Scenario Framework ------------------ A scenario is defined by the following objects: - a **power grid**, an interconnected network delivering electricity from producers to load buses and consisting of: - thermal (coal, natural gas, etc.) and renewable generators (wind turbines, etc.) that produce electrical power - substations that change voltage levels (from high to low, or the reverse) - transmission lines that carry power from one place to the other (between two substations, between a substation and load bus, between a generator bus and a substation, etc.) - Both, high voltage AC and DC lines are used in our model - generator cost curve that specifies the cost as a function of power generated ($/ MWh) - These are determined by fuel cost and generator efficiency - **time series** for renewable generators and demand - These profiles are calculated in the `PreREISE `_ package - profile for the renewable generators consists of hourly power output - load profile gives the hourly demand (MW) in various load zones, which are geographic entities such as a state or a portion of a state - a **change table** used to alter the grid and profiles. To illustrate: - generators and transmission lines (AC and DC) capacity can be scaled up and down - storage units, generators and transmission lines can be added - some **simulation parameters** such as the start and end date along with the duration of the intervals The ``Scenario`` class handles the following tasks: - Build a scenario (**create** state) - Launch the scenario and extract the output data (**execute** state) - Retrieve the output data (**analyze** state) - Delete a scenario (**delete** state) - Move a scenario to a backup disk (**move** state) When a ``Scenario`` class is instantiated, its state is set either to **create**, **execute** or **analyze**. The initial state of the ``Scenario`` object is set in the constructor of the class. The ``Scenario`` class can be instantiated as follows: - no parameter will instantiate the `Scenario` class in the **create** state and a new scenario can then be built - a valid scenario identification number (``str`` or ``int``) or name (``str``) - Then: - if the scenario has been ran and its output data have been extracted, it will be in the **analyze** state - If the scenario has only been created or ran but not extracted, it will be in the **execute** state Note that instantiating a ``Scenario`` object with a string that doesn't match any existing scenarios identification number or name will result in a printout of the list of existing scenarios and their information. Creating a Scenario +++++++++++++++++++ A scenario can be created using few lines of code. This is illustrated below: .. code-block:: python from powersimdata import Scenario scenario = Scenario() # print name of Scenario object state print( # Start building a scenario scenario.set_grid(grid_model="usa_tamu", interconnect="Western") # set plan and scenario names scenario.set_name("test", "dummy") # set start date, end date and interval scenario.set_time("2016-08-01 00:00:00", "2016-08-31 23:00:00", "24H") # set demand profile version scenario.set_base_profile("demand", "vJan2021") # set hydro profile version scenario.set_base_profile("hydro", "vJan2021") # set solar profile version scenario.set_base_profile("solar", "vJan2021") # set wind profile version scenario.set_base_profile("wind", "vJan2021") # scale capacity of solar plants in WA and AZ by 5 and 2.5, respectively scenario.change_table.scale_plant_capacity( "solar", zone_name={"Washington": 5, "Arizona": 2.5}) # scale capacity of wind farms in OR and MT by 1.5 and 2, respectively scenario.change_table.scale_plant_capacity( "wind", zone_name={"Oregon": 1.5, "Montana Western": 2}) # scale capacity of branches in NV and WY by 2 scenario.change_table.scale_branch_capacity( zone_name={"Nevada": 2, "Wyoming": 2}) # add AC lines in NM and CO scenario.change_table.add_branch( [{"capacity": 200, "from_bus_id": 2053002, "to_bus_id": 2053303}, {"capacity": 150, "from_bus_id": 2060002, "to_bus_id": 2060046}]) # add DC line between CO and CA (Bay Area) scenario.change_table.add_dcline( [{"capacity": 2000, "from_bus_id": 2060771, "to_bus_id": 2021598}]) # add a solar plant in NV, a coal plant in ID and a natural gas plant in OR scenario.change_table.add_plant( [{"type": "solar", "bus_id": 2030454, "Pmax": 75}, {"type": "coal", "bus_id": 2074334, "Pmin": 25, "Pmax": 750, "c0": 1800, "c1": 30, "c2": 0.0025}, {"type": "ng", "bus_id": 2090018, "Pmax": 75, "c0": 900, "c1": 30, "c2": 0.0015}]) # add a new bus, and a new one-way DC line connected to this bus scenario.change_table.add_bus( [{"lat": 48, "lon": -125, "zone_id": 201, "baseKV": 138}]) scenario.change_table.add_dcline( [{"from_bus_id": 2090023, "to_bus_id": 2090024, "Pmin": 0, "Pmax": 200}]) # get grid used in scenario grid = scenario.get_grid() # get change table used to alter the base grid. ct = scenario.get_ct() It can be convenient to clear the change table when creating a scenario. Let's say for instance that a wrong scaling factor has been applied or a generator has been attached to the wrong bus. To do so, the ``clear`` method of the ``ChangeTable`` class can be used. There are also a couple of more advanced methods which can selectively scale branches based on the topology of the existing grid, or based on power flow results from a previous scenario. These can be called as: .. code-block:: python scenario.change_table.scale_renewable_stubs() or .. code-block:: python scenario.change_table.scale_congested_mesh_branches(ref_scenario) where ``ref_scenario`` is a ``Scenario`` object in **analyze** state. The final step is to run the ``create_scenario`` method: .. code-block:: python # review information scenario.print_scenario_info() # create scenario scenario.create_scenario() # print name of Scenario object state print( # print status of scenario scenario.print_scenario_status() Once the scenario is successfully created, a scenario id is printed on screen and the state of the `Scenario` object is switched to **execute**. printed on screen. Running the Scenario and Extracting Output Data +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It is possible to execute the scenario immediately right after it has been created. One can also create a new `Scenario` object. This is the option we follow here. The **execute** state accomplishes the three following tasks: - Prepare simulation inputs: the scaled profiles and the MAT-file enclosing all the information related to the electrical grid - Launch the simulation - Extract output data - This operation is performed once the simulation has finished running. .. code-block:: python from powersimdata import Scenario scenario = Scenario("dummy") # print scenario information scenario.print_scenario_info() # prepare simulation inputs scenario.prepare_simulation_input() # launch simulation process_run = scenario.launch_simulation() # Get simulation status scenario.print_scenario_status() Note that the status of the simulation can be accessed using the ``print_scenario_status`` method. As an optional parameter, the number of threads used to run the simulation can be specified using for example: .. code-block:: python process_run = scenario.launch_simulation(threads=8) Extracting data from the simulation engine outputs can be a memory intensive process. If there are resource constraints where the engine resides, it is possible to pause the data from being extracted using an optional parameter and then manually extracting the data at a suitable time: .. code-block:: python process_run = scenario.launch_simulation(extract_data=False) # Extract data process_extract = scenario.extract_simulation_output() Note that you will need to create a new ``Scenario`` object via the scenario id/name to access the output data. Retrieving Scenario Output Data +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ When the ``Scenario`` object is in the **analyze** state, the user can access various scenario information and data. The following code snippet lists the methods implemented to do so: .. code-block:: python from powersimdata import Scenario scenario = Scenario(600) # print name of Scenario object state print( # print scenario information scenario.print_scenario_info() # get change table ct = scenario.get_ct() # get grid grid = scenario.get_grid() # get demand profile demand = scenario.get_demand() # get hydro profile hydro = scenario.get_hydro() # get solar profile solar = scenario.get_solar() # get wind profile wind = scenario.get_wind() # get generation profile for generators pg = scenario.get_pg() # get generation profile for storage units (if present in scenario) pg_storage = scenario.get_storage_pg() # get energy state of charge of storage units (if present in scenario) e_storage = scenario.get_storage_e() # get power flow profile for AC lines pf_ac = scenario.get_pf() # get power flow profile for DC lines pf_dc = scenario.get_dcline_pf() # get locational marginal price profile for each bus lmp = scenario.get_lmp() # get congestion (upper power flow limit) profile for AC lines congu = scenario.get_congu() # get congestion (lower power flow limit) profile for AC lines congl = scenario.get_congl() # get time averaged congestion (lower and power flow limits) for AC lines avg_cong = scenario.get_averaged_cong() # get load shed profile for each load bus load_shed = scenario.get_load_shed() If generators or AC/DC lines have been scaled or added to the grid, and/or if the demand in one or multiple load zones has been scaled for this scenario then the change table will enclose these changes and the retrieved grid and profiles will be modified accordingly. Note that the analysis of the scenario using the output data is done in the `PostREISE `_ package. Deleting a Scenario +++++++++++++++++++ A scenario can be deleted. All the input and output files as well as any entries in monitoring files will be removed. The **delete** state is only accessible from the **analyze** state. .. code-block::python from powersimdata import Scenario from powersimdata.scenario.delete import Delete scenario = Scenario("dummy") # print name of Scenario object state print( # print list of accessible states print(scenario.state.allowed) # switch state scenario.change(Delete) # print name of Scenario object state print( # delete scenario scenario.delete_scenario() Moving a Scenario to Backup disk ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A scenario can be move to a backup disk. The **move** state is only accessible from the **analyze** state. The functionality is illustrated below: .. code-block:: python from powersimdata import Scenario from powersimdata.scenario.move import Move scenario = Scenario("dummy") # print name of Scenario object state print( # print list of accessible states print(scenario.state.allowed) # switch state scenario.change(Move) # print name of Scenario object state print( # move scenario scenario.move_scenario()