Source code for postreise.plot.plot_capacity_map

# This plotting module has a corresponding demo notebook in
#   PostREISE/postreise/plot/demo:
import pandas as pd
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource, HoverTool
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
from powersimdata.scenario.check import _check_scenario_is_in_analyze_state

from postreise.plot.canvas import create_map_canvas
from postreise.plot.check import _check_func_kwargs
from postreise.plot.plot_states import add_state_borders
from postreise.plot.projection_helpers import project_bus

[docs]def map_plant_capacity( scenario, resources, figsize=(1400, 800), x_range=None, y_range=None, disaggregation=None, state_borders_kwargs=None, min_capacity=1, size_factor=1, alpha=0.5, legend_font_size=12, legend_location="bottom_right", ): """Make map of plant capacities, optionally disaggregated by new/existing. Area is proportional to capacity. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :param iterable resources: which types of resources to plot. :param tuple figsize: size of the bokeh figure (in pixels). :param tuple x_range: x range to zoom plot to (EPSG:3857). :param tuple y_range: y range to zoom plot to (EPSG:3857). :param str disaggregation: method used to disaggregate plants: if "new_vs_existing_plants": separates plants into added vs. existing. if None, no disaggregation. :param dict state_borders_kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to :func:`postreise.plot.plot_states.add_state_borders`. :param float/int min_capacity: minimum bus capacity (MW) for markers to be plotted. :param float/int size_factor: scale size of glyphs. :param float/int alpha: opacity of circles (between 0 and 1). :param int/float legend_font_size: font size for legend. :param str legend_location: location for legend. :return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure*) -- map with color-coded upgrades. """ _check_scenario_is_in_analyze_state(scenario) # create canvas canvas = create_map_canvas(figsize=figsize, x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range) # add state borders default_state_borders_kwargs = { "line_color": "gray", "line_width": 2, "fill_alpha": 0, "background_map": True, } all_state_borders_kwargs = ( {**default_state_borders_kwargs, **state_borders_kwargs} if state_borders_kwargs is not None else default_state_borders_kwargs ) _check_func_kwargs( add_state_borders, set(all_state_borders_kwargs), "state_borders_kwargs" ) canvas = add_state_borders(canvas, **all_state_borders_kwargs) # add plant capacity add_plant_capacity( canvas, scenario, resources, disaggregation, min_capacity, size_factor, alpha, ) canvas.legend.label_text_font_size = f"{legend_font_size}pt" canvas.legend.location = legend_location return canvas
[docs]def add_plant_capacity( canvas, scenario, resources, disaggregation=None, min_capacity=1, size_factor=1, alpha=0.5, ): """Adds renewables capacity to a plot. :param bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure canvas: canvas to plot capacities onto. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :param iterable resources: which types of resources to plot. :param tuple figsize: size of the bokeh figure (in pixels). :param tuple x_range: x range to zoom plot to (EPSG:3857). :param tuple y_range: y range to zoom plot to (EPSG:3857). :param str disaggregation: method used to disaggregate plants: if "new_vs_existing_plants": separates plants into added vs. existing. if None, no disaggregation. :param float/int min_capacity: minimum bus capacity (MW) for markers to be plotted. :param float/int size_factor: scale size of glyphs. :param float/int alpha: opacity of circles (between 0 and 1). :raises ValueError: if ``disaggregation`` is not 'new_vs_existing_plants' or None. :return: (*bokeh.plotting.figure.Figure*) -- map with color-coded upgrades. """ ct = scenario.get_ct() grid = scenario.get_grid() grid.plant["lat"] = grid.plant["lat"].round(3) grid.plant["lon"] = grid.plant["lon"].round(3) grid.plant = project_bus(grid.plant.query("type in @resources")) type_colors = grid.model_immutables.plants["type2color"] xy_capacity = {} if disaggregation is None: grouped_capacities = grid.plant.groupby(["x", "y", "type"]).sum().Pmax grouped_capacities = grouped_capacities.reset_index() xy_capacity["all"] = grouped_capacities.query("Pmax > 0") elif disaggregation == "new_vs_existing_plants": if "new_plant" in ct.keys(): num_new_plants = len(ct["new_plant"]) scaled_plants = grid.plant.iloc[:-num_new_plants] new_plants = grid.plant.iloc[-num_new_plants:] grouped_new_capacities = new_plants.groupby(["x", "y", "type"]).sum().Pmax grouped_new_capacities = grouped_new_capacities.reset_index() xy_capacity["new"] = grouped_new_capacities.query("Pmax > 0") else: scaled_plants = grid.plant new_plants = pd.DataFrame(columns=grid.plant.columns) xy_capacity["new"] = pd.DataFrame(columns=["x", "y", "type", "Pmax"]) grouped_capacities = scaled_plants.groupby(["x", "y", "type"]).sum().Pmax grouped_capacities = grouped_capacities.reset_index() xy_capacity["existing"] = grouped_capacities.query("Pmax > 0") else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown disaggregation method: {disaggregation}") # capacity circles renderers = [] for tranche, plants in xy_capacity.items(): for resource in sorted(resources): if disaggregation is None: legend_label = f"{resource} capacity" elif disaggregation == "new_vs_existing_plants": legend_label = f"{resource} capacity of {tranche} plants" if resource not in plants.type.unique(): print(f"no {resource} plants for grouping: {tranche}") continue matching_plants = plants.query("type == @resource") data = { "x": matching_plants["x"], "y": matching_plants["y"], "capacity": matching_plants["Pmax"], "radius": matching_plants["Pmax"] ** 0.5 * size_factor, } circle = "x", "y", color=mcolors.to_hex(type_colors[resource]), alpha=0.8, size="radius", source=ColumnDataSource(data), legend_label=legend_label, ) renderers.append(circle) hover = HoverTool( tooltips=[ ("Capacity (MW)", "@capacity"), ], renderers=renderers, ) canvas.add_tools(hover) return canvas