import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.layouts import row
from bokeh.models import ColorBar, ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.tile_providers import Vendors, get_provider
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
from powersimdata.input.check import _check_date
from powersimdata.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from postreise.plot.colors import shadow_price_pallette
from postreise.plot.projection_helpers import project_branch, project_bus
[docs]def plot_shadowprice(scenario_id, datetime, lmp_split_points=None):
"""Map lmp variation and shadow prices
:param str/int scenario_id: scenario id
:param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime datetime: timestamp of
the hour to analyze
:param list/tuple/set/numpy.array lmp_split_points: the locational marginal
pricing (lmp) values we have chosen to split the bus data. Includes min and
max values. Must have 10 items or fewer. defaults to None. Example: [-1, 1,
20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 100]
:return: (*bokeh.models.layout.Row*) -- bokeh map visual in row layout.
:raises TypeError: if *'scenario_id'* is not a str/int, *'datetime'* is not a str
or *'lmp_split_points'* is not a list
:raises ValueError: if *'lmp_split_points'* array has more than 10 elements
if not isinstance(scenario_id, (str, int)):
raise TypeError("scenario_id must be a str/int")
if lmp_split_points is not None:
if not isinstance(lmp_split_points, list):
raise TypeError("lmp_split_points must be a list")
if len(lmp_split_points) > 10:
raise ValueError("lmp_split_points must have 10 items or fewer")
interconnect, bus, lmp, branch, cong = _get_shadowprice_data(scenario_id)
lmp_split_points, bus_segments = _construct_bus_data(
bus, lmp, lmp_split_points, datetime
branches_selected = _construct_branch_data(branch, cong, datetime)
return _construct_shadowprice_visuals(
interconnect, lmp_split_points, bus_segments, branches_selected
def _get_shadowprice_data(scenario_id):
"""Gets data necessary for plotting shadow price
:param str/int scenario_id: scenario id
:return: (*tuple*) -- interconnect as a str, bus data as a data frame, lmp data
as a data frame, branch data as a data frame and congestion data as a data
s = Scenario(scenario_id)
interconnect =["interconnect"]
interconnect = " ".join(interconnect.split("_"))
s_grid = s.get_grid()
# Get bus and add location data
bus_map = project_bus(s_grid.bus)
# get branch and add location data
branch_map = project_branch(s_grid.branch)
# get congestion
congu = s.get_congu()
congl = s.get_congl()
cong_abs = pd.DataFrame(
np.maximum(congu.to_numpy(), congl.to_numpy()),
return interconnect, bus_map, s.get_lmp(), branch_map, cong_abs
def _construct_bus_data(bus_map, lmp, user_set_split_points, datetime):
"""Adds lmp data to each bus, splits buses into 9 segments by lmp
:param pandas.DataFrame bus_map: bus data frame with location data
:param pandas.DataFrame lmp: lmp data frame
:param list/tuple/set/numpy.array user_set_split_points: user-set lmp values to
split the bus data. Must have 10 items or fewer. Example: [-1, 1, 20, 25, 30,
35, 40, 100]
:param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime datetime: timestamp of
the hour to analyze
:return: (*tuple*) -- the lmp vals we have chosen to split the bus data, bus data
split into segments
lmp_hour = lmp.loc[datetime]
lmp_hour = lmp_hour.T = "lmp"
bus_map = pd.concat([bus_map, lmp_hour], axis=1)
lmp_split_points = (
if user_set_split_points is not None
else _get_lmp_split_points(bus_map)
bus_segments = [
bus_map[(bus_map["lmp"] > p) & (bus_map["lmp"] <= c)]
for p, c in zip(lmp_split_points, lmp_split_points[1:])
return lmp_split_points, bus_segments
def _get_lmp_split_points(bus_map):
"""Determine up to ten points to split the bus data (inc. min and max lmp).
