 1, "background_map": False, } all_state_borders_kwargs = ( {**default_state_borders_kwargs, **state_borders_kwargs} if state_borders_kwargs is not None else default_state_borders_kwargs ) _check_func_kwargs( add_state_borders, set(all_state_borders_kwargs), "state_borders_kwargs" ) canvas = add_state_borders(canvas, **all_state_borders_kwargs) # add transmission map canvas = add_transmission_upgrades( canvas, branch_merge, dc_merge, b2b_indices, **plot_kwargs ) canvas.legend.location = legend_location canvas.legend.label_text_font_size = f"{legend_font_size}pt" return canvas