Source code for postreise.plot.plot_lmp_map

# This plotting module has a corresponding demo notebook in
#   PostREISE/postreise/plot/demo: lmp_map_demo.ipynb

from bokeh.models import (
from bokeh.palettes import Turbo256
from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm
from powersimdata.scenario.check import _check_scenario_is_in_analyze_state

from postreise.plot.canvas import create_map_canvas
from postreise.plot.check import _check_func_kwargs
from postreise.plot.plot_states import add_state_borders
from postreise.plot.projection_helpers import project_bus

[docs]def map_lmp( scenario, coordinate_rounding=1, lmp_min=20, lmp_max=45, num_ticks=6, figsize=(1400, 800), scale_factor=1, state_borders_kwargs=None, ): """Plot average LMP at bus level. :param powersimdata.scenario,scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance.. :param int coordinate_rounding: number of digits to round lat/lon for aggregation. :param int lmp_min: minimum LMP to clamp plot range to. :param int lmp_max: maximum LMP to clamp plot range to. :param int num_ticks: number of ticks to display on the color bar. :param tuple figsize: size of the bokeh figure (in pixels). :param int/float scale_factor: scaling factor for size of circles centered on buses. :param dict state_borders_kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`postreise.plot.plot_states.add_state_borders`. :return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure*) -- LMP map. :raises TypeError: if ``coordinate_rounding`` is not ``int``. if ``lmp_min`` and ``lmp_max`` are not ``int``. if ``num_ticks`` is not ``int``. if ``scale_factor`` is not ``int`` or ``float``. :raises ValueError: if ``coordinate_rounding`` is not positive. if ``num_ticks`` is negative. if ``lmp_min`` or ``lmp_max`` is negative or ``lmp_min`` >= ``lmp_max``. if ``scale_factor`` is negative. """ _check_scenario_is_in_analyze_state(scenario) if not isinstance(coordinate_rounding, int): raise TypeError("coordinate_rounding must be an int") if coordinate_rounding < 0: raise ValueError("coordinate_rounding must be positive") if not isinstance(lmp_min, int): raise TypeError("lmp_min must be a int") if not isinstance(lmp_max, int): raise TypeError("lmp_max must be a int") if lmp_min >= lmp_max: raise ValueError("Must have lmp_min < lmp_max") if not isinstance(scale_factor, (int, float)): raise TypeError("scale_factor must be a int/float") if scale_factor < 0: raise ValueError("scale_factor must be positive") grid = scenario.get_grid() lmp = scenario.get_lmp() bus_with_lmp = grid.bus.copy() bus_with_lmp["lmp"] = lmp.mean() return add_lmp( bus_with_lmp, coordinate_rounding, lmp_min, lmp_max, num_ticks, figsize, scale_factor, state_borders_kwargs, )
[docs]def add_lmp( bus_with_lmp, coordinate_rounding, lmp_min, lmp_max, num_ticks, figsize, scale_factor, state_borders_kwargs, ): """Add LMP to canvas. :param list bus_with_lmp: bus data frame with LMP values. :param int coordinate_rounding: number of digits to round lat/lon for aggregation. :param str file_name: name for output png file. :param int lmp_min: minimum LMP to clamp plot range to. :param int lmp_max: maximum LMP to clamp plot range to. :param int num_ticks: number of ticks to display on the color bar. :param tuple figsize: size of the bokeh figure (in pixels). :param int/float scale_factor: scaling factor for size of circles centered on buses. :param dict state_borders_kwargs: keyword arguments to be passed to :func:`postreise.plot.plot_states.add_state_borders`. :return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure*) -- canvas with LMP.. """ # create canvas canvas = create_map_canvas(figsize=figsize) # add state borders default_state_borders_kwargs = { "line_color": "gray", "line_width": 2, "fill_alpha": 0, "background_map": False, } all_state_borders_kwargs = ( {**default_state_borders_kwargs, **state_borders_kwargs} if state_borders_kwargs is not None else default_state_borders_kwargs ) _check_func_kwargs( add_state_borders, set(all_state_borders_kwargs), "state_borders_kwargs" ) canvas = add_state_borders(canvas, **all_state_borders_kwargs) # aggregate buses by lat/lon grouped_bus = aggregate_bus_lmp(bus_with_lmp, coordinate_rounding) # assign color norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=range(lmp_min, lmp_max + 1), ncolors=256, clip=True) grouped_bus["col"] = norm(grouped_bus["lmp"]) grouped_bus["col"] = grouped_bus["col"].apply(lambda x: Turbo256[x]) grouped_bus_info = { "x": grouped_bus["x"], "y": grouped_bus["y"], "col": grouped_bus["col"], "lmp": grouped_bus["lmp"].round(2), } circle = "x", "y", color="col", size=2 * scale_factor, alpha=0.2, source=ColumnDataSource(grouped_bus_info), ) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("$/MWh", "@lmp{1.11}"), ], renderers=[circle], ) canvas.add_tools(hover) # Add color bar cm = LinearColorMapper(palette="Turbo256", low=norm.vmin, high=norm.vmax) cb = ColorBar( color_mapper=cm, ticker=BasicTicker(desired_num_ticks=num_ticks), title="$/MWh", title_standoff=8, orientation="vertical", location=(0, 0), ) canvas.add_layout(cb, "left") return canvas
[docs]def aggregate_bus_lmp(bus, coordinate_rounding): """Aggregate LMP for buses based on similar lat/lon coordinates. :param pandas.DataFrame bus: data frame containing 'lat', 'lon', 'lmp' columns. :param int coordinate_rounding: number of digits to round lat/lon for aggregation. :return: (*pandas.DataFrame*) -- aggregated data frame. """ bus_w_xy = project_bus(bus) bus_w_xy["lat"] = bus_w_xy["lat"].round(coordinate_rounding) bus_w_xy["lon"] = bus_w_xy["lon"].round(coordinate_rounding) aggregated = bus_w_xy.groupby(["lat", "lon"]).agg( {"lmp": "mean", "x": "mean", "y": "mean"} ) return aggregated