Always split on lmp -1 and 1 if possible. Split the rest of the buses into groups
with an equal number of members
:param pandas.DataFrame bus_map: bus data with lmp
:return: (*list*) -- lmp values for split points
min_lmp = round(bus_map["lmp"].min(), 2)
max_lmp = round(bus_map["lmp"].max(), 2)
split_points = [min_lmp]
# If we have busses with negative lmp we always split at -1 and 1
if min_lmp < -1:
if min_lmp < 1:
# remove busses with lmp below 1
bus_map_pos = bus_map[(bus_map["lmp"] >= 1)]
bus_map_pos = bus_map
# split remaining busses into equally sized groups
num_splits = 9 - len(split_points)
quantiles = [(i + 1) / (num_splits + 1) for i in range(num_splits)]
split_points += [round(bus_map_pos.lmp.quantile(val), 2) for val in quantiles]
return split_points + [max_lmp]
def _construct_branch_data(branch_map, cong, datetime):
"""Add congestion data for each branch
:param pandas.DataFrame branch_map: data frame of branch data
:param pandas.DataFrame cong: data frame of congestion data for the selected hour
:param pandas.Timestamp/numpy.datetime64/datetime.datetime datetime: timestamp of
the hour to analyze
:return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- modified branch data with congestion data added
for each branch
# Add congestion to branch dataframe
cong_hour = cong.loc[datetime]
cong_hour = cong_hour.T = "medianval"
branch_map = pd.concat([branch_map, cong_hour], axis=1)
# select branches that have a binding constraint and are of type Line
branch_map = branch_map.loc[
(branch_map["medianval"] > 1e-6) & (branch_map["branch_device_type"] == "Line")
return branch_map
def _construct_shadowprice_visuals(
interconnect, lmp_split_points, bus_segments, branch_data
"""Use bokeh to plot variation in lmp and shadow prices
:param str interconnect: scenario interconnect
:param list/tuple/set/numpy.array lmp_split_points: lmp values chosen to split
the bus data
:param list bus_segments: bus data split into 9 segments
:param pandas.DataFrame branch_data: branch data
:return: (*bokeh.models.layout.Row*) -- bokeh map visual in row layout.
tools = "pan,wheel_zoom,reset,hover,save"
p = figure(
title=f"{interconnect} Interconnect",
# Add USA map
# Add colored circles for bus locations
indices = list(range(len(bus_segments)))
indices.reverse() # We want the lowest prices on top
for i in indices:
bus_cds = ColumnDataSource(
"x": bus_segments[i]["x"],
"y": bus_segments[i]["y"],
"lmp": bus_segments[i]["lmp"],
"x", "y", color=shadow_price_pallette[i], alpha=0.4, size=11, source=bus_cds
# Add branches
branch_cds = ColumnDataSource(
"xs": branch_data[["from_x", "to_x"]].values.tolist(),
"ys": branch_data[["from_y", "to_y"]].values.tolist(),
"medianval": branch_data.medianval,
# branch outline
p.multi_line("xs", "ys", color="black", line_width=14, source=branch_cds)
# branch color
palette = shadow_price_pallette[-5:]
mapper = linear_cmap(field_name="medianval", palette=palette, low=0, high=2000)
p.multi_line("xs", "ys", color=mapper, line_width=9, source=branch_cds)
# Add legends
bus_legend = _construct_bus_legend(lmp_split_points)
branch_legend = ColorBar(
location=(0, 0),
title="SP ($/MWh)",
p.add_layout(branch_legend, "right")
return row(bus_legend, p)
def _construct_bus_legend(lmp_split_points):
"""Construct the legend for lmp at each bus
:param list/tuple/set/numpy.array lmp_split_points: lmp values chosen to split
the bus data
:return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure*) -- the legend showing lmp for each bus
x_range = [""]
bars, bar_len_sum, labels = _get_bus_legend_bars_and_labels(lmp_split_points)
# Make legend
p = figure(
color=shadow_price_pallette[: len(bars)],
source={**{"x_range": [""]}, **bars},
p.y_range.start = -1
p.x_range.range_padding = 0.1
p.xgrid.grid_line_color = None
p.axis.minor_tick_line_color = None
p.outline_line_color = None
p.yaxis.ticker = [*labels]
p.yaxis.major_label_overrides = labels
y=[bar_len_sum * 1.01],
text=["LMP ($/MWh)"],
return p
def _get_bus_legend_bars_and_labels(lmp_split_points):
"""Get the bar lengths and labels for the bus legend
:param list/tuple/set/numpy.array lmp_split_points: lmp values chosen to split
the bus data
:return: (*tuple*) -- bar lengths and labels for the bus legend
bars = {}
bar_length_sum = 0
labels = {} # { y-position: label_text, ... }
for i, (p, c) in enumerate(zip(lmp_split_points, lmp_split_points[1:])):
bar_length = max(1, min(5, c - p))
bars[str(i)] = [bar_length]
labels[bar_length_sum] = str(p)
bar_length_sum += bar_length
labels[bar_length_sum] = str(c)
return bars, bar_length_sum, labels