Source code for postreise.plot.plot_carbon_bar
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from powersimdata.scenario.check import _check_scenario_is_in_analyze_state
from powersimdata.scenario.scenario import Scenario
from postreise.analyze.generation.emissions import (
[docs]def plot_carbon_bar(*args, labels=None, labels_size=15, plot_show=True):
"""Make bar chart of carbon emissions by fuel type for n scenarios.
:param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario args: scenario instances.
:param list/tuple/set labels: labels on plot. Default to scenario id.
:param int labels_size: size of labels.
:param bool plot_show: whether to show the plot.
:raises ValueError:
if ``args`` are not scenario instances.
if ``labels`` has a different length than the number of passed scenarios.
:raises TypeError:
if ``labels`` is not an iterable.
if ``labels_size`` is not an int.
:return: (*tuple*) -- the figure elements that can be further modified.
if not all([isinstance(a, Scenario) for a in args]):
raise ValueError("all inputs must be Scenario objects")
if labels is not None and not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, set)):
raise TypeError("labels must be a list/tuple/set")
if labels is not None and len(args) != len(labels):
raise ValueError("labels must have same length as number of scenarios")
if not isinstance(labels_size, int):
raise TypeError("labels_size must be an int")
labels = tuple([["id"] for s in args]) if labels is None else tuple(labels)
carbon_val = {"coal": [], "ng": []}
for i, s in enumerate(args):
grid = s.get_grid()
carbon_by_bus = summarize_emissions_by_bus(generate_emissions_stats(s), grid)
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(14, len(labels)))
y_pos = np.arange(len(labels))
for a, f, c, t in zip(
[ax1, ax2],
["coal", "ng"],
["black", "purple"],
["Coal: CO$_2$ Emissions", "Natural Gas: CO$_2$ Emissions"],
a.barh(y_pos, carbon_val[f], align="center", alpha=0.25, color=c)
a.set_xlabel("Tons", fontsize=labels_size + 3)
a.set_title(t, y=1.04, fontsize=labels_size + 5)
a.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=labels_size)
plt.yticks(y_pos, labels)
if plot_show:
return ax1, ax